Elisa Lam and The Cecil Hotel

Decoding the chilling mystery of Elisa Lam and the notorious Cecil Hotel: An in-depth investigation into the eerie circumstances surrounding her disappearance and tragic death. From the strange elevator footage to the dark history of the hotel itself, every piece of evidence must be meticulously analyzed to uncover the truth behind this haunting true crime case. Dive into the world of unsolved mysteries and sinister secrets as we delve into the psyche of a missing woman in a city plagued by crime.


26 Comments to “Elisa Lam and The Cecil Hotel”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    Okay, so maybe Tumblr does have specific dates if you change your version or something. Either way, Tumblr is still stupid. Don't come for me.

  • @jaywelsh2488

    What a joke she's agent for the government spreading tuberculosis to the homeless and you attack a musician cuz of the music and you obviously don't listen to any of multiple genre of metal and yeah some videos have violence in them,typical libtard "internet sleuths" sounds like 99 all over again with Columbine and the media attacking Marilyn Manson, get a real job who watches this diarrhea you spew stfu

  • @annalisa32

    So condescending geez

  • @austin405

    the maintenance guy who found her at first claimed the hatch was open when he found her, but changed his story later on saying it was closed. that inconsistency is suspicious in itself, & if the latter is true, she couldn't have latched herself inside the water tank by herself as the handle of the hatch is on the outside. they should have taken fingerprints off the hatch handle. also the fact that there was sand on her clothes seems like evidence she was dragged across the roof of the hotel or elsewhere, especially after being fully submerged for 2 weeks, there wouldn't be tangible sand embedded in the fabric of her clothes unless she was dragged across the ground. also, the timestamp on the corner of the elevator video does not line up; it's blurry but you can see the seconds & minutes move at inconsistent intervals. the video was sped up & slowed down at times, making her behavior appear more strange. she was probably just trying to get the door to close, i think the motion sensor was glitching, & someone may have been creeping outside the elevator making her feel uncomfortable. it's also suspicious how they only released that video, when she was already on a floor higher than the one she was staying, but didn't release the elevator footage of when she got up there. i think everyone on that floor, the maintenance workers, & hotel staff, should have all been questioned as suspects. it's disgusting to me they always write off murders to anyone with depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety, as suicide or accidents due to their mental illness. there's absolutely no justice in that, just the incompetence & laziness of police.

  • @athenaphillip81

    It drives me up a damn wall when people try to blame this on weird conspiracy theories. It’s so disrespectful. If my friend/loved one died horrifically and I heard people being like “i BeT iT wAs GhOsTs” I would lose my damn mind. I feel like a lot of people who talk about this case have never actually seen somebody experience psychosis before. The person is completely out of touch with reality. When somebody I once knew was going through mania-induced psychosis they stayed up the entire night literally photographing everything we owned one by one to catalogue it so they would “know what to request back from the fbi”. I 100% think this is a tragic case of somebody’s severe mental illness unfortunately costing them their life.

  • @anniehills3580

    Climbing the fire escape would have been dirty…

  • @anniehills3580

    The elevator video looks like a psychotic episode to me.

  • @anniehills3580

    She was treating herself for bipolar disorder.

  • @anniehills3580

    Watch the film Murder at the Cecil Hotel. There is lots of info.

  • @anniehills3580

    She blogged all the time. She didnt say where she stayed?

  • @annabellem.4014

    'I am not surprised at all at the bizarre behavior of someone with bi-polar disorder. I lived in downtown L.A. in the 90s. Two people with bi-polar that I knew had strange episodes. One girl threw her cat out the high-rise apartment building she was living in. The other punched a security guard and was personally driven off the college campus by the dean of our college. Back then it was called manic depression. A person in a manic state can do extremely erratic things.

  • @sellyourassets

    I found you through the Netflix series on the Cecil. I have been one of your biggest fans since then.

  • @danial_321

    1:09:31 LAPD is ridiculous, at least in this case

  • @danial_321

    1:04:46 If her eyes were so weak that she could'nt see the elevator button in the light, how did she go on the roof and climb the water tanker in the dark? Also, the time of the video was edited, this file has a problem and is not clear

  • @danial_321

    Why didn't you pay attention to the time of the video? It is not normal

  • @haze__9075

    She was definitely a biological agent for the govt to spread TB within the homeless community to keep them confined in a certain are of the city. Keeping homeless away from rich folks while also misappropriating tax dollars away from help for homeless the community to the richer areas, leading to a slow decay of skid row and the people living there. Don’t forget our government is the sole reason for the crack epidemic in California, DEA CIA and FBI were all involved in supplying freeway Rick Ross crack to poison the black community and to then fund a proxy war in Nicaragua with the money gained, the proxy war was for us to gain a stronghold over and influence the govt over there and the drugs to fund whatever we wanted. Our military also guarded the worlds largest poppy fields in Afghanistan while it was the fastest growing drug in the US… yeah…

  • @AshleighAnimallover

    Why are the lizzie Borden murder pictures being used for the Cecil? I'm confused

  • @halloweensocks2953

    this is crazy! I'm currently halfway through the book called "Behind The Door" written by Amy Price, the general manager of the Cecil Hotel/Stay on Main for 10 years (during Elisa Lams death) and coincidentally, I just finished the chapter about how they found Elisa's body in the water tank and evacuated all guests, and also tried to evacuate tenants, but some tenants that refused to leave had to sign a legal document stating that they had refused to leave despite hotel management encouraging them to do so. They then provided bottled water for the guests. According to the book, they had closed for a good 3 weeks or so to clean out the water tank, which thanks to insurance, kept them afloat. But also, the book doesn't mention the foul tasting/smelling water. Only the water pressure. (which I knew about the water taste/smell from researching this case about 5 years ago) After getting this far in the video, I'm itching with questions. (side note: my friends and I took a trip to the Cecil about 9 months ago. We live in LA so we stopped by just to see it. Couldn't go in, still filled with homeless/drug addicts with a security guard out front, he gave us some interesting stories & entertained our curiosity) but we saw the water tank, and the whole experience was sketchy, eerie, and heartbreaking. Very interesting place with history)

  • @robotmechanic3923

    benzo withdrawal psychosis .

  • @StarloMichelle

    Thank you for those sweet words at the end… I buckled

  • @taymarie6188

    I’m wondering, if she really was in a manic episode, and during those times people who experience them hallucinate what if there was a possibility the alarms didn’t go off because there was an electrical issue, and since the elevators were not working already it shows there had to be something electrical going on. She was confused and since the stairs on the exit went straight up what if she was in a hurry hence why she was counting on her fingers how much time she had until she had to be wherever she needed to be or maybe she forgot her floor and room number and why she pressed a bunch of buttons. and she thought the stairs could help her so she went up them but since she forgot what room was hers and ended up on the roof and maybe thought the tanks were either a shower or her room? Idk… I wish they released more info on the case… they should have talked to her parents about how she was…. The fact her parents were worried about her in the begining shows maybe she showed strange behavior that made her wander at home

  • @askaweis

    can't believe you were so heavefully featured on the netflix doc "crime scene the vanishing at the cecil hotel". i feel starstruck!!

  • @kaileighselig390

    Stephanie you did a great job, u really dig deep and painted the whole picture
    Thanks for all u do

  • @ryph3

    merry christmas stephanie❤

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