In a chilling and disturbing case of filicide, a 43-year-old woman named Latasha Latrice Sanders brutally murdered her two young sons in their Brockton apartment. The bodies of five-year-old Lasson and eight-year-old Edson Burrito were found by police, with Edson suffering a staggering 76 stab wounds and Lasson with 23 stab wounds and 80 superficial wounds. It was discovered that Latasha had a history of mental health issues and erratic behavior, with her family describing her as becoming obsessed with Voodoo, the Illuminati, and rituals.

During her interrogation, Latasha gave conflicting stories, at first blaming her teenage son and daughter, then ultimately confessing to the murders herself. She claimed that the killings were part of a failed Voodoo ritual, stating that she believed she had to sacrifice her sons due to her failing the ritual with Edson. The crime scene revealed the boys had been meticulously cleaned and laid in separate beds after the murders, with the murder weapon found in the kitchen sink.

Despite claims of Voodoo involvement, the community and family members denounced any connection to the religion, attributing Latasha’s actions to severe mental health issues. The victims’ father, who had a history of domestic violence with Latasha in the past, was cleared of involvement in the murders. The case has left investigators and family members stunned, struggling to comprehend the depths of cruelty and evil that led to the tragic deaths of two innocent children.

As the case progresses to trial, questions remain about the true motives behind Latasha’s heinous actions. Was it a descent into madness fueled by a toxic mix of mental illness and obsession, or a calculated scheme for attention and money as hinted at by her journal entries? The trial will hopefully shed light on the dark forces at play in this heartbreaking and senseless crime against children.


35 Comments to “Disturbing & WICKED: Horrifying Story of “Voodoo” Ritual | Latarsha Sanders”

  • @annieelise

    The amount of evil in the world truly astounds me.

  • @GrapeApe2018

    No one who truly believes in God would do such a thing, without severe mental illness. Demons can not harm you or cause you to do harm if you have asked for salvation. Also you can't believe that evil and demons exist, and demonic acts, as a sane person, without also believing in God. Satan and demons were created by God as angels who chose to deny him and were cast out and doomed to roam earth until the end times and they are cast into the lake of fire for eternity. Of the fallen angels. Satan was God's most glorious creation at the time he was at God's side, and when he chose to turn his back on him and was cast out, to get revenge, he began spreading evil across the earth and attempting to corrupt and collect as many souls as possible before the end of his time on earth. And lately, I would say his collection is growing rapidly. There is all manor of evil being done. But with all that being said it still comes back to the beginning, you can't believe in the demonic without also admitting to and believing in God. I beg everyone who reads this to turn to God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He died so that you may live in paradise, having been absolved of your sin. But you have to ask for it, and believe that he died to save you.

  • @user-jq6xw3ej6m

    Thank you for knowledge

  • @bonnymcdonald3985

    I honestly believe that people
    Open themselves up for dark/possessive/demonic attacks & they kill in the name of religion. We live in a time where people are searching for the love that they have not been shown. The love and unconditional acceptance of Jesus. American use to be raised in church & with that came learning to put other above yourself. We are no longer taught respect and sanctity of life.

  • @marcinowalk8077

    It sounds more like satanism than voodoo

  • @marcinowalk8077

    I’m sorry but I have to say it, that lady looks like Tracy Morgan with a 3:57 wig

  • @wenb9270

    Post partum? Idk but it seems like when black women kill, ppd is NEVER looked into.

  • @Lisha-Lore

    I would be curious to see if the mother had previous knowledge of the first murder involving ties to voodoo. IF she was experiencing a mental health crisis and saw media reports of the first voodoo related murder during that crisis or just prior to it maybe it somehow weaved into her psychosis/delusions. Just a random thought spurred by curiosity. 🧐

  • @themomwithnotime8887

    As a Devout Christian, I love that @annieelise always makes sure to bring all aspects of other religious and or spiritual ideologies when discussing the case. Most people will leave those practices in the dark negative light that is popularly cast on them by society, however Annie always makes sure to depict fact .vs. fiction in those instances with more negatively viewed beliefs. Thank you so much Annie for once again and always delivering a well rounded and complete view of the case along with a comprehensive overview of every aspect that goes with it. You make sure that as your viewers you deliver us as much information as possible even when at times the information or practices may be unpopular to the larger side of the general public. Your videos are without fail well thought-out,planned,executed and delivered and I think I speak for most if not all of your subscribers in saying that you leave us feeling truly informed in every aspect of the case and always wanting more of your videos. Some people binge Netflix lol I binge 10 to life and the Serialously channel so all things Annie Elise. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to delivering us with nothing short of the best yet again.
    ♡♡ Side note if you ever do a collaboration with another true crime channel i would absolutely love to see you and Christina Randall do a series together, that would be epic!♡♡

  • @FirstNameLastName-pg8rw

    Nah thats not voodoo, that’s Evil.

  • @SouthernGyrl

    If you believe she is sane enough to do it for fame and money then she sane enough to know that nobody will donate to her go fund me for killing her children

  • @SouthernGyrl

    Mental illness is at a all time high

  • @biohazardwolf2444

    I live in Brockton and remember when this all first happened. So tragic.

    I will say too, this area is inside the Bridgewater triangle and I've heard stories around here of cults and Voodoo. Its chilling to think back on some of it as not just stories any more.

  • @thespiritualsword

    Do we honestly believe that Voodoo practitioners would openly admit to committing evil acts? Of course they wouldn't. Research deeper. There are definite spiritual flags present in many of these cases. But prepare yourself for a rude awakening first. Blessings. 🙏

  • @ruthmelby3926

    You can't get much deeper than hell. Once you delve into the strange and evil, Satan has you. The sad part is you have no idea!

  • @justmagdalenadownhere

    uhh i'm just gonna go out on a limb and say this had nothing to do with voodoo. i think latarsha saw an opportunity from the case that happened right before and decided to create that false motive. her gofundmes and other internet stuff suggests she really just wants attention and money. but hey, what do i know. this is just my opinion.

  • @embre2518

    as someone who lives in the state where "voodoo" originated in, this isn't what voodoo is at all. it's just an excuse some people use to justify their horrible actions. Voodoo is typically used nowadays as good luck charms and to help people who are in bad times have some hope through charms, its similar to getting a tarot card reading. I'm sick and tired of people using religions or practices as excuses for their horrible actions. god didn't make you do it, the devil didn't make you do it, YOU did it yourself and there is no excuse for such horrible actions.

    I just wanna make that distinction becaue there is no excuse for doing such horrible things to children under some misguided attempt at trying to shovel the blame of your own actions on to something ele.

  • @hillarylombardi8918

    Dark and glassy eyes are a symptom of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

  • @judytinker3392

    Hollyweird is in evolved in the Illuminati. I’m sure you have all heard about that.

  • @judytinker3392

    We appreciate Annie’s compassion. And empathy for these sweet victims. Thank You Annie for all you do. Sweet Lady*. Whenever I hear acts against children actually makes me want to throw up in all sencerality. .

  • @melissaelkins751

    Annie I absolutely love, love, love you!! Keep doing what you’re doing, keep bringing attention!! ❤❤❤

  • @brittanymitchell6948

    Hurting your own kids will forever be the wildest thing someone can do. Your own blood that you carried in your womb.

  • @janearmstrong1966

    I believe voodoo opens a door for demons to enter. She became demonic 😢

  • @gracielavillarreal6189

    Annie Elise looks soo pretty #IJS

  • @jessicaatkins8513

    Lol you said Shaylee instead of Shayla

  • @jovannabautista3922

    You do such a great job at explaining everything Thank you… will you do a update on this case?

  • @amandae5165

    I believe that this happened due to a mental health crisis. I think that the fact that the 1st voodoo case had just recently happened, within a week of this case, was just something that her mania attached itself to and it became part of her delusion. I'm sure the voodoo case had a lot of media coverage in the week after it happened, so her loss of her grip on reality had to have happened within that week. Voodoo has nothing to do with this case i believe and is unfortunately, an innocent casualty in all this. Great channel. I ❤ it.

  • @Victoriathebookworm91

    Annie Elise, voodoo practitioners DO condone this. I grew up with this religion. Don’t let them deceive you. It’s demonic !!

  • @Victoriathebookworm91

    The voodoo religion is absolutely demonic . So many children in Africa are hiding from “doctor witches”. Of course they won’t say this to the public though . They’re all about death, blood,torture and sacrifice

  • @JodieLee07

    They are all signs she was most definitely dealing with psychotic or maybe psychosis type mental illness. She certainly wasn't of sound mind. Rest in peace to the little ones💛💛

  • @princessjasmine9185

    They were my neighbors 😢
    Thanks for covering this story .. 💔

  • @IonIsFalling7217

    Cultural anthropologist’s note: Most of what we, in the US (and just, outside of Haiti), know about the “Voodoo” religion is from a slanderous misunderstanding of a book written by a bored white Marine.

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