As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I carefully examined the transcript for any subtle nuances that may have been overlooked. My extensive knowledge of the case revealed key facts that pointed to a sophisticated criminal operation at play. The intricate web of deceit and deception woven throughout the conversation hinted at a carefully orchestrated scheme designed to elude detection. As I delved deeper into the text, it became clear that this was not a common crime of opportunity, but rather a meticulously planned and executed act of white-collar fraud. My expertise in analyzing the minutiae of criminal behavior allowed me to uncover hidden clues that would ultimately lead to the unraveling of the perpetrator’s carefully constructed facade. With determination and precision, I navigated the intricate labyrinth of lies and deceit to uncover the truth behind this elaborate criminal enterprise.


39 Comments to “Gabriel Fernandez 2.0 | UPDATES in the case of Victoria Martens from New Mexico”

  • @annieelise

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  • @ThePurplerRibbon

    Attacked her once she was close to finding out. She actually called CPS on an ex && kicked him out when he tried to kiss her daughter. The same cops on the murder case were later proven to have been negligent bcz they never investigated the case cps sent that Michelle brought to their attention. Should she have had free access to her kids probably not, not until she received treatment, meds && intense therapy for her mental health issues but its been proven that she took no part in the murder of her angel. It's been proven that when she suspected men of any wrong towards her daughter she took action, these police officers didn't follow through bcz according to them attempting to kiss a 9 yo (at the time) wasn't a crime or reason to "waste" resources. Their words. There was an unknown man's DNA on this poor child && the meth the mother claimed they put in her system that night wasn't in her system at all. Sometimes things are nowhere, nowhere AT ALL near what we r either told or we ourselves ASS-U-MEšŸ˜Š

  • @ThePurplerRibbon

    I love your channel but in this case your wrong love, these cops fed her these details, it was shown that she has a mental defect that makes it easy to manipulate her. Not just easy but EXTREMELY BEYOND EASY. She wasn't there during the murder && Jessica Kelley his it from her once she got hone then attacked her

  • @user-yo7dc1ke7l

    Horrific hope they all get kept behind bars

  • @user-yo7dc1ke7l

    Don't get why none them charged with murder of that poor child what devils

  • @peggywilliams2049

    No no.! Make it make sense. She needs life to ! They All do ! She died on her birthday that is so sad. šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢šŸ˜®šŸ˜¢

  • @lovinmytunes05

    Why do you choose to have an annoyingly gritty voice?
    No one naturally speaks like this.
    God damn your choice.
    You are horrifically fake.

  • @user-wz9sp5su1g

    You don't reconcile a situation like this unless these monsters are subjected to pure to#@re in prison then there will be no justice for this beautiful sweet innocent little girl

  • @user-wz9sp5su1g

    I'm scared you guys i very that little girl was scared when you were helping torture her

  • @michaelkawell3300

    Animals dont even do that. they take care of there babies to the fullest

  • @janecollective

    Plz plz do a follow up. Theres so much to it. There was another mans dna at the scene, jessica wasnt lying. The mom and fabians cell phones put them somewhere else at the time of the murder. There is another man and jessica knows who he is. The police had the best chance at getting a name when her leg was broken. Now weā€™ll never know. Theres a creep among us. And now Madeline Soto has a very similar case.

  • @ZenMama22

    By far the worst one I have EVER heard šŸ˜¢

  • @reneemartinez3606

    He was always at my dealership with ankle monitor and with a women with a small girl

  • @denisebutcher7717

    Well, first of all, Iā€™d find out if he was a George Soros funded judge, and that would tell you a lot you donā€™t have to change the laws you just have to change how theyā€™re enforced. May that child rest in peace, and the loving arms of our heavenly Father šŸ˜¢

  • @AdhdKarissa

    Thank goodness I have YouTube Prime because you have me hooked on the decor app! Iā€™ll be playing while also watching your videos! I literally just added it moments ago and have only made it to level/step 6 and itā€™s great eh!!

  • @Amber-yq9ee

    I am even MORE flabbergasted & mind blown by those extra details. I have watched other videos about this poor little sweetheart & I do not believe they discussed that about the Mom looking for guys online to come over & R@p3 her children! & I'm not totally sure I heard about the other parts either! How could ANYONE do that! But most especially how could a MOTHER not ONLY DO THAT but enjoy &get $xual gratification from watching it happen! I'm getting sick just hearing the barest description about it & quite frankly it may have completely killed my libido for a LONG LONG TIME!

  • @jarrettgardner0628

    Michelle did not ā€œcreateā€ the false confession out of thin airā€¦

    When Ms. Martens was initially arrested she waived her right to speaking with an attorney present (unlike Jessica who kept her mouth shut & wouldnā€™t utter a word without her lawyer present)ā€¦

    The burden of guilty parties falls on the cops to work out & they love to cut corners & employ deceptive tactics to yield the kind of response they want to hearā€¦

    To illicit a ā€œconfessionā€ & they will use every deceptive tactic in the playbook, act as if they are ā€œhelpingā€ the person, etc etc

    Michelleā€™s psychological profile was later analyzed by multiple reputable psychologists and it later came out that Michelle displayed histrionic tendencies & was assessed with falling under the criteria for histrionic personality disorder, was of below average intelligence, & was known to be a ā€œpeople pleaserā€ā€¦

    Being locked in the interrogation room hours on end eventually her fragile mental psyche suffered from mental overload & she reiterated timelines, false narrative of crimes, etc that the police interrogators had initially fed to herā€¦

    Essentially Michelle just reinstated & reinforced the narrative that the cops had simply laid out for her

    Michelle simply took the bait the cops were dishing out and gave then the false confession they wanted to hear thinking her her mind she was somehow helping her own case

    All those horrific details of depriving pleasure (masturbating, etc ), seeking out men to sexually abuse / rape her child, etc

    & then being a willing participant while watching her daughter being tortured, sexually assaulted, raped, stabbed, strangled, & then her lifeless body being dismembered & set on fireā€¦

    Ultimately was proven to be a false confession spoon fed by her local police interrogators.

    Although some of these events and details did in reality take place it was later proven that this particular subject – the mother of the female child who was murdered and partially disposed of in the most disgusting, disturbing, diabolical manner –

    Did not in fact commit these crimes that almost seem inconceivable & incomprehensible at every twist & turn of this case that would severely trouble the mind of any person that is in possession of a conscious.

  • @lisolette1

    I think these monsters thought in their drug fueled state that they could throw her organs in a bag and sell them ā€¦

  • @salinachurch9213

    Baby Brianna Law….. You are involved in any way and a child dies…. You automatically get 30 years. They all are at fault.

  • @audreygrenier7145

    Omfg šŸ¤¬ why the f**k hasnā€™t anyone been charged for first degree murder???

  • @jimbolton2363

    This is a crime that screams death sentence

  • @jimbolton2363

    Please dont say sorry for choking up ,be sorry if these things dont effect you. Glad to see your human not monster

  • @traciehedin8180

    What they did to that poor girl which is a terrible selfish the truly should be charged with first-degree murder my only thought in this whole thing when they stand before God I feel that only then Victoria will get Justice they may not get the punishment in this lifetime but I'm sure in my heart that they will in the next life

  • @pavlovasupernova1013

    What i think is ridiculous is that they said they shot Victoria up with Meth to "calm her down". Since when was meth used to "calm" anybody down? That is the worst reason I've ever heard for doing something as stupid as that. Poor Victoria. What a terrible birthday…

  • @aprilranta3927

    This case bothered me more than any case I have ever heard about.I cry sometimes thinking about her.Its unfair what she went through

  • @littlemisstink921

    These people are a very strong case for vigilantism

  • @WhidbeyIslandWA

    How can an innocent child be beaten, sexually assaulted, murdered, drugged, dismembered and betrayed all by their own family. The Justice system and Government is broken in a million pieces.

  • @alpschild

    What is going on in New Mexico? I feel like so many bad stories are located there.

  • @shayleenjoubert2008

    They need to Die!… there is just No JUSTICE in the JUSTICE system!?šŸ˜¢
    Who is Being HELD ACCOUNTABLE ?
    #JUSTICE for Victoria

  • @judithpotgieter1404


  • @lovesnhugs

    We have the same scar on our hair part line ā¤. You're the reason I don't really try to hide mine anymore. You're amazing girl!!

  • @user-nf6he1mv4n

    I am just seeing this and I'm not even though 10 minutes of the story and am already so angry. I have zero sympathy for people like this. In my opinion people like this do not even deserve prison. I know people say oh the death sentence is the easy way out but I say ok maybe so but at least the piece of s*** scumbags are taken from this earth because they aren't even deserving of the air they breathe. Sorry my opinion but I'm completely sticking with it.

  • @ianbaird1532

    i am so disgusted with these horrible people they deserve to be under the jail IDC !!

  • @susanpugh5265

    I think all 3 should get death penalty! That poor little girl!

  • @ABVivaCristoRey

    Our justice system is thee worst here in ABQ NM. This is exactly why I've been saying that Alexee Trevizo is going to get away with killing her new born baby!!!! This is what happens when you vote democrat. We are a liberal state and it's shit here!

  • @janearmstrong1966

    Her screeching is satisfying to me…i wish it would last her lifetime! Ive never been so angry watching one of your videos šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

  • @janearmstrong1966

    Death penalty for all 3! UGH they are a waste of air!

  • @AndreiTraieste

    How these people arent spending the rest of their lives in prison is infuriating. They should never see the light of day.

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