Dark History: Typhoid Mary- Victim or Villain?

Uncovering the Dark History of Typhoid Mary: Investigating the Enigmatic Figure as a Victim or Villain in the Spread of Typhoid Fever. Delving into the chilling details of Mary Mallon’s case, the infamous cook who unknowingly infected numerous people with the deadly disease, sparking a public health crisis. Unraveling the mystery of her role in the epidemic and the ethical implications of her actions.


33 Comments to “Dark History: Typhoid Mary- Victim or Villain?”

  • @karencooper3428

    I will come for you on the vaccination ting, people should make considered choices on vaccines, including if they have their kids done. If you research, not just follow what you're told, and you still want your kids jabbed, go for it, I would support any educated decision, too many, however, are sheep

  • @boudecia22

    It doesn't really matter if she's victim or villain. Tjose who got sick and died absolutely WERE victims. These days if you are HIV positive and have unprotected sex and infect anyone else, it's a crime.

    So whilst she didn't know, once she was told – not once but 3 times, and you know everywhere you worked ppl got sick, then you are culpable.

    Those family members of those who died, I doubt would consider her a victim.

  • @Noitartst

    Sometimes, Stephanie, I find you not as even-handed as you should, but this time, you were GREAT.

  • @Zammiey

    I feel like if I was trying to help Mary, I would explain that every time she came to a household, she brought typhoid with her. I would explain, she could continue cooking as long as she only cooked foods that can be cooked.

  • @simonewhelan2051

    ❤its been 4 years, almost to the day since covid.. and I remember the news and retrenchment from work like it was yesterday 🥺.

    Thank you for all you've done for us, for pushing through the tough times and having to deal with your own stress, but you gave us amazing content all the way❤

  • @aprilarlidge2807

    She was a victim. If they did more explaining to her instead of just saying "Let us cut you open and remove something." Um – no. I want proof.
    They never seemed to tell her that she could be a healthier carrier and explain it. She was not stupid.

  • @Boing2699

    To be fair I wouldn’t trust any of these doctors either if I’d been treated like this

  • @angietreiner-williams

    Oh my goodness! I have been binging your viedeos and I am really impressed with your research. Typhoid Mary has always intrigued my curiosity, so when i saw you had a video on her, I was so excited. Keep up the good work and I look forward to watching more.

  • @KaySutcliff-Michaelis

    I think she was a victim. It's very easy to think "oh, she went back to cooking knowingly, she's a murderer" until you are the one who gets their life destroyed by these people who at the end were more interested in getting the scoop than in saving lives. You can tell from the beginning she was SO DONE with the doctors chasing after her and insulting her (to her face or not), and being Irish maybe she thought this was just a new excuse to mistreat her. As other people have mentioned in the comments, all her employers talk wonders of her, so her behaviour towards the doctors makes it look like she knew things would be bad for her whether she cooperated or not. If I were in her position I would think these people wanted to kill me too! They were already experimenting on her while alive, what would stop them when they thought of killing her to experiment some more with her organs?

    I think if they had approached her correctly since day 1 and if they had put more effort into not ruining her life and imprisoning her (idk, hire her to create menus and oversee the kitchens in the island, you get her expertise and great recipes without her touching the food, she still gets to have a good salary and feel like she is doing something) she would have been eager to help.

  • @andersonbarnett4245

    We don't know Mary's past or why she left Ireland so young, but it's a reasonable assumption that either something traumatic happened that marked her reputation or her family was very impoverished and she left in pursuit of a better life. If the latter, she would not have had the necessary education and logic skills to think through being the common link between illnesses. More likely she would've thought she was cursed or some other supernatural explanation.
    Given her dramatic and almost childlike reaction to authorities, it's possible that she either had some learning disabilities or a traumatic experience with authority figures. Rather than seeing a woman "behaving like a caged animal", did it not occur to anyone that her behaviors were a clear indication of her level of fear and what she must imagine they'd do to her. Adults don't hide under houses from police without some prior experience that creates fear. Who knows what happened in her young life that created that. Sounds like a ptsd related over reaction. Yes she was wrong for not recognizing the danger to others but given her fear of authorities, it's more likely she thought that they were lying rather than she didn't care about making others ill.

  • @steventate9276

    When you said she gave them so many problems they decided to let her go that reminds me of a film called "Brawnson" he was the most expensive inmate in the history of the U.K. he Faught so many guards and caused so many riots they put him in an institution then he caused so many they declared him sane, and they let him go. then a week later he went back to prison.

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    Those young, Healthy idiots going on spring break in Miami were doing the best thing possible lol Gaining Natural Immunity.

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    I've never heard anyone say 'documentary' like you do.. is it common for your area?

  • @boydsinclair7606

    "Specialised Vaccinated Sanitation Police Squad"
    Is a TV show I would enjoy ❤

  • @boydsinclair7606

    Five foot six? 😐
    Yes, monster of a woman

  • @brookewarford6784

    She was singled out because she was a cook for the wealthy. The wealthy people she worked for or perhaps acquaintances of the people she worked for most certainly covertly made the case for her to be locked up indefinitely. Had this doctor that traced the cases back to her not been searching for fame I am certain that she would not have been locked up in the way that she was rather she would have been released with an alias and left alone. Wealthy people have more power than we give credit for, they're well acquainted with people in government positions and can easily offer up money to have those people do their bidding. Mary's rights should never have been overlooked but were because the state was afraid of bad publicity.

    With hindsight being 20/20 this is exceptionally easier to see post covid after witnessing the lengths the governments around the world have gone to in order to keep up with the "status quo" despite having no scientific evidence to back up their claims (masking, vaccines, staying home, etc.)

    Post covid the information has been released that the vaccines are legitimately dangerous. Many people including children have committed suicide, lost their jobs, lost their social outlets and we are living in a very angry and polorized world.

    I hope more people come to recognize Mary's story and that it is forever remembered as an injustice to humanity.

    Public health should never be the responsibility of the state but rather the individuals. Individuals should hold the right to discriminate against people who are susceptible to infecting their families, individuals who are concerned about being infected should take appropriate measures on their own so as not to become infected, join a commune with people of a similar mind set if you must but the individual rights and freedoms of a single person should never be stripped away by the state or else we end up in a very scary world which resembles that of the holocaust. Where any single person or group of people may be singled out and held against their will at the will of the state.

  • @vivaisabella

    I am firmly on Mary's side, even having lived through the covid-19 pandemic it's one thing to be wilfully ignorant today, ESPECIALLY during covid: ant-vaxxers, anti-maskers, people who didn't respect lock downs or even social distancing and basic hygiene when even in the early days of the pandemic near everyone understands how disease is passed along, but that wasn't the case when Mary was alive. Knowing how little Mary would have understood about disease as someone born in the Victorian era, and therefor knowing she would have known nothing about germs, AND the fact that the board of health knew of other healthy carriers in NYC whom they did not target at all in the manner they did Mary, nor did the media hound them the way they did Mary I firmly believe she was a victim. I wouldn't have wanted to undergo surgery before the invention of penicillin, and a widespread proper understanding about germ theory, even if avoiding surgery might've risked my life. I get public safety is imperative, I get she didn't follow the rules given to her, but can anyone blame her when she understood and trusted so little? Poor Mary.

  • @untamedblossoms

    People weren’t getting vaccinated that much. Plus Mary was cooking for wealthy people at first. It was a combination of prejudice, stubbornness and pride on both sides

  • @haileyranson8255

    I feel like she's both victim and villain. Victim for how she was treated initially; she likely acted the way she did not out of malice but fear, which was proven to be reasonable!

    But when she was finally proven to be the carrier and given a relatively simple solution and then went on to disregard everyone's safety, she became a villain. Although even then I fully understand why she'd be sceptical and terrified of these doctors. I think they messed her up so much.

  • @michelleboone6081

    I started watching you not too long ago. I absolutely love your channel. A lot of the older videos are popping up, and I really enjoy watching the older ones and the newer ones.

  • @moonshawty34

    $45 in 1906 is equivalent to $1500 in 2023

  • @kittykitty8895

    I just found this video, I realize I’m late , but the lock down was to break us down, oh and boy did they , but if you knew everything you would absolutely flip out , Biden and his goofy club , they are going to try it again, so don’t fall for it , they are propping up dead people to keep seats filled up and taking their hand and voting for the devils side , we are fighting the devil, can y’all see it ? I’m going to say this and pray yall get the message….
    Listen for the TRUMPET 🎺, it’s coming around soon… please go with that group, it’s going to be pure bliss, it’s going to be peaceful, we gotta stomp out the devil, thank you for doing your job, you help teach us about just how much the devil is around, so you’re journey is so great, keep going… listen for the TRUMPET ❤️🐱😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

  • @r-l1214

    Watching this in 2023, and remembering what seems like a million years ago. So many parallels between the story and the times during which you filmed this. Irrational behavior justified by “mistrust” of any governmental body, and self-interest fueling blatant disregard for other people. She had options. She didn’t want any of them. She wanted to do whatever SHE wanted to do, period. Smdh. This kind of behavior isn’t new, or a sign of any particular time. Sadly, it’s always been true that just about half the human population just kind of sucks at any given moment. It probably always will be.

  • @CNCW

    You're very sympathetic to her. She literally wouldn't let them explain and then she acted like a maniac physically fighting after they had no choice but to take her. She went back to cooking and ran away when people got sick. Willful ignorance is malicious.

    I'd say I have 25/75 sympathy to disdain, personally.

  • @mikaplaysgames310

    Soooo Mary refused to take appropriate medical precautions because she cared more about her own delusions than other people? How very 2020s 🙄 Don’t feel sorry for her at all

  • @snackbarqueen

    In my opinion Mary was a victim until she knowingly infected people. Now i was not there, i didn't know her so i can't personally speak to whether or not she suspected she was a carrier before she was forceably taken into custody the first time BUT to KNOWINGLY put people's health at risk, when it's been proven with medical test that you are the carrier and YOU STILL go and get a job cooking, well i have no sympathy for you anymore and you deserve to be isolated from everyone….i wish she would have just cooperated with the doctors and gotten gallbladder surgery 🫤 i myself am Irish so i understand the unmovable stubbornness but i would never want to be the reason someone gets sick or dies….just a sad case 💔

  • @snackbarqueen

    Im with you Stephanie, im glad i was not alive and a grown woman in 1906, i would have been considered a " danger " cause i like to cuss and I'm definitely not a petite little quiet, don't speak unless spoken to person lol

  • @emilyyang2229

    also americans: locking up a woman for her whole life for UNKNOWINGLY spreading a disease is okay (when there is a vaccine)

  • @sharlagrant5929

    You are so awesome. I feel your frustration when you talking about certain subjects.

  • @tootsie007

    The last 8 mins of this video didn't age well, eh? Now we KNOW what it looks like when the gov't oversteps. Let's all pray we never allow it to happen again.

  • @giafogg7182

    Typhoid Mary. Hmmm…more like Stubborn Mary. She certainly dug her heels in. Frankly, I kinda dig the idea of the little cottage on the water with a little doggo. 😊 Sooo informative! Great job. ❤

  • @DannyWallsPratt

    You're wearing WAY too much clothing to be that fine!

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