In reviewing the transcript, it is evident that the suspect provided inconsistent and evasive answers to the questions posed by the investigating officers. This behavior is typical of individuals attempting to conceal information or deceive authorities, which aligns with the pattern observed in cases of financial fraud. Additionally, the suspect’s reluctance to provide a clear alibi for the night of the crime raises further suspicions regarding their possible involvement. As a meticulous crime investigator, it is crucial to delve deeper into the discrepancies present in the suspect’s statements and gather additional evidence to build a solid case against them.


43 Comments to “Debbie Collier Updates & Interviews. Officially Ruled Self Inflicted”

  • @annieelise

    This video was recorded prior to Debbie Collier's death being ruled self-inflicted by the medical examiner. Link to livestream update:

  • @rachelwestervelt1396

    Also now that's been released you hear them calling the police department and even the police department's like all of the checks are not in all I'll get something to call you back I don't know do you have any useful information to pass along will the victim is calling regarding their mother's death what do they need to have useful information to talk to a detective about I feel like these kids put a narrative out there and continuously changed it

  • @rachelwestervelt1396

    Before you even watching this the first few minutes before you start speaking everything you said I commented on another video the son was totally weird and I'm sorry who doesn't recognize their mother on camera then he goes on and on about how to detector was laughing at him then literally comes out and goes on tells people he doesn't want to be bothered with people that big people for help his daughter stated right away she has no mental issues no depression what woman commits suicide in literally is naked or has her shirt burned off this is statistics women do not want to be found naked a person like me who has survived two suicides my best friend of 25 years throwing himself in front of a train and my brother-in-law 18 years shooting himself in his mouth you literally suicides there's not anything that they tell people they just do it the notes my best friend Left behind were from three or four months before so we obviously was thinking about it he had lots and lots of methadone in his system the person that saw him throw himself in front of the train so I put his book bag down and then he just did it unfortunately but you don't go from crying hysterical on national TV it's almost giggling and laughing about all the gossip about your mother this whole case is just too much for me it doesn't make sense at the end of the day and why was she hanging on to a tree 🌲🌴 point being this happened in 2012 and 2013 with my best friend and my brother-in-law and I'm still not over it in 2024 they commit murder on themselves once and I have died millions of times since then I feel like they just put a narrative out there between the Sun the daughter of the crazy family the cops this whole case is just unsettling only 20 minutes and everything you're saying I've already written it's an absolute shame in this case

  • @KaylaRaylaRye

    I know I am a year late to this party BUT ANNIE, You are beautiful inside and out! Actually, you are stunning on the outside! I hate that she came for you that way and just shows how Classy you are by not acknowledging it and how childish she is for saying it to begin with 🤬🤬

  • @chrissygalindo2358

    The math ain't mathin' Annie!

  • @randyd0514

    You don't strip yourself naked and then set yourself on fire even if you were suicidal you would have been wearing clothes

  • @randyd0514

    There are multiple cases where females have set other females on fire. There was the one where are the girl actually kept pouring lighter fluid on the other girl after they drove around all night and there was definitely one more I apologize for not knowing the exact cases butt there are definitely more antisocial traits showing up in females more than ever before

  • @randyd0514

    I can't believe that girl who was attacking you on looks. She look like Hungry Hungry Hippo except instead of little marbles she's gobbling up crack rocks.

  • @randyd0514

    She is getting really good to the point where she is adding to her story and doubling down. I'll bet you during her sadness and crying she was cashing in that venmo every cent probably within the first few hours and Mom's body was still warm

  • @randyd0514

    She brought them sandwiches for lunch because they were crackheads I'm sorry meth heads. Six of one half a dozen of the other you might even cry after you murder your family member because you do love them you just love drugs and whatever you wanted at that moment more also this guy agreed to do an interview and then he starts wanting everything out I would definitely let a professional look at that video because I'll bet you there are things that you or I could not even notice actually I might because of my background in psychology but for real that's pretty sketchy

  • @lindamcauley4728

    You are a smart cookie ❤❤

  • @vivian_joan

    where can I find the video shown @16:10 ?

  • @natashab3412

    Several ppl that grew up w her/ her family. have posted. I wouldn't be so convinced by AB

  • @ericjohnson9431

    I can't imagine that someone would set themselves on fire

  • @addieperryman

    Annie really got called a dinosaur by a Whale. One time I got called “that’s the guy whose girlfriend looks like a boy” she didn’t know I was standing right there on the opposite register checking out. I said yea what about her cause that’s me. Y’all it went dead silent I could’ve went off called them whale bc 95% were 250+ lbs each one lady apologized for her she the only one I have respect for. I didn’t call them names like I could’ve I just said you’re disgusting and i hope your ashamed. Grow up it’s immature af. Good for Annie shows her character.

  • @addieperryman

    Annie really got called a dinosaur by a Whale. One time I got called “that’s the guy whose girlfriend looks like a boy” she didn’t know I was standing right there on the opposite register checking out. I said yea what about her cause that’s me. Y’all it went dead silent I could’ve went off called them whale bc 95% were 250+ lbs each one lady apologized for her she the only one I have respect for. I didn’t call them names like I could’ve I just said you’re disgusting and i hope your ashamed. Grow up it’s immature af. Good for Annie shows her character.

  • @lynnc5252

    She set herself on fire??

  • @emilygreen2865

    Amanda commenting on Annie's physical appearance is laughable considering what she looks like. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. It's reading guilty and defensive to physically comment on somebody during this time when your mother is deceased

  • @sumanmarks-johnson2488

    You don't look like a pterodactyl just in case you were terribly worried.

  • @meta0ne1

    This woman coming for elise and forgot to look in the mirror. Even worse with no reciepts to back up her fake news .she seemed to be wanting her 5 seconds of fame …real trashy.

  • @amandalove3951

    In the 911 call of Deborah's husband he clearly has some discrepancies as well makes no sense

  • @hectycyt1157

    in that interview she said she had not seen her mom on Friday then turns around and said she seen her mom crying on Friday?

  • @amberjohnston6673

    Who in the world sets themselves on fire? That is the most horrible way to die besides being buried alive so I still do not believe she did it to herself!

    I love you and your videos keep them coming! I am a fairly new 10 to lifer but I am going backwards down the rabbit hole of your videos!

  • @valeriemilward2027

    Im going watch what happened to the lady first , so il get a better understanding of case , but i will say you are a beautiful lady , love listening to you on 10 to life .

  • @roseannegagliardi7546

    I think “They are not going to let me go” referred to her own demons and she couldn’t take life any longer.

  • @da1youlove2hate

    NOPE, This Does Not Make any Sense, why would she be Half Naked? who set them self's on fire? why would she do it out there in the woods? she's got a house! Why sending $ and that specific amount? and not only that in the Message she said they are not going to let me go, Like daughter knew who she was with! My Version of this is, Daughter was in Trouble (Drug Related) she told her Mom the day Before what what's going on that's why there was commotion at their house, they Agree that Debbie was going to meet up with this "People" Things went Wrong And that's why she sent that Message, Daughter was crying like that Because she felt Guilty!! she knows who did this was opening Her mouth 1st but then stepped back and thought about it or got Threated by who did it and decide to go for the suicidal version of it. IMO she could of have call 911 if she had a phone with her! why not ? to keep Her Daughter Safe!! hello!! agree with you On daughter Being Involved not directly but retaliation for sure!! something her Daughter or Even Son Did! That can be Just a Distraction for the people who really Did this so they can Be comfortable and They can get Caught and Amanda has ben Told to say this in Public to help the catch the killers, IDK But this is NOT Suicide. 100 PERCENT MURDER, PERSONAL, REVANGE. TARGETED

  • @debbiecollier16

    Her daughter is lying! I don't think it was her in the dollar store either. I think it was Amanda impersonating her. This ladies photos don't match with her at home photos and work photos. I also think Amanda sent herself the money while impersonating her mother.

  • @teeplr-pd6nv

    I still feel Amanda is involved somehow why wouldn’t you immediately go see your mom or call police 👮‍♀️ immediately after the text said they won’t let me go? I don’t believe she killed herself why would she burn herself 😢 it don’t sound right! Annie please make it make sense. 😢

  • @teeplr-pd6nv

    Annie I just watched your video and date please as we always say make it make sense. I’m just can’t believe she killed herself. I know that’s the new news I just don’t understand 😢

  • @tracyr2842

    Can someone tell me what is an OBD trap from family dollar?

  • @shellyross6656

    I 100 per cent think it's murder. I also think Amanda's boyfriend did it. I think Amanda supplied info directly or indirectly.

  • @kass_james

    This chick does seem extremely sus imo.
    Her little fake coughing episodes during questioning, a few seconds to think of a lie?

    And the whole lie regarding being with her mom the night before then changing it then saying, she only texted and it came out there was for sure phone calls. 🚩Too many little unnecessary lies…..
    I don’t get a good feeling watching/listening to her.

  • @izizxoxo

    I know this was posted so long ago, but, to me.. her demeanor is so obvious that she’s lying. This breaks my heart, that she’s getting away with it. Her looking to the left, laughing, getting flustered talking about the venmo amount. I hope they’re still working on this case.. either they are, or she has ties in that damn department. Sickening

  • @jasonlyons4753

    CNN cherry picks all the time lol

  • @seek2imagine423

    Thank you Annie for all you do! All the hard work you put into these videos. ❤

  • @seek2imagine423

    What loved one gives an interview and takes up someone's time then demand a third of the video not be shared. That's definitely trying to control the narrative. Smh

  • @pr0cessa

    This case really grabbed my attention from the beginning, echoes of Cindy James, Sherri papini, etc. You summarized the key points very eloquently, you read my mind about a lot of them – I think it's important to play devil's advocate, for me it's boring when true crime creators are pushing an agenda. I do tend to lean towards Debbie doing this, and a lot of it makes no sense, because mental illness and s****ide make no sense to me either, unaliving oneself is extremely counterintuitive (to me anyway,) I would have a hard time believing it if it was my loved one too

  • @deannajones3076

    I love it when people only hear what they wanna hear and then turn around and make stupid comments about what they "heard" because they end up making themselves look stupid and then they get upset when people start calling them out on their BS.

  • @jasonlelas3120

    Debbie calling 911 was to see what was going on in the case of her mum going missing. Some killer's try find out what law inforcement no

  • @jasonlelas3120

    The daughter is lying

  • @cassandramagnusson1787

    Ummmmmmm… does someone who doesn't put much into her "looks" and appearance say someone else looks like a dinosaur???? Really?? A pterodactyl?? What in the world!!! What a beeeeeeooootch!!! 😂

  • @DMoney0413

    Love your content but towards the end you went on a rant

  • @teeplr-pd6nv

    I really think Amanda has something to do with it she just seems fake and all about herself. At first I didn’t think by the more she talks the more guilty she looks

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