As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully examined the details of this case. The suspect’s alibi was found to be inconsistent with witness statements, leading me to believe they may have been involved in the robbery. Additionally, forensic evidence collected at the scene pointed to their presence at the time of the crime. This type of crime, a brazen robbery in broad daylight, requires a thorough investigation to uncover the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice. My attention to detail and dedication to finding the facts will ensure that no stone is left unturned in this case.


26 Comments to “DISTURBING: Elliot Rodger | Murders & His Delusional Manifesto. Similarities to Bryan Kohberger?”

  • @annieelise

    With so much talk about Bryan Kohberger potentially being an incel, many people still don’t quite understand what an incel is. Also questions about who Elliot Rodger “the OG incel” is in relation to the Pappa Rodger account. This breaks it ALL down and will illustrate exactly who incels are and what Elliot Rodger did. Do you see similarities?

  • @melissadanielle629

    No shade at all but maybe ontop of his attitude the reason he wasnt approached is because imo he looks like he is possibly gay. So might be one of the many reasons why women didnt see him as a compatible partner

  • @melissadanielle629

    If you outlaw s*x humans wouldnt exist …… the empty brain this guy had

  • @melissadanielle629

    Its crazy how ppl who hurt others always go back and cry about how they were hurt!! When the rest of us who were hurt, try to never do it to others.

  • @haydencavender6768

    If he was that desperate then why not get an escort!

  • @haydencavender6768

    Ran away like a coward throwing a drink on people what a pussy!

  • @kristenJacob727

    This has to be the worst video you’ve made. Wayyy too much opinion! I get it, he was awful but he’s dead now move on. You are just wayyy too angry and opinionated in this one. It’s your right but not the best look for you!

  • @davidrobertson3930

    CRY? He should have been born a girl, boys and men don't cry they deal and get stronger.

  • @widowgirl1254

    45:2745:39 I can't 🤣🤣🤣

  • @planethoth1238

    How come Elliot Rodger wanted to have sex so much yet at the same time he was scared and traumatised by pornography

  • @kaylao.3326

    He really put these white girls on an insane pedestal. Something is wrong with him. To get this upset everytime he saw a nonwhite person with a white girl? Particularly one with blonde hair? He isn’t even white himself. It was never that serious. He was a major misogynist and part of his inferiority had a lot to do with him not being “white enough”. Maybe whatever rejection he felt from white girls reminded him that he wasn’t like them—white. And that’s part of where the anger came from

  • @carmendelabellemotte7865

    It takes more than calling him " a looser" to deeply analyse this case..I highly advice people to read his manifesto…yes he was fully dusturbed , narcissistic , entitled but the pain is really…you can feel it through pages

  • @karakolles4872

    Rather than his mommy getting him a brand new BMW, she should have gotten him a good therapist. This is a huge part of the problem with this kid’s thinking. Parents think they are helping and I get that, but when helping becomes enabling bad behavior, what kind of incentive is there for the person with the problem to change? None. When your options decrease, your willingness to change increases. His parents should have pulled out the rug from underneath his ass the moment he turned 18 and said, “until you are willing to help yourself, we can no longer help you.” Idk though, I am no expert and something tells me that it would not have really made a difference what they did. I think medication could have potentially helped him and saved lives, but this kid did not want to help himself, which is sad, because it all could have turned out differently had he truly cared about and loved himself.

  • @karakolles4872

    Almost left speechless after hearing excerpts from his so-called “manifesto.” So many words come to mind: extreme self-centeredness that goes beyond self-importance to self-idealization…extreme entitlement issues, (you actually have to put in effort and do some work to get the things you want and become the person you want to be.) Sounds like this dude is severely delusional and expects everything to come easy to him and for everyone in the world to cater to him and his delusional expectations.
    Assuming a victim mentality like this and wallowing in self-pity will no doubt make any person miserable, but that is a choice they have. Pampered…I do not think his parents instilled any sort of work ethic in him. I mean, I think we all can identify with feeling left out here and there at some points in our lives, but his reactions to these feelings are what is truly alarming! It’s like he believes he can become anything he wants due to mere association or through osmosis. Wish an adult figure in his life would have taught him early on, it’s not about what you have, it’s about who you are. Everyone deserves love. But you have to give love to get love. Life is not fair. Get used to it and move on! And I completely agree with you A.E. This dude is his own worst enemy.

  • @jaskopdx6342

    Look at all these blonde hot girls, but they would never throw themselves at me.. they would never come up to me and talk to me… It's not fair! Life is not fair. Look at all these cool kids, but they would never accept me as one of them. I ll show them.. lmfao. He didn't just want a girlfriend, he wanted the girls to throw themselves at him. Spoiled 22 year old child thinks this way.

  • @texasman327

    Your insights are spot on❤

  • @cireiost520

    I think calling him a loser is inappropriate, and you are behaving like a bully

  • @jennrados8295

    does he not realize most women want men to approach them… not the other way around? i mean he’s crazy so i guess not😬

  • @robotdisstracks1426

    “Just shower bro!”

    “Just get a haircut bro!”

  • @tara2999

    I just have to say that people who play video games and find friends there are real, not make believe.

    I do understand the misconception on what gaming communities are like, however, a lot of gamers have great friends online and they also live a life outside of the game.

    Gamers are not just lazy loner people is my main point. 😖

  • @HG-wo5bt

    Your intro had me cracking up. The girl that didn’t know about the crush could’ve even liked the little shit! Unbelievable

  • @BoringBritt

    His body language is so strange

  • @BoringBritt

    The way he didn’t mind if “unattractive people” could have sex but attractive people having sex sent him off the deep end. Talk about insecure 😬

  • @awakeneddance9470

    You do a good job reporting, however sometimes your personal comments and opinions that you add, like using the word dweeb, airing your own judgement of victims or perpetrators and using the valley girl tones that I wish you would stop doing. It gives your reporting about said topic a level of immaturity where I feel that you loose viewers with this. Report as you do but try and stay away from these immature add on comments and judgments. It will mature how you sound and how you speak when reporting.

  • @KFrost-fx7dt

    If you're gonna insult this guy and play the mean popular blonde girl, at least pronounce things correctly and use the right words. You sound illiterate. Trust me, the little nerds that you stamp on will opportunistically rip you apart for that.

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