Dark History: Josef Mengele: The Angel Of Death

Uncovering the dark history of Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death – delve into the meticulous investigation of one of the most notorious war criminals in history. Responsible for inhumane medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz, Mengele’s heinous actions haunt the annals of true crime. His elusive escape from justice and the chilling details of his atrocities make this case a gripping study in criminal psychology and international manhunt.


30 Comments to “Dark History: Josef Mengele: The Angel Of Death”

  • @marcosdecano1191

    Hmmmmm! You can pass as a female Dr.

  • @lisanee

    men deciding who's fit to live and who isn't when they have little to no involvement in the process of creating and giving birth to a life? damn, who would've thought, where i've seen this before.

    on a more serious note, this was a nauseating read. i'm Russian, so we obviously hold WW2 in high regard here, so, double nauseating read. i can't imagine how draining it must've been for you to research this topic. thank you for your efforts, Stephanie.

  • @AboveTheClouts

    All these Party's and it seems like no one's having any fun…

  • @spiritrealmgaming588

    My great grandfather was a captain in the SS and met the doctor

  • @MadeleineLJNorman

    Later to the show but this is so good!!

  • @boydsinclair4166

    Queen Victoria was EVERYONES grandma.
    It’s why we’re all werewolves 🐺

  • @shaunaharrelle8655

    Kellogg is hypocrite for being all into human health while his cereal is full of cancer causing chemicals 😂

  • @cynthiaboras9775

    How about covering the Tuskegee study in the USA after WW 2? Funded by the government done on human test subjects (mainly of African American origin infecting them with Syphilis) without their knowledge. I handed in a thesis paper of 60 pages doc on unethical medical testing in the USA back in the days at uni. Tuskegee is just one example of many. They conducted experiments on orphans, mentally ill people or prisoners. Very disturbing as well.
    I liked how you included the origins of Eugenics and other players involved. That is something many people don´t know about or don´t want to know about.

  • @CinnamonGal97

    I swear if you were my history teacher in high school I would have gotten the best grade in the subject 😭❤

  • @laurad8035

    Anyone else see the parallels between the US-forced sterilization of “undesirables” in the early 1900s under the heading of Eugenics, to the state and federally mandated/protected self-affirming care (pharmaceutical and surgical sterilization) of children/individuals with body/mental dysmorphia almost exactly 100 years later?

    Most of these people are not born to wealth, power, and privilege…. Just saying.

  • @colorsflight6432

    By Americans you mean American progressives. They always the ones jumping on the make society better ideologies that do so much damage. They are also responsible for the native schools in Can and US. They are the most dangerous people like Malcolm X said.

  • @shannonchambers2908

    Hitler's mother was very sick before he came into power. His mother's doctor was a Jewish doctor. She died under his care. That just threw gasoline on the fire to his hatred to Jews. I had a resident that is German. He served in WWII on the US side as a interpreter and spy. Let me tell you he has told me stories. Musalini was just as crazy as Hitler and Stalin was not a good guy. Stalin was bat shit crazy.

  • @carterlearned8796

    I got an antisemetic pragerU ad on this video…

  • @evelinajonson5340

    Nazi names? They were germans !

  • @stephanharteneck2525

    I visit Günzburg regularly for work… I noticed several lawyers and Dr.s had the Last Name Mengele. I didnt know they were related to "that" mengele

  • @errrkt

    "we are socialists"….socialists that put socialists in concentration camps. o_O

  • @errrkt

    as a trans girl i make it a point to learn as much as i possibly can about the Nazis and the holocaust. what we know as LGBT today were also victims of the holocaust. There was one big difference though, once freed from the camps by allied forces our survivors were taken straight to prison because it was illegal to be gay. The party burned all of the research that was done in Weimar. It was by far the leading work done on the planet wrt sex and gender research.

  • @kinmac1792


  • @Witch_Bitch86

    Is it weird to wear a birthstone that isn't yours just becuz you like the stone? Lol I wear A LOT of emerald and opals and amethysts even tho my birthstone is sapphire lol

  • @origamipein18

    (hisses) Mengele! D:<

  • @aleisaetheridge8682

    Look at that picture of him closely ,he looks evil and I've never seen it before and thought maybe it wouldn't look that way when he was young but he looks evil as evil and as monstrous as he is ,he was born that way .

  • @Edmqueen

    i hv listened to all 3 and honestly, omg, please do one or several on ww1 and 2, or hitler, you could be a teacher !!!!!

  • @TheScarletAlchemist

    Every time I hear about a certain orange "politician", I think about this video. It's ridiculous how similar the story of Hitler is…

  • @Salty-cracker68

    Hitler was the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen

  • @williamcharles8628


  • @loribethartist6353

    Watching this in 2022, I see where Q Anon got their material 🫤

  • @vo7072

    The central banks are who are in control as of right now and played the role in all the wars and major events .. “Allegedly”.. All masons

  • @vo7072

    What they said about the bankers are facts

  • @Gigibaby88

    This is so….well there are really no words are there? I'm half Jewish on my father's side and part German on my mother's side. That's probably the reason I've always felt at war with myself 😕

  • @hollyaliyev6503

    A not as well known part of the eugenics and the Nuremberg laws was that there was a department Ahnenerbe that was suppose to help find Aryan lines, also Hitlers line was rewritten and extended because he couldn't even follow his own laws.

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