Uncovering the Deep Secrets: Analyzing Dark Family Secrets in Dark Chapters with Annie Elise Ep. 2
Delve into the twisted world of hidden truths and deceit as we investigate the dark secrets lurking within family dynamics. From shocking revelations to sinister motives, no stone will be left unturned in this riveting exploration of the shadows that bind us together. Join us as we unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic Annie Elise and the secrets she holds in her latest episode.

Fun fact: Family secrets are often a common theme in true crime cases, as they can provide crucial clues to understanding the motivations behind a crime.


23 Comments to “Family Secrets & Dark Secrets | Dark Chapters with Annie Elise Ep. 2”

  • @theallamericannightmare4163

    Annie is smoking hot 💯🥵

  • @sv1000babe

    The fact that Mark said he had seen and tried to wake Dylan the following morning, before deciding to run errands by himself, only to find him missing when he got back home, but tried to argue a possible animal attack for the previous night, makes no sense to me.

  • @jamimoor7311

    Mark didn't kill his son because of "if i can't have him, no one can" love for his son. He didn't even like his son or treat him decently. No, he killed his son because he didn't want to pay support for him and because he didn't want his twisted sadistic lifestyle exposed, where he wears wigs and eats shit out of a diaper. THAT'S why he did it.

  • @LadyVesuvius

    So its OK for a parent to walk away from a child and not see them but children have to or there's punishment? Lets be honest, if Dylan wasn't forced to visit his father he'd still be alive.

  • @dawngrimes7361

    In these cases that is court ordered…..they dropped the ball forcing him to go the way I see it. If a child shows signs of something bad then dadgumit pay attention to them!!!! Dylan had a right to grow up and have a wonderful future with kid's and grandkids…..his was stolen. I KNOW I watch and listen to alot of shows and podcasts but it really happens and we have to protect our children, if his Mom would have said well don't go, she would have been held in contempt by not following orders given to her, since when do children not have a voice! I know all too well how expensive it is also and that's the sad part, thank goodness my 2 demon exs were only cheaters. I wish they would change the laws and listen to them before they're 14 or whatever the age is now…..give them a chance….give them a voice …it's only right

  • @dawngrimes7361

    They were supposed to change the age in several states but Idk if it actually happened, I sure hope so, kid's should not be forced to go stay with someone they're not happy with or they don't feel safe with……..I'm so sick of so many children having to lose their lives because someone has issues!! He never had the opportunities in life that he was supposed to, I have 3 son's, 27, 22 and 18 and I'm grateful every single day that they're happy and healthy

    I pray his Mom and the rest of his family have found peace, the good part is he's in God's protective arm's and no one else can ever hurt him

  • @krystalchapman2996

    Omg I just love you Annie! This one was so dark and had me so angry and heartbroken and depressed but then you hit us with the phrase “why you eating poo out of a diaper bro?” And I just had to laugh 😂 You are a treasure!

  • @jennifernicewonger8273

    Wait isn't that 100 yards where the first dogs scented!

  • @auroraaura6422

    I'm loving the Dark Chapters series. I've been watching backwards from the newest. I love the sound and graphics, they make it creepy in the best way!

  • @iriszhobe7174

    Wtf have you done to your lips? For fucks sake. The more time passes the more you women will mess with your face as if it's a toy you're playing with not your actual face. Its getting ridiculous. Like idk if i'm ever going to see a regular and natural woman in the screen whether that be youtube or tv ever again

  • @mamamel1473

    There’s usually a very good reason, if not many, why a child would not want to go to a parents home.
    Think about it . They’re owed due diligence.
    Do your homework.
    It absolutely sucks in this day and age to still have to sit back and watch the courtroom, fail children over and over and over again.😡
    This is very real & very difficult to detect, but something needs to be done.
    These narcissistic fathers are getting away with hurting or killing their children just to get back at the ex-wife.

  • @kimjamuru8646

    15:58 ah, the canine dogs. The best kinds of dogs. 😊

  • @mirachan9217

    I'm glad my mom let us pick between her and my father because my dad was abusive, an alcoholic and a drug addict who ended up homeless shortly after their divorce.

  • @nicolettegeiger3678

    As someone who had a relative missing for 3 months when I was in high school, it’s a feeling that never ever goes away, it’s the only thing on your mind 24/7, nothing else is important

  • @nicolettegeiger3678

    You are always gorgeous with an amazing case report but this hairstyle, the pink top and make up looks exquisite

  • @icetruckk

    Thank you for sharing this tragedy. Dylan deserves to have people know what happened to him. RIP

  • @Enyrnri

    The fact that she his sister was my teacher throughout high school makes me uncomfortable

  • @christinalove3465

    He said he prayed to his son…which was probably a slip bc I don’t pray to anyone living. I pray to my dead ex boyfriend though….

  • @moonagedaydream-ohyeah

    Blunt force trauma isn't just designated to the head. If I jumped off a building and hit the ground, that's blunt force trauma to my entire body. You can kill someone by hitting them in the mid-section with a baseball bat, causing internal bleeding, and it's considered blunt force trauma. It basically means you haven't been penetrated by anything like a bullet, or a knife. I'm not taking up for the man, I think he's most likely responsible too. I just wanted to clear that up

  • @sweetbonjour333

    My child doesnt want to see her dad anymore and luckily he leaves her with his mom. She prefers her Nana over her dad

  • @jamiesigg

    His interview made me nauseous

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