As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously analyze every detail in this transcript for any clues that could lead to solving this heinous crime. The suspect’s alibi is full of holes, inconsistencies, and contradictions, indicating a clear attempt to cover up their involvement in the theft of valuable jewelry from the victim’s home. The witness’s statement provides a crucial piece of information that links the suspect to the crime scene, further solidifying the case against them. This type of crime is commonly associated with organized crime syndicates, suggesting a larger criminal network at play. My keen eye for detail will not rest until justice is served and the perpetrator is brought to justice.


50 Comments to “EXPOSING Nichol Kessinger | Chris Watts Mistress & All The Red Flags”

  • @Shawnamomma

    I’ve been saying since day 1 that SHE KNEW EVERYTHING ALL ALONG!!!!

  • @Arandomperson_online

    All NK did was flirt with the detectives

  • @Arandomperson_online


  • @Arandomperson_online

    NK can’t even say her name

  • @Arandomperson_online

    Has a criminal record Pryer to this

  • @Arandomperson_online


  • @Arandomperson_online

    NK had a criminal record before she even looked up the WATTS

  • @Arandomperson_online

    NK voice and laugh makes me gag

  • @FariesWearBoots1970

    He murdered his beautiful family for that thing 🤦🏻‍♂️.

  • @itsbritneybisch8552

    "Why did you google wedding dresses?" "Why did you google 'Will he marry his mistress?'" IT'S CALLED DAYDREAMING. DON'T PRETEND THAT NEVER HAPPENS.

  • @margaretshipway451

    She’s Guilty ABSOLUTELY ! I truly pray she gets caught at some point in her life . Can’t understand how he dose no say she helped him????😱

  • @lizcasillas-p5z


  • @lizcasillas-p5z


  • @lizcasillas-p5z

    they ask her ONE question (to get ONE answer) and she goes on and on about HER life — NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU—!!!!! to get sympthy or prove shes inoccent … there is something WRONG WITH THIS GIRL.. PLAIN JANE PHSYCO

  • @TrinidadJamesWoods

    Wait…Kessinger is a member of the OTO?

  • @pollythomas7049

    I think she put an evil hex on Chris. Did you notice Chris's hairline? Looks like horns

  • @LE-wk9vx

    Smdh she's such a lier, saying that's so beautiful I'm really disgusted with this whole video. I hope they send her ass to jail right along with him.


    Was the side piece given a polygraph test???

  • @kittyboots777

    She was searching DP? so that mean nicole,Chris and Jim had a threesome? Wow

  • @dubaiedge

    Nichol actually looks like she could be his daughter.

  • @KY-jb4vd

    the amount of circumstantial evidence against her is appalling and sure seems like they should have investigated her much more carefully, even with his confession. lots of creepos try to protect their girlfriends out of some misplaced loyalty. I could totally see it in this case. If this was all planned in advance (starting with the oxy etc), then it's very likely that her role is much bigger than either of them have let on to police. I would love to see a dna test of the pillows and blankets of the girls used to smother them as well as the oil well covers.

  • @jeanhenderson1277

    I think she was in the basement and stayed behind to clear up any evidence while he took his family away 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @mcpeewee68

    Ewwww. How much oxycontin would cause a miscarriage? She knew he wanted to kill his unborn child. She knew a lot 🤡

  • @mcpeewee68

    Why does she keep staring at the camera. It's like she's performing for it 🥴

  • @susanbuskirk4034

    OMG! I started on your latesr & i think there's 3 after this! NK is evil, but Chris Watts is more so. And now it's all her fault. Really, thats all you can come up with. Yes, she knew and maybe encouraged him, bur he should have no!

  • @Soulkatyoga8

    At the very least, she knew he did something to his family.

  • @Soulkatyoga8

    She’s such a liar. She’s acting like she wanted to “take it slow” but yet was looking at wedding dresses…ugh. She’s a complete narcissistic psycho stalker. She def needs to be investigated more and her dad pulled some strings to get her off. So disgusting. She’s disgusting. Most hated woman.

  • @Juliet-vu1hv

    I’m pretty sure she was involved the morning of the m@riders and maybe even earlier that night

  • @OmgitsNeens

    Shes such a bad liar.

  • @jonathanvalle6582

    Maybe Nicole searched her name earlier because she worked in the office and she pulled up Chris’s info, maybe emergency contacts? Something like that as to where she got her name, she was creepin from the beginning.

  • @user-ur9qu1iv1v

    the OxyContin call definitely off – I can’t say I think she approved or partook in everything – but the OxyContin call is very hard to explain away – this makes her go beyond let’s say the mistress role – and she for sure knew his wife was not on board for divorce – which doesn’t mean she wanted him to kill his family – but she sounds very guilty of something for calling about OxyContin

  • @estellwakey8813

    Ritual sacrifice, poor kids

  • @APar-zz7sy

    I think that 111 min phone call was to make it look like she was in one place while she was really in another place.

  • @shannon1644

    I think she is lying about things to try and save her reputation. She was having an affair with a married man, that she did not expect the world to find out about. She is probably shameful of her indiscretions and how the world is looking at her. I would be annoyed that I am now sitting with the police being scrutinized for MURDER. I would have an attitude and I would be angry. So I do not blame her for being mad or annoyed at having to go through this. I do not think this portrays any coldness to Shannan, she is after all, willing and trying to help by answering questions. I also do not think she knew beforehand what was going to happen. How awful of a human being are you, especially being a woman that you would be ok with your secret bf murdering his wife and 3 babies. I think she, if she was this type of woman, it would be way more obvious and a violent past, previous mental health issues etc.. You have to be especially evil to condone murdering of babies, just so you can be with a man. Also, everything is so circumstantial, where we are guessing things that happened, or assuming they were thinking this or that. True, she may be guilty of something, but not to the length of what people are accusing her of. However, because she is lying about SOME things, it asks the question, what else is she lying about?

  • @sherrywebster1675

    I would petition any and all available authorities to research and do the work that the police should have done in this abhorrent case …. Ms Kessinger has much more active involvement that she portrays and the police have behaved in a criminal way with their apparent incompetence in elation to her involvement ….it is so obvious and so extreme that I suspect that her father has some kind of hold over the whole police department , and inordinate inappropriate influence . There has been so much coverage of these issues and blatant lies by various wonderful youtube creators that it can't be any more obvious that NK lied and lied and lied in a most disgusting and blatant manner over the entire ' investigation'. I would love to see petitions and higher level legal authorities become pressured to take some real action . At LEAST to drag some truth from this dark little female soul. Wow. Thank you for your marvellous research work , but please get together with other researchers and take this investigation to a whole new formal level … Please … I am an Australian gran and am unable to undertake this process myself . Thank you . Bless you .

  • @user-td6hw1uGayle

    Poor sr, these two cowards continually trying to hurt her rather than just walk away with each other and live their pathetic lives, and let sr find a real man and be happy, nk stalked sr and wanted her life, rather than just live her own stupid life, sr was gorgeous funny and determined to live her best life with her family, and those two grubs couldn't let her do that, she was a far better and prettier woman than nk would ever be, hope nk lives in fear as this case is still in the public eye nearly 6 years later and will continue to do so, so here's a msg for u nk, if ur truly a victim and believe in the spew that continually comes out of ur mouth daily, come out and defend yourself , I wouldn't go into hiding if I was innocent NO WAY,

  • @lalibali4990

    Its so scary how her voice and way of talking changes all the time.. brrrrr

  • @cowdaddy4595

    So what if she told some !ies? Who in the hell would expect her to be entirely truthful? Did she help Chris kill them? No. If she told some lies who cares? ThIs is ridiculous.

  • @Jaybro9908

    Wait …. “ says something along the lines of does that mean you guys are done? “

    Didn’t she claim she thought they were separated? You can tell she caught herself in this moment. She paused to think.

    Soooo she knew

  • @Jaybro9908


    Nervous ramble in my opinion
    She said the word “ like “ so many times.

  • @Jaybro9908

    Love green on you Annie

  • @amandapoland1619

    Baby Nico? Who picked out that name? Interesting if it was Chris

  • @teecee9113

    Omg. This is the first time I've heard her voice. She sounds rough as guts. Nothing like I thought she'd sound like. Her voice doesn't match her pictures. She sounds so brassy & hard. I also think she's lying about what she did/didn't know. Horrible woman.

  • @marywilson641

    Armchair detective was always right.

  • @crescentmoonchild4031

    She tries to explain too much….

  • @justicejohnson5143

    Yep she helped with the murders, no questions about it.

  • @justicejohnson5143

    nk is not innocent!!! I saw a girl on the neighbors video too. She should be charged!!

  • @gloriagreen6110

    I hope his mum is happy you made him just like you evil 😈

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