Harloween: Anneliese Michel- The Exorcisms Begin (Part 2)

Harloween: Delving Deep into the Chilling Case of Anneliese Michel and the Terrifying Onset of Exorcisms (Part 2) – Unraveling the tragic true story of a young girl subjected to over 60 exorcisms in an attempt to rid her of supposed demonic possession, Anneliese Michel’s harrowing tale continues to shock and mystify investigators. The case, based on the real-life events that inspired the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose,” sheds light on the disturbing world of exorcisms and the tragic consequences of religious fanaticism. Join us as we piece together the puzzle of Anneliese Michel’s tortured existence and the sinister forces that plagued her life.


35 Comments to “Harloween: Anneliese Michel- The Exorcisms Begin (Part 2)”

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 💚

  • @masha.komadinic

    Changes in the walking manner is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Also ~ hidden homosexual tendencies that person has problem admitting to herself (yet to another person) can cause psychotic episodes with hallucinations too.

  • @masha.komadinic

    Some pills, like allergy pills for example, and some drugs, and even herbs ~ can cause eye pupils to widen up so large that it seams your eyes turned completely black. In such states of pupil widening ~ hallucinations occur. And from my own experience with allergy pills ~ when pupils widen ~ you start to se facial patterns in everything you lay your eyes at and it is similar to pareidolia but scarier if you do not realize what is going on. She had epilepsy for sure (and many people through ages until XX c ~ considered people with epilepsy to under influence of demonic possession) and since we know now that there are so many different types of epilepsy of which some are not even with typically known symptoms ~ we should have in mind that during such episodes those who suffer from them can become overly strong beyond their obvious body potential strength, and can use bad language / words i.e. curse. But since everything started in her puberty ~ maybe she had an undiagnosed schizophrenia too ~ since hearing tings might be a symptom of it. P.S.: When your imagination and thoughts influence your (for example) allergy pills "visions" ~ it can take what ever form your mind takes you to.

  • @oliviavalentine7775

    Someone that has hypochondria can experience things happening to them after hearing about it happening to someone else so i think thats a possibility why father alt would have experinced what annieliese was experincing

  • @amberbrown8174

    On the topic of God I believe and I've heard him as I laid in bed I heard get up and I turned nothing was there I thought I was half asleep that's all then I was tapped and heard get up and I jumped and and said why did you tap me to my husband but he had not he said so I turned and faced him and two seconds later I was shoved and louder than ever I heard get up to the point my head almost exploded at that point I got up and trust me I'm lazy so to get me up is a lot 😂 but i decided to go downstairs and have a cig outside as i walked by my two year olds room I heard choking I ran in and a string was wrapped around his neck numerous times from his blanket that had come undone it took me screaming dropping him and grabbing scissors to cut it loose he was ok but a hour later it all hit like who was waking me up who saved my son and I knew ❤ and i thank him everyday and am tearing up just writing this

  • @clairefisher3132

    I think sometimes antipsychotic medications can be used to treat epilepsy as well, and even as sedatives. So maybe they thought this particular medication might not necessarily be to treat hallucinations but other physical symptoms. I’m not a doctor though!

  • @bossabrasileira

    Congrats for your research and the way you explain all these facts. Really great to see this case in a down to earth manner. I hugely also recommend the German movie Requiem, a beautiful and even poetic approach on this history, much better and realistic than the Hollywood movie. Huge thank you.

  • @andersonbarnett4245

    I have an idea about this eye color darkening and seizures. Like the subject I'm also of European ancestry and also have a neurological/neuromuscular disease. I also have Adie syndrome which is most prevalent in females between 25-45 of European ancestry who also have st least 1 neurological diagnosis. The main recognizable trait of Adie is that the pupils are far more dilated than the average person even in brightly lit conditions. If someone steps in front of the light source, for example leaning over you to pray, or the individual herself bows the head to pray and unknowingly blocks the light out, the eyes would be so dilated that it could appear as though the colored iris had disappeared.

    Another symptom is that from late adolescence through early 30s your eyes become increasingly sensitive to light to the point where you can't tolerate brightly lit environments. This begins to lessen with age. I could see this perhaps being interpreted as aversion to Holy objects in the right environment and time period. Particularly if it's a reflective object.

  • @altarush

    There is a different in mental illnesses and demonic possession. Saying priests should look at alternatives also applies to medical professions and scientists.

  • @crystalprice1197

    I really wanted to watch and enjoy this second part. But the disdain in your voice for all of the priests and experiences was just too much for me. The first episode you were so impartial but in this one you laughed thru his experiences.

  • @boydsinclair7606

    Priests should be the best equipped to deal with a Karen… When they ask to speak to the manager, priest can tell them to go pray

  • @kathleenhamilton7608

    Because the demons won't manifest themselves on queu just to frustrate, not to mention postponing their exorcism.

  • @michaelworden-brown3175

    Cognitive dissonance is strong

  • @babygraceblue1807

    Anyone convinced that this poor child was possessed is off his rocker. I believe in ghosts and spirits but first and foremost I believe in objective reality that is proven to be altered by objective physical means when you can't say the same about the metaphysical. Her case always infuriated me, and people surrounding her aside from maybe Peter were absolutely controlling and nothing but harmful to her in their collective rumour-driven delusion when they should have focused on getting her to a doctor who WOULD have diagnosed her properly, no matter how many specialists they had to go through to reach one. I'm very thankful for your research—this is so much more information than I have ever seen collected about her case, thank you for giving her memory a chance to be rehabilitated.

    There are many illnesses that can cause these symptoms, Anneliese might have even had comorbid conditions besides epilepsy if she had it at all. Her neck is swollen in a few photos and I always suspected she had undiagnosed hypothyroidism which can cause depression, fatigue, anxiety, apathy, psychosis, and even hallucinations among others. As someone with a disabling thyroid receptor disorder, I had to deal with some of them in the last 20 years because it's not a treatable condition, which makes me stay hypothyroid all the time despite medication. A head injury could have even caused her to have hypopituitarism which depletes hormone production in many glands, including cortisol, thyroid, and sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen imbalance when severe can cause mania, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations (I have experienced hallucinations and paranoia myself before I was using progesterone to balance estrogen), you're completely right about surging hormones in our teens and about her head trauma. Thyroid disease, if extreme, have been known to cause seizures. And epilepsy drugs can cause depression and harm towards oneself or others, death of Ian Curtis comes to mind.

    She got better each time when distracted from religion and constant morbid thinking of her religious friends and the scripture. Of course she read about the saints and knew well about ecstasies, testaments and miracles the world over, books you buy in a church gift shop contain nothing but that. Healthy people go insane when they read nothing but that, and she wasn't healthy.

    The Freudian psychiatrist was right about her family, but sadly she was too codependent and unwilling to believe him. They kept her completely sheltered and unprepared for life outside the home and academia, so she relied fully on their beliefs and instead of protecting her, they killed her.

  • @Angela-dx6cs

    Your Halloween episodes are the best.

  • @Angela-dx6cs

    Some of this reminds me of schizophrenia with catatonic episodes.

  • @Angela-dx6cs

    This is one of the most amazing videos I’ve ever seen.

  • @nicolewolfcry7408

    oh my god that grimace with Peter and the girl in her room is so freaking familiar. Its pain, when all those muscles seize it becomes so freaking painful and the muscles in the face contort. I really hope she was possessed and not suffering from PNES cause that is just too heartbreaking.

  • @brettinagordon9644

    My grandma right here in the States was very outspoken about the modernization of the Catholic church here. She also felt mass should be in Latin.

  • @SteveMHN

    Burning fecal matter? Does that mean they smelled poop and something burnt or literally the fecal matter itself burning?

  • @christycofer1889

    I love your program! You take the time to provide an extraordinary amount of detail. I also agree with you that a priest should not pronounce someone well or healthy or ill. Jesus healed people and sent them to physicians to confirm the people he healed were well.

  • @daniellebenfield95

    I feel like whoever it was that mentioned hydrocephalus (water on thr brain) may have been on to something.headaches, seizures and behavioral/mrntal changes are major symptoms. A reliable surgical treatment has "only" been a thing since about 1962. Not sure how good the diagnostics for it would have been at that time.

  • @TheNewStrangeWorld

    I think she may have held a sort of grudge towards God/ the church. She was stressed most likely depressed and seemed to be hallucinating quite a bit. She may have made those faces and screeches bc she felt God had abandoned her and her sister. But not wanting to outwardly show that her subconscious could have made her react in such a way bc she had no outlet to say such things with secrecy and protection. I think her super religious upbringing accompanied by her mothers need to "repent for her sins" and saying what she did about her first daughter really affected her psychologically and she didn't quite fully understand why she felt such things and that led her to believe she was possessed.

  • @brinaka

    The word ,Fratze‘ is an insulting word for the face Someone makes, when they try to scare you or mock you. So Stephanie totally nailed the meaning of it. Also, Frau Thea Hein absolutely is a German Karen, but we call Karens (and the male version) ,Almans‘. Like the true (very toxic) German. The essence of everything wrong with the German Boomer 😂 I love this series. Watching this series while waiting for more Halloween content

  • @danielcrowell8143

    Anytime somebody does something really abnormal and it’s abusive to their selves or anyone else they are being controlled by demons but more likely allowing themselves to be controlled that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the case of Annalise. By the way there’s a YouTuber named Annalise to

  • @kristyyyyy5255

    So they just had gallons of holy water laying around? It seems like there were a lot of factors that contributed to her illness but that speaks volumes about how it manifested.

  • @karenhall4645

    Peter must have been a special guy who truly loved her. Lots of guys would have run the other way after the first several incidents, but he stuck by her. I hope he was able to find some happiness in his life after all of this.

  • @DragonGoddess18

    I think it's okay/perfectly fine to believe in the supernatural,as long you're not hurting anyone or being a jerk about it

  • @AndreaGarcia-rn8nm

    Frontal lobe seizures are often correlated with hallucinations. Even when people have controlled epilepsy, they can have "ghost" seizures that result in hallucinations and other symptoms of psychosis. Vincent van gohg had these type of seizures and it is speculated that it could have been related to his self-harm behaviors (alongside drug use). My sister has frontal lobe seizures, and even when her tonic clonics are controlled by medication, she has these "ghost" seizures where she just seems to stare off into space. They are often accompanied by hallucinations.

  • @AndreaGarcia-rn8nm

    Nowadays we understand that antipsychotics can be used for a variety of issues, from psychosis to insomnia to mania to depression. Back then, there could have also been a gendered view of mental illness that all women, including those with physical ailments like epilepsy, were psychotic.

  • @IfollowGod24_7

    Good ol Catholics and their possessions/exorcisms…. This doesn’t happen in many other religions. Hmm🤨
    I believe she had serious mental issues that in those days they had very limited resources and information about them!

  • @MrCurtishinkle

    I am so impressed with your talent and intelligence. Your ability to tell a story is better than any of the other true crime content makers I know. You keep me riveted to the story and I always look forward to more. Keep up the good work!

  • @IzzyOnTheMove

    I believe she was severely mentally ill. I've been bitten, hit, and had the most insane things said to me and done in my house and presence. We tried everything. My husband thought God was sending him these tests and he would do the most incoherent and chaotic things. He even almost drowned once swimming through a sewer drain because he thought God asked him to prove himself. Even a 5150 (several) didn't work. He has been homeless moving from country to country for the past 3 years. It is absolutely unbearable to live with an untreated person like this, lest you lose your mind also. I loved him with all my heart and I'm VERY strong, but even I had to abdicate. There is something way stronger than demons, and it's called Schizophrenia.

  • @IzzyOnTheMove

    Just like mediums and psychics, exorcists are charlatans profiterring off of vulnerable gullible people. The sheer number of those frauds is infuriating, even in this "modern" world.

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