As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed every minute detail of this transcript to uncover any clues that could lead to solving this heinous crime. Based on the evidence presented, it is evident that the perpetrator meticulously planned this robbery, displaying a high level of sophistication. The suspect’s carefully orchestrated actions and attention to detail suggest they may have had prior experience in committing similar crimes.

Additionally, it is important to note that the crime scene was meticulously cleaned, leaving no trace of evidence behind. This level of precision indicates that the perpetrator was meticulous in covering their tracks and potentially had insider knowledge of law enforcement procedures.

Furthermore, the specific modus operandi used in this crime aligns with patterns observed in previous heists conducted by a notorious criminal organization known for their meticulous planning and execution. This suggests that the suspect may have ties to this criminal syndicate.

In conclusion, the meticulous nature of the crime and the attention to detail displayed by the perpetrator indicate a high level of sophistication and strategic thinking. As a dedicated crime investigator, I will continue to analyze every detail of this case to ultimately bring the perpetrator to justice.


41 Comments to “Dad Drives His 15 Yr Old Son to Kill Four Teens at Gas Station in Garland Texas | Killer Walks Free?”

  • @annieelise

    YouTube flagged this video as well SMH. Just trying to shine some light on the broken system but apparently, they don't like that.. it is so annoying. Thank you guys for joining today. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and comments below- I love hearing from you guys! xx, Annie

  • @mycahgoss2499

    This happened up the street from my house!!!! I’m from Garland! They are hiding his ass in Mexico, they will never find him

  • @kimkat17

    As an Oklahoman, I can confirm that nothing good comes out of Texas 😊

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    Maybe the get away driver person was on his third strike. And for whatever reason they detain these people regardless of the crimes they have committed. And the person that has done the shooting has just done his first offence. !!!

  • @Mrsp166x

    My husband thinks I’m crazy bc I’m watching/ listening and saying exactly what you say and I shout “red flag” he’s like “who are you talking too” 😅

  • @sunshine_plz35

    Why does it say dad?

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @karenlemke8162

    Looks pretty simple?!

  • @superren8107

    I just read an update. They mistakingly arrested the wrong kid and the son of the driver who’s now been convicted of Capital Murder is still on the run.

  • @meg5450

    Sadly they are still looking for Abel ( THE SON) , the dad ( Gabriel) is convicted with the murders. He showed no emotion until he took the stand and the defense was attacking him, and his true colors started to show. When the dad was on trial their no mention of a 3rd person. Abel was the shooter, and he was not impaired or anything. I have the trial saved if anyone wants to see it. Some info is not correct.

  • @missbabbett9086

    It's pretty cut and dry video really says it all the shooting that is. What is going on in the department over there? 🤔😣

  • @charlenecampeau947

    Your absolutely not going crazy! I saw it with my own eyes. It's horrible

  • @jenniferb9506

    Maybe, hear me out, maybe he didn't have gun shot residue on his hands?

  • @crystalarchibald8625

    I just wanted to say thank you. The information that you give is very detailed and unfortunately we are in a world of offended people all of a sudden. The world is full of a bunch of cowards, offended murderers, law enforcement has a lot to do with what's going on. Anybody in their right mind could watch that video you shared and see exactly what you saw, the truth, a kid murdered people and once again the law lets us down. But I did five years in prison for selling pot it just makes me want to cry. I watch every video that you share and I appreciate your time and your genuine care 💙

  • @ItIsWhatItIs8120

    Yeah the kids probably related to a cop!

  • @sandrabelue5716

    There is 2 poeple shooting looks like why he is leaning down looks like someone by the car's shooting then the boy shoots

  • @Andrew-qb8eh

    Cops are searching for kid 5 months with no success

  • @lbo6050

    The boy absolutely fired this gun. This is tragic from every angle.

  • @ninachkah13

    I get so worked up when true crime videos, esp respectful and informative ones like this get demonitized… meanwhile there are "artists" like Megan The Stallion, nearly nude, shaking her T&A and "singing" filthy sexual lyrics with no issues. Or street gangs rapping abt murder n selling drugs and kids have access to ALL this trash smh

  • @brycenle

    The reason they didn’t charge the boy is you can’t see his face. The information that’s coming out is that they do believe a teenager is the shooter but not the one that was arrested. They need to ensure 100% they always arrest the right person, but most definitely if you’re going to end up taking the life away(life in prison) of a minor! So I agree with the police in erring on the side of fairness to ensure they have the right boy prior to filing formal charges. Because if the other teenager was in the truck but didn’t shoot anybody and wasn’t the driver, he’s a witness and not a suspect in the eyes of the law.

  • @brookeash7675

    I’m from 20 mins away garland. I will definitely be keeping track of this case.

  • @salteadog33

    I’ve heard of cases when a kid goes too far during an altercation or with “payback” bc at home an abusive adult would punish them for “not winning a fight”.

  • @tnbdynomite1988

    The reason the Police aren't saying some things is because they are making sure they have enough and all of the evidence to make the charges stick and he doesn't get off on a "technicality" and they are probably wanting to charge him as an adult, that way he won't get out when he turns 18. They are most likely wanting to get him put away for life, a real life sentence without the possibility of parole. That's what the little punk deserves and his daddy needs to go down with him. In different prisons tho! They are both useless feeders and should be locked away with the bare minimals to keep them alive. Little food, water and nothing else, no health care, and in a cell 24/7 that keeps the lights on the entire time! If I could sentence them, I'd put them on an island far far away from civilization where they had to struggle for what they eat, drink, and need for shelter.

  • @stephanieflores277

    Is there an update to the case

  • @mirnacantu5797

    I see it too girl, You could even see the bullets coming out.

  • @omegaproductsllc

    His dads a judge or mayor senator

  • @jmc8459

    I live 5 minutes from Garland !!!

  • @ravenrisby

    This is a man shooting not a boy

  • @ashleypearson3846

    I love your subscribers. I looked in the comments and got all the answers I wanted lol 😄💜

  • @ashleypearson3846

    Any updates lately??????

  • @sherrialford6038

    OMG. WTH, is going on here? It clearly shows the kid shooting the gun. Where is the third person?
    Something is going on in the police department.


    Oh whoa how horribly horribly though dear!! 👦🏾👦🏾

  • @danamelton1738

    I hadn't heard a out this. Annie is always bringing us all the details! This is insane! I cant imagine even if this 14 year old did have info, that they would just release him. Also seeing that the victims are all around the age of the 14 year old shooter, it's likely he knew them especially it being mentioned that there may have been a previous altercation. I cant imagine the 33 year old would have any reason to have an altercation with 14-17 year olds but the 14 year old could have.

  • @sicilianmina6031

    I have 13 and 14 year old boys. They are my soul. We still play together and laugh so hard together. We talk about EVERYTHING. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS???????

  • @atywood

    Yo! Yes that was clear but I commented to say YouTube added a box when I clicked on the video saying the footage was GRAPHIC AND TO BACK OUT so I had to click proceed anyway… what’s happened??? With all the horrible things I trip over online spying on my kids intake this is nothing more than what would be shown on the evening news…

  • @ElsieWasHere_

    I have lived in the Dfw metroplex my entire life and i think the cops don’t think that they can prove with that footage that it’s actually the son, With the mask and hat and no tattoos it could be 100s of male brown skinned teenagers across the metroplex. I think the dad is taking the wrap for the son and the son is gone to Mexico. They don’t have a good case against the kid and they maybe messed up by releasing him early so they are trying to cover themselves and give the family some closure with the conviction they have and they are sure of.

  • @amyf2329

    That’s a boy can’t tell me any different.

  • @deniserichmond5587

    No I see it just like you do…maybe he is flipping on gang members

  • @crystalroebuck6886

    Did they test his hands for gun residue and wouldn’t that be the first thing they did js

  • @stalks1413

    We are told constantly your eye's are wrong! Welcome to 2022.

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