As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to thoroughly analyze every detail in this transcript for any potential clues or insights into the case at hand. With a keen eye for detecting discrepancies or inconsistencies, I will closely scrutinize each word uttered by the individuals involved in this conversation. It is essential to uncover any hidden meanings or veiled intentions that may shed light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding the crime in question. Through careful examination of the dialogue and careful consideration of any known facts about the case, I will endeavor to piece together the puzzle and bring justice to those affected by this heinous act. The urgency of solving this crime demands nothing less than my unwavering dedication and unwavering attention to detail.


35 Comments to “DERANGED! She Idolized Serial Killers and Became A Murderer! Shaye Groves & Frankie Fitzgerald”

  • @destinyteslashea1822

    Listen I love your show I fall asleep to ur videos literally me and my ex used to have seggs while watching house of 1000 corpses an more Rob zombie movies I have horror themed earrings coffee cups an me my husband an kids are known for dressing as all the main scary movie characters with all that said I wouldn’t hurt a fly lmao literally I don’t like killing nothing not even lil things so this itch just messed up in the head and took it way to far

  • @heatherrenwick4424

    She is so CRINGEY. WOOF!

  • @lhill866

    The karma that’s comes with this lifestyle will take hold and consume you. Too have so much that is to the point of celebrating or idolizing these killers by putting their pictures on the walls, totally is an injustice to their victims.

  • @kimtaylor7162

    Maybe as a technique moving forward when you are about to reveal details of the gruesome act you could raise your hand and then at the end of it you could signal agin that its over (That way viewer can choose to mute for that section). I listen to true crime so to understand the pathology and psychology but I can't cope with the gruesome. it would help. same with pics of knives etc.

  • @MarissaApel

    I’m watching this now April 2024 and does this make anyone think about how in the “quiet on set” doc Brian Peck had a painting of John Wayne Gacey and also signed by him in his kid room or whatever…………….. 🤯😖😵‍💫

  • @lynnc5252

    So where was her child when she was getting slapped, choked and thrown around the room?
    Where was her child on the morning of the murder??

  • @ElderandOakFarm

    I grew up with my grandma watching Freddy, Chucky, The Leprechaun… The whole 9… I I have never had any violent tendencies. Quite the opposite actually. I feel like Im SUPER empathetic, whereas a lot of my friends and family arent very.. So I do think that maybe people with violent thoughts and violent tendencies may also like those sort of movies.I don't think we can say that.Just watching those movies, Kohl's such things.. But I don't know 🤷‍♀️ I'm just one person. But thats my 2 cents. 😂

    I think it's a mixture of all that you listed.

    Also, My son now watches those same movies with by mom ( I think partly because my grandma passed away when I Was none and those are some of my favorite memories I have of her) But anyways , so my son wanted to be Chucky when he was 3 years old and so we got him a Chucky costume & a chucky doll. 42 years he carried that doll everywhere and sometimes would set it in the front seat and it would scare the hell out of people when they looked over. 😂😂😂

  • @MrSmartyPantsNow

    I know this is an old video but it’s whatever but come on now. We are not here watching true crime because we love the killers. We are here because we want to see justice for the people that were killed by these monsters. Like seriously to have framed pictures of serial killers? That’s a nutcase in my opinion. That’s not someone that is fascinated with justice and the true crime realm.

  • @Electronicsflippa

    So what happens to detectives, investigators, cops etc that have to relive all these cases?

  • @stephaniesawake5799

    In the UK of you don't work she would have received benefits

  • @lisafisher1558

    Deffently a cold blooded murder .

  • @stephaniehopkins994

    Wow. I love both topics and always have. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can't imagine wanting a pic of a real one on my wall. 😳

  • @Danisuzette

    Ok ok wait a minute let's not go judging people for personal fashion, tats, and Gothic decor with the exception of photos of serial killers the rest… I have a coffin bookshelf! I carry bugs outside for Pete's sake!
    Edit. Couple things watching content like this makes me more empathetic (it absolutely desensitizes younger people. I see it on my page constantly) 2, I'll admit my content is basically criminal/haunting history so my decor is creepy.

  • @joelcharig386

    Ports-MOUTH – as a local, this got me 😂

  • @shyannecollins3051

    I have a Gacy wallet and Gein gauges along with all of the infamous ones on a dress. I promise I won't be killing anyone! Lol I think she just used that as an excuse. Thanks for the case coverage, Annie!

  • @lfemmecoure

    She had a ritual knife and satanic symbols. That already shows where her mindset is.

  • @To_AT

    Drugs can cause psychotic episodes so along with her inclinations + rage of the moment anything can happen. In cold blood or not this case is creepy. I like to watch true crime documentaries but it’s mainly to try to understand their minds not to idolize these killers.

  • @capariessag8515

    I watch true crime every day and I don’t even kill spiders in my house .

  • @jamesswindley9599

    I knew her. Literally grew up together and hung out for drinks. Was a totally normal person, alternative like myself. But, literally no indication that she would do something like this 😢❤

    There’s no excuse. She knows what’s she’s done, and I’ll never talk to her again. She’s pure evil at heart. Just a shame this brings down others that dress and act different from the norm though! 😢❤

  • @Juhani139

    If you have memorabilia of the killer instead of the detective that caught him… I think that shows your allignment…

  • @cedrics5241

    Ok liking Chucky dolls is the biggest red flag…

  • @hixxyted1244

    How American's pronounce or towns lol

  • @morganfriddle782

    Me listening to this every night to fall asleep to 😂

  • @iamkaalo

    I agree . I tend to watch 1-2 hours of this content daily and I notice I have to take a break here and there to protect my mental health. I tend to amplify my worry some thoughts and anxiety if I don’t

  • @josievaccaro

    This case is f***ing surreal

  • @AyaInspiredTarot

    FYI, Celtic is correct either way you say it because there are two types of dialects the six Celtic languages were spoken in. One half used the hard C, and one half used the soft C. You're welcome! 😅🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🎯💯
    I prefer the hard C, personally.

  • @hinta1000

    I think she did it on purpose. I really think it was a murder for the pure sake of just wanting to be a killer. Everything was too planned

  • @bobbybyrd1236

    Haha idk annie you and her seem similar l

  • @littletinywalters

    anyone else now worried?

  • @leyladye9278

    My daughter isn't into true crime but she had a Chuckie doll that her dad grandma gave her for a long time she called him her brother so it's not crazy to have. At less I think a lot of ppl owned one in California

  • @xlittledebx

    I’m a psych np and I watch several youtubers who cover true crime. It isn’t because I find enjoyment in hearing about harm coming to others. It is because it helps me to see why people come to the decisions that they do. I especially like when I can learn a bit about the perps child hood and early life experiences. I like to see if I can put together a differential on the offender. Finally, I always consider my self (hopefully) part of a community that grieves for and with the affected families. You do good work Annie. Well done.

  • @ndingubathandwasefuthi6938

    Im a true crime fanatic and dont think of killing a fly. Super terrified of taking another person's life hence my interest and shock of how most horrendous crimes are committed.

  • @joyoffangsfurandcuteness3140

    You say it as Keltic. She was on welfare so the taxpayer paid for all her tattoos and her artifacts

  • @JD-Defenders

    What are we kindergarteners? Every swear word has to be blocked from us? It is not enough to say this is for adults only? Ridiculous.

  • @crimibarbs

    None of them were angels thou 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s not true crime that caused that either.

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