Hey True Crime besties, welcome back to an all new episode of seriously. Hey everybody, welcome back to an all new episode of seriously with me, your true crime bestie Annie. I am here to break down another case for you today. Before we jump right in, I just want to kind of say so many of you guys have been requesting this case.

As I was researching it and learning more about it I became enraged, like this Red Mist just came over me because I was just like the audacity of some people, the entitlement of some people, it’s truly mind-blowing. Which, now there is no surprise to me why so many of you guys have been requesting it. So, before we jump in, please take a quick second to do all the podcast things like the video version of this if you’re watching on YouTube, rate the podcast, leave a review, do your thing. I appreciate it so much. So, if you haven’t guessed right now and let me just tell you what we’re going to be going over today because it is a deep dive. We’ve got a lot to talk about and a lot of sourced video footage, audio. I mean, we’re going to be here for a minute.

In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the case that went viral almost overnight after the verdict was read and the sentencing was done. It is a harrowing story about a young girl whose actions led to the deaths of two young men. Now, I wanted to cover this case too because I really couldn’t find any information out there about what all the facts were in the case or what exactly happened other than the headlines and what we were seeing on social media. So, you know that I had to go and I had to do my deep dive thing and I had to dig up every single thing that I could for you guys. What I found may seriously shock you, even if you think you already know everything there is to know about this case. So buckle up and let’s get right into it.

I’m not even cool. I’m just one of those girls that can do a lot of drugs and not die. There can be no doubt of the absolute terror of the two people in that call. She morphs from a responsible driver to literal Hell on Wheels. Mackenzie Chirella murdered my son Dominic as well as Davion. I hope one day she can see I would never let this happen or do it on purpose. She decides she is going to end everyone’s life. Let’s watch. Going to prison because you did this only God at this time can have mercy on her soul.

Burning of July 31st, 2022. The peaceful suburb of Strongsville, Ohio, nestled just outside of Cleveland, became the scene of a heart-wrenching tragedy that rocked its tight-knit community forever. Initial reports began to surface about a devastating car accident involving three people, 19-year-old Davion Flanagan, 20-year-old Dominic Russo, and 17-year-old Mackenzie Shirella. Both Davion and Mackenzie had just graduated from Strongsville High School just a few months earlier.

Early on in the investigation, law enforcement believed that Mackenzie Shirella somehow lost control of the Toyota Camry that she was driving and then crashed into a brick building on Alameda Drive at 5:34 a.m. It wasn’t until approximately 45 minutes later, at 6:15 am, that a passerby, a runner who was out for their morning jog, came upon the wreckage and immediately dialed 911. When law enforcement arrived, they found all three passengers unconscious, unresponsive, and trapped within what was now just a brutally mangled car frame.

The first responders from Strongsville Fire Department worked quickly to help get Dominic, Davion, and MacKenzie out of the car. Unfortunately, though, both Dominic and Davion were declared dead at the scene. Mackenzie, who was driving the car, was critically injured and flown to Metro Health Medical Center. Investigators waited for the results of her blood testing, which would show if drugs or alcohol played a role in this crash. The victims’ families and the community were completely grief-stricken and frankly just sick about this. Dominic and Davion now had their potential dreams and futures abruptly cut short. Dominic had started a successful business and always talked about all of his big plans for the future. And Davion was a fantastic football player, well-known in the community, and had plans to open up his own barber shop after high school. But now all of that was gone in an instant. The community’s sadness and loss eventually led to many questions. Why was this a one-car accident? If Mackenzie lost control of the car, how did that happen? What was going on inside the car leading up to this? Was Mackenzie intoxicated or under the influence of some type of drug? Why were all three of them even over on Alameda Street in that part of town in the early morning hours to begin with? It’s not near where Mackenzie, Dominic, or Davion lived. So where were they going, and how could this possibly happen?

Mackenzie underwent extensive medical treatment for her injuries and somehow survived miraculously. However, she said that she couldn’t remember what happened leading up to the crash. She said that she had blacked out. Now, just for a moment, I am going to draw on my personal experience for a second. A lot of you who have been with me for a while on here know that I was in a horrific car accident when I was 16 years old. I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt. I flew, hit the windshield, knocked out some teeth, ended up having brain surgery from how awful this car accident was, and I can say even now, how many years has it been, 20 years later, I still do not remember anything from that accident. And I wasn’t the one driving, but I was in the accident, and I’m still blacked out. I remember leaving the house that morning. I don’t remember the accident. I don’t remember the final moments coming out of the accident. The first memory I have is when the first responders were already there on the scene, and they were cutting me out of my clothing and getting me out of the car. But I don’t remember anything else. So, there has been a lot of speculation if Mackenzie was, in fact, blacked out during the accident or not, or even has a recollection of the memories leading up to the accident itself. And if that’s true or not. And I do want to mention that it is entirely possible to black out even the events leading up to the collision itself.

Our hearts grieve right now for the families. I think anybody that has children can really commiserate with this loss. Our hearts break for them. Strongsville Police say a passerby noticed a smashed-up car up against a building in the Progress Drive business park around 6:15 Sunday morning. Investigators see it appears the car failed to stop at the end of Progress Drive, traveled across the lawn of the business, hit a sign, and then crashed into the building. Police say it appears Mackenzie Shirella was driving and speed was one of the factors. I think it played a role. Um, but it’s still difficult to say how fast the car was going, but with the kind of damage it was, the way the vehicle struck the sign and then the building, all plays a role in it. While law enforcement began going further into their investigation, many people in the community began to talk and the community had strong, yet mixed, feelings about what they thought happened here.

Some people thought that this was just a tragic accident, but others who knew Mackenzie, Dominic, and knew them more closely began to believe that this wasn’t an accident at all and instead, it was something far more sinister. Mackenzie and Dominic began dating in 2021 and they had an overall tumultuous relationship. They would break up, get back together, and then they would do it all over again. The pattern just was on repeat. And Davion was one of Dominic’s close friends.

According to news reports, Davion, Dominic, and Mackenzie were hanging out at a party and smoking a little bit of weed the night leading up to the crash. And Mackenzie and Dominic offered to give Davion a ride home. Mackenzie was described by people who knew her in high school as selfish and entitled. She never had to really take any accountability for her actions. She always just kind of got away with everything. After Mackenzie began to recover from the accident, many of the posts on her Instagram and TikTok really upset people as well. And we will get into specifically what she posted here shortly. Don’t worry. Most of her social media has now been deleted so I couldn’t find much except for a few screenshots here and there. However, people in the community who knew her from school commented on social media about Mackenzie’s behavior, and all of those comments are still public. Some of the posts said that her parents knew about her drug use, and that her mom would like some of the pictures that she posted when she was smoking weed. And some pictures sparked outrage because people thought that she just was moving on with her life as if nothing ever happened with no remorse at all. There were also some pictures Mackenzie posted with her and her friend dressed as a weed for Halloween, which also caused a huge stir online.

Several classmates weren’t surprised that this horrific tragedy resulted from Mackenzie’s actions, even going as far as to say that she probably would have killed someone one day anyway, and that she only cared about herself and herself only. Other people felt like Mackenzie had definitely done drugs and that that is what caused the crash, and the police seemed like they weren’t doing anything about it, and now this was another situation where Mackenzie would just get away with her selfish and dangerous behavior.

Mackenzie underwent extensive medical treatment for her injuries and somehow survived miraculously. However, she said that she couldn’t remember what happened leading up to the crash. She said that she had blacked out. Now, just for a moment, I am going to draw on my personal experience for a second. A lot of you who have been with me for a while on here know that I was in a horrific car accident when I was 16 years old. I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt. I flew, hit the windshield, knocked out some teeth, ended up having brain surgery from how bad this car accident was. I can say even now, how many years has it been, 20 years later, I still do not remember anything from that accident. And I wasn’t the one driving, but I was in the accident, and I’m still blacked out. I remember leaving the house that morning. I don’t remember the accident. I don’t remember the final moments coming out of the accident. The first memory I have is when the first responders were already there on the scene, and they were cutting me out of my clothing and getting me out of the car. But I don’t remember anything else. So, there has been a lot of speculation if Mackenzie was, in fact, blacked out during the accident or not, or even has a recollection of the memories leading up to the accident itself.

If that’s true or not, and I do want to mention that it is entirely possible to black out even the events leading up to the collision itself. Our hearts grieve right now for the families. I think anybody that has children can really commiserate with this loss. Our hearts break for them. Strongsville Police say a passerby noticed a smashed-up car up against a building in the Progress Drive business park around 6:15 Sunday morning. Investigators see it appears the car failed to stop at the end of Progress Drive, traveled across the lawn of the business, hit a sign, and then crashed into the building. Police say it appears Mackenzie Shirelle was driving and speed was one of the factors. I think it played a role. Um, but it’s still difficult to say how fast the car was going. But with the kind of damage it was, the way the vehicle struck the sign and then the building, all plays a role in it. While law enforcement began going further into their investigation, many people in the community began to talk and the community had strong, yet mixed, feelings about what they thought happened here.

Some people thought that this was just a tragic accident, but others who knew Mackenzie, Dominic, and knew them more closely began to believe that this wasn’t an accident at all and instead, it was something far more Sinister. Mackenzie and Dominic began dating in 2021, and they had an overall tumultuous relationship. They would break up, get back together, and then they would do it all over again. The pattern just was on repeat. And Davion was one of Dominic’s close friends.

According to news reports, Davion, Dominic, and Mackenzie were hanging out at a party and smoking a little bit of weed the night leading up to the crash. And Mackenzie and Dominic offered to give Davion a ride home. Mackenzie was described by people who knew her in high school as selfish and entitled. She never had to really take any accountability for her actions. She always just kind of got away with everything. After Mackenzie began to recover from the accident, many of the posts on her Instagram and TikTok really upset people as well. And we will get into specifically what she posted here shortly. Don’t worry. Most of her social


33 Comments to “DISTURBING Teen Killer Exposed | Mackenzie Shirilla Case Deep Dive | Crash Video, Bombshell Evidence”

  • @annieelise

    Do you believe this was intentional or an accident?

  • @rachelwestervelt1396

    What makes this different than the crumblies the crumblies brought eating the gun they brought her the car that killed two other people and this woman gets up and keeps saying after her daughter was convicted of murder and she's not a murderer

  • @rachelwestervelt1396

    I have nothing to say about this mother p o s really at sentencing she should have sat the heck down I've never seen such a POS of a mother stand up before Damions mother and father are so sweet they started a barbershop scholarship fund for their son they were on killer cases they are so sweet

  • @blarmy827

    The footage of the car crash is more concerning as to her intent than it seems to be to others. Like if she’s planning on killing them even though nobody said they had problems when they were out… she’s not going to drive all cautious and then just speed in that one little area… that just doesn’t make sense. Them saying she premeditated it by being in that area previously seems like a stretch from a kid like her who is like a party kid. She’s not some secret spy scouting out locations planning their deaths? I would believe intent if they had been alone… but offering to drive home another friend makes it really not seem planned imo. Even in all the “evidence” from videos of her threats to key his car and stuff… there’s no evidence that she actually keyed his car or anything like that which is way more telling… she’s a young rebellious kid who other than random rumors from someone who may or may not actually know her… she’s all talk. Someone that’s willing to kill themselves, their boyfriend and a friend is someone who follows through on threats…. Which she wasn’t…. She’s been all talk.
    I think she needs help and rehabilitation like Dom’s dad said. There really was no actual proof that she planned this and that this was anything more than a tragic accident. Imagine the pedal stuck just like those other Toyotas….now THAT makes way more sense with the evidence and the video footage of the car driving normally… until turning to accelerate. Calling this a premeditated murder seems completely wrong imo… if something comes out proving that wrong then I’ll change my mind. It’s horrific to lose these two young guys like this… I hope their families can find some healing through the verdict.
    It was strange the difference in the two mom’s speeches… Dom’s mom felt like a mom …. Davion’s mom just felt oddly scripted and I honestly think she wrote the daughters speech and she wrote the gofundme thing as well but put the daughters name on it for some reason… I duno something rubbed me the wrong way about her

  • @jamesfowler3364

    If she was a guy she would have gotten consecutive sentences

  • @juliannmaier4022

    I just love what u do and what you choose to cover. Great job ANNIE! My true crime bestie!!

  • @lexuschardanai2085

    The judicial system is one that I will never understand in America. I spend a lot of time watching true crime cases mostly those of children. And it’s hard to fathom how some parents who can intentionally abuse and kill their children can receive equal or less time. This is one of those cases where you never truly know if it was intentional or accidental. I’ve myself been in vehicles with people driving reckless, young adults will do idiotic things behind the wheel when with friends and sometimes encouraged by them (not saying that is what happened). And if she intentionally want to kill them or her boyfriend at least, why would she turn the vehicle to the right so that she was in the first line of initial impact.

  • @sugakookie6303

    I don’t think the judge would need 5 minutes to see what type of person she is… her mother’s statement was so telling…

  • @user-gh9pe7jt4c

    I wonder if this monster will become prison pals with Sydney Powell she is from Akron Ohio killed her mother and has been found guilty and has been sent to prison they are both monsters

  • @email8384

    Her sobbing is disgusting. Your BS caught up to you girl

  • @technolemonade

    the way the mom says “okay?” is SOOOOOOOO ANNOYINGGGGGGGG

  • @AutumnArnold-fm1dv

    34:54 The moment she realizes she messed up and that she wasn't going home.

  • @heatherboertlein4312

    So obviously, this entire story is terrible and horrifically sad but I can assure you right now. That we are dealing with a bunch of drug addicts, including all of the parents and the siblings have no care in the world about anything at all people are telling them to put on a smiling face, the sisters whole Speech was completely written for her. There was not a tear in her eye. This was the worst and most upsetting story I have watched… Ever this is disgusting and I am so so so sorry for those two boys but clearly they are on to a better place, because both of those moms and families Were way too messed up to ever take care of them 😔😔😔

  • @Cynthia-2881

    Mmm that mom went up there and made a fool out of herself… she just should have stayed quiet.. just ridiculous

  • @terisasam5604

    Great job covering this. As far as McKenzie goes, she didn't appear to be concerned about Dameon or Dom until she got the verdict. Then she started crying. She is so entitled. God bless the families who lost their son's and I pray for her families too.

  • @DoBenni

    Her social media posts were disgusting. Her demeanor during the hearing via zoom and in the pretrial hearing are very telling. She was 100% convinced she'd get away with everything. Her parents were certainly telling her she was innocent.

    The way she breaks down in the end when she realizes she will for the first time have to face the consequences for her actions is very satisfying to watch.
    I have no doubt she was lying about not remembering the crash but I wonder if the 15 years in prison will get her to be honest about the events.
    I hope she won't be able to get out after 15 years just on good behaviour but when and if she ever gets released it will be because she told the truth and was remorseful.

  • @adriabradley2811

    She seems to be an entitled child. Give her some time to think about it. But I’m willing to bet she loved him.

  • @Dr.Rabbit7346

    So why did they choose a bench trial??😮

  • @jonathanlaureano8995

    This is absolutely a pointless terrible tragedy. I think if she did lead a life of entitlement then she's only going to get a reality check by serving a full life sentence

  • @ShihoOttomo

    I hate how her mother keep saying "Okay?" She's like "I'm sorry, okay?" when she was apologising the victims' family. "She's not a murderer, okay?" Well she is. I know some people do it out of habit, but its just so patronising and justifying. No humility. Feels so arrogant and condescending.

  • @dietdrpepper15

    Whoa, that mom’s statement…honey why the HECK are you RECAPPING everything?! And a lot of “I I Is”. That was so detrimental to her daughter’s case. Didn’t her lawyer read it prior? Cause damn! Glad the judge finally spoke up. Cause the woman was just digging her daughter deeper.

  • @scottishstephanie7332

    Wait, did davians sister just say she was 8 years old?! Did I mishear that?

  • @Melissa-JC

    1:10:10 I agree with Annie. I don’t believe the THC had anything to do with it. She already had her mind set to do that.

  • @mattzillarcworks6417

    Obviously it's very sad. I have to go with intentional , but probably during the heat of the moment. And of course for her to follow through with it…This young lady is straight up gangsta.. The most craziest way to take someone out. She's got some serious issues.
    As always yr story telling is awesome, awesome!!! Looking forward

  • @corygempton3501

    Why would her counsel, decide it was a good idea to go for the judge only trial, she would only need one jury member to believe that she didn't have malicious intent to set her free and if her lawyers had of used the Toyota acceleration issue as a defence, she would have definitely gotten off the charges. I would love to know if she ever went for hypnosis and what had come from that, because so few people actually carry out threats, like her saying " I will crash this car", it's a shame the black box for that vehicle, didn't have audio so we knew for sure, what happened inside that vehicle that night!

  • @normlchic

    I'd love to hear your take on some serial killer cases

  • @user-dt9qc5uv2m

    I really think Mackenzie has been so spoiled she thinks she really won't be punished. Sadly I saw this in my own life. My ex was a wealthy executive and had full custody of his son.
    No matter what this kid did he was never punished for anything. One night because he was grounded he decided to KILL my little dachshund. What did my ex do?
    Nothing he said "I didn't SEE him do it!" I left. Just a few years later i was watching the news about a SWAT TEAM shooting on B—- St! My ex's house!
    Just as I was watching the phone rang. It was my ex! HE had been SHOT by SWAT and was saying don't listen to the news! What happened? He was calling chained to a hospital bed.
    It took awhile to find out what happened. My stepson had got into selling drugs, and one of the kids who bought drugs from him died so his friend well to the police.
    There was a full-scale drug operation with guns and equipment. My ex said he had no idea that was going on!
    I believe he knew but like everything else ignored it. When your son quits school but drives a $50,000 car you can't say you didn't know!
    So when SWAT raided he was sleeping and drunk so pulled a gun. They were both arrested.
    The last thing he said to me was "I guess you were right about R…."
    TOO LATE! What's wrong with parents!! Just like the school shooters parents who not only buy the kid weapons but know the kid has problems.
    My ex has lost everything fighting all those charges (do not feel sorry one bit)
    because a young man died….a person died, not just my little dog, a person died. Because of his son. He should've done something back then. but it's too late. He never even thought about that young man or cared.
    That's how I think Mackenzie's parents feel, don't care about the young men's deaths.

  • @slugcult-10_years_and

    Listening to her mother's impact statement is like throwing up in your mouth and having to swallow it back down.

  • @sarahwieland3243

    I 💯 think she was attempting to do a murder/suicide. She was in complete control and behaving as a competent driver until the final moments. What becomes so obvious is that she never even tapped on the brakes or deviated away from her path. She intentionally crashed that car. She was a spiteful, violent and abusive person that was self entitled to a fault. I hope she rots in prison for the beautiful lives she snuffed out. My heart breaks for these families loss of such amazing and bright young men 😞

  • @Dr.DoomKittyz

    I am having issues with the fact if she was so toxic to the boy why the parents were not evolved and separate them. Especially if this was a common theme the threats and the drama. Not that you can go back in time. As far as moving forward That girl is not getting out of prison any time soon. She will be there for a while. I see the parents being at her parole hearings for a while.

  • @malibunative

    Love your station hate how you added advertising on top of the you tube advertisement 😮

  • @margoparkerschellerhaadent8042

    I’m so sorry for everyone.

    I’m no professional: she’s off the deep end of Entitled Teen

    Concurrent: tough call. I asked myself what I’d determine, and could only think “I’d pray for the judge because I don’t know”.

    Did anyone else think she just watched Vanilla Sky and – ?

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