Dark History: Josef Mengele The Angel of Death PART TWO

Unraveling the Dark History: In Pursuit of Josef Mengele – The Notorious Angel of Death: PART TWO

As we delve deeper into the twisted mind of Josef Mengele, we uncover a trail of heinous experiments conducted on innocent victims at Auschwitz concentration camp. Mengele’s meticulous record-keeping and cold, calculated demeanor during his time as a Nazi doctor reveal the depths of his depravity. From his obsession with genetics to his ruthless pursuit of medical experimentation, Mengele’s reign of terror left a lasting mark on the world of forensic science and criminal investigation. As we piece together the puzzle of his atrocities, we come face to face with the chilling reality of his crimes and the haunting legacy he left behind.


30 Comments to “Dark History: Josef Mengele The Angel of Death PART TWO”

  • @MrRamezsultan

    If only west would defend the Palestines 🇵🇸 the same way that they talk about the holocaust instead of the VETO to protect the Israel’s that is saved for them.
    History won’t forget this but hopefully before it’s too late ⏰

  • @MrRamezsultan

    And yet the time turns and the Jews would do to the Palestines what was done to them 🤢🤬🤯🫡

  • @mamaseesa3122

    I know I'm late to the party here, but have you watched the docuseries Hunting Hitler?

  • @iambobfritz

    Exceptional scholarship, even better presentation. Her research surpasses historians in this area. Her mind is like glass on mercury.

  • @laurynholling2309

    Hey, if you guys like this, you should read the tattooist of Auschwitz’s. He met mengele. And the only reason that the holocaust memorial rejects this story as absolute fiction is because a young Jewish woman saved his life because she was the “girlfriend” of a general. Not an ss general. The memorial states there is no way any woman was ever raped by a German soldier because they were disgusted by these women. So no way. Not one rape. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 it honestly makes me incredibly mad to this day they reject any survivor story that includes rape. They’re like, that couldn’t have happened. They thought you were a rat. They won’t rape you. And the victims of these generals were sent to the gulags because they were “sympathizers”. These poor beautiful Jewish women were considered traders because other prisoners said they were a soldiers girl friend. As if they had a choice. You can actually tell which women were being raped because they didn’t have their heads shaved. …… because they had been given orders not to shave that girls head. And I wonder wtf for? To be kind? Ffs

  • @uberkloden

    The guy was protected by many governments after the war. Scary.

  • @kristinelizabeth2982

    Wow. Certain governments are using these tactics today to persecute political opposition and are discussing re-education camps for anyone too much in favor of classic America. Most will ignore til it shows up at their door.

  • @nancystampphoenix3109

    Another Dr. was Hans Asperger of Nazi Vienna. He was involved in the study and "euthanasia" of children with Autism. Because of his assessment criteria, his last name has been used for decades to define "high functioning Autism", Asperger's. Now there's a strong movement to STOP using that term, and move simply to calling it Autism Spectrum Disorder, which can be diagnosed with different levels. I myself am level 2, meaning I require some assistance at times. Level 1 is fully independent, and level 3 required a great deal of assistance with activities of daily living.

  • @michaelb8957

    One of the biggest dissapointments after the war was this Dr. escaped justice. This pure evil monster did unspeakable things to people in the name of science, just like they still do animal experiments on dogs and cats, etc. in the name of science in this country, that's BS. I believe this country could have done more to apprehend him after the war. From what I read he lived in constant fear of being captured until he died of a heart attack. Everyone knows of Hitler, but not this guy who did the dirty work personally face to face, just pure evil.

  • @randyosmond9840

    I read the findings of the experiments were never used in future studies. Due to being a war crime.

  • @annielaing2641

    Yes please do a 3rd video

  • @michhaynes7272

    This is even worse then I thought and this guy is definitely as evil as is possible and personally I think born that way.

  • @michhaynes7272

    That is so cool I wish I had that eye colour, mine is boring blue or green those colour eye are so beautiful.

  • @mizubiart6230

    Great video, good work! But,a little correction: the survivors statements are true, but no dye was being injected, and certainly not to change eye colour. In reality, not making the situation any better, it was believed that adrenaline had some kind of role in determining eye colour. I have no idea how , but anyway, people were having adrenaline injected in their eyes to see what happens.. this was something not Mengele came up with but the scientific community at large was speculating about, as with many other things. In reality, little is known of the purpose of these experiments, and most of the testimonies are lacking (because people died).

  • @__thelastpoet

    im just gonna say it that man is so unattractive on a base level what was he being compared to seriously.

  • @michaelblack1010

    my great great uncle was an officer auschwitz and knew joseph my uncle was sentenced to prison for his war crimes well deserved my great grand mother wentto visit him when i was in high school before he died and he said he had no regrets for the atrositys he participated. in

  • @nreynoldspaint2011

    Yes, I want a third part even if it's years later!!

  • @jerryladd6582

    I’m pretty new to your channel and I love this series! I hope you have more like this. You do an amazing job at telling a complete story/ history and it is very enjoyable.

  • @shannonminnig4674

    I've been to Dachau. I bawled. Most sobering experience of my life.

  • @critical-goat363

    As heartbreaking as this entire story is, I genuinely wept as she described the parents staying awake to spend their last available moments with their children, knowing what was in store for them.

  • @origamipein18

    (hisses at Mengele)

  • @aleisaetheridge8682

    My Granddaughter just read The Diary of Anne Frank not to long ago and didn't know anything about what happen in this horror story that was real and I had a hard time telling her and getting across to her how important it was for Her to know about it ,everyone should know about it .Thank U for always making sure We know about the victims ,all victims .My Daughter asked me how I can watch true crime and to hear all the horror that's in the world r was in the world .I had no trouble answering that question ,We should know ,We should remember them and they deserve their story to be told and for Us to know about them .

  • @sevdagocurucu3030

    Önce Fisdinde kadletdiğiniz çoluk lara kadınlara bakın topraklarını işgal eddiniz siyonisd terorisdler

  • @sevdagocurucu3030

    Fisdinde 71yıldır yıldır kadın çocuk öldüren katil siyonisd yahudiler Dr Josef Mengele ye ifdira ediyor Mengele kimseyi öldürmedi Masum yahudiler bu yalanla dolanla Almanyayı işgal eddi kontrol altında tutuyor maddi olarak yasalarla Almanların ellerini yalanla bağladı kimse konuşamıyor dilleri mühürlendi tıpkı atatük koruma ksnunugib buda yahudi aklı birlikde kurdular ya israili. Katil işgalci yahudiler 1947den sonra müslümanları kadlediyor topraklarını işgal ediyor Katil siyonis yahudiler. DR JOSEF MENGELE MASUMDUR söylenenler YALAN İFDİRA MENGELE MASUM

  • @Iambush78

    I wonder if Roulph is Fouci???? If so he is doing his daddy proud

  • @Iambush78

    Interesting he would kill the mothers, you would think he would study them as they birthed the twins.

  • @michelhuard5080

    Mengele eventually made his way to Brazil. He eventually died by drowning while swimming.

  • @bobbiewood8671

    I knew Alot about Josef and history and you still told me stuff I didn't know.

  • @loribethartist6353

    Everyone needs to be educated on how the Nazis got started- much of the Q anon conspiracies are mirroring them.

  • @sleepinglabradors

    I’m 2 years late on participating in the vote to make a part 3 but it didn’t stop me at the end screaming “yes to more parts, you can’t leave me on a cliff hanger”!!! I haven’t come across another channel that does it like Stephanie, her work is impeccable.

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