Harloween: Who Killed Missy Bevers? Part 1

Delving into the Harloween Case: The Murder Mystery of Missy Bevers Unraveled – Part 1

In this chilling investigation, we dissect the heinous crime that shook the small town of Harloween to its core. Missy Bevers, a fitness instructor, was brutally murdered in a church early one morning while preparing for a workout class. The killer, dressed in SWAT gear, has eluded authorities and left a trail of baffling clues in their wake. Stay tuned as we uncover the shocking truths behind this perplexing case.


34 Comments to “Harloween: Who Killed Missy Bevers? Part 1”

  • @nerd_world8919

    57:27 I think what the husband might be trying to say the killer may be “cosplaying” as a police officer. But since he’s an older man he may not have the vocabulary to explain such a nerdy hobby.
    You can get cosplay armor that matches REAL military armor or you can also get similar gear for airsoft tournaments. The helmets and even the “bullet proof” vest could be from the same type of cosplay/airsoft armor sites

  • @ruthjohnson2710

    My prayers to Brandon and his family. Has any one thought about a stranger from another State? Her facebook was not private. There are so many sick predators. By God’s Grace, whoever that evil one is will be caught.

  • @TheTrailOfDestruction

    18:53 YES! THANK YOU! 3years after this video was posted and you still keep your word. I love your work and the voice you give the voiceless.

  • @maureenhawes1598

    Comment Stephanie this is why I love you

  • @ryph3

    I’m not as convinced it was a woman as many seem to be. Personally I walk like that due to an injury and i’m a 6ft male. So the height combined with the gait does point toward it being a woman, but I also don’t think this was a solo crime. I don’t know that we’re ever going to know for sure the gender of the killer and that can’t be the thing that the case hinges on.

  • @sagrammyfour

    Did you forget Missy had an affair? And that her father-in-law and his second wife hated her? And, how very convenient that Brandon and his father were about as far away as they could get? This was NOY a burglary-she WAS targeted. WHO had motive? Randy Bevers is a piece of work–I think he threw that bloody shirt at the dry cleaners trick for a perverse laugh. BTW anyone can order a hit made to order–their hitman was an actor who imitated Randy's wonky gait, to divert attention away from him while seeming to implicate him–smoke and mirrors.

  • @kalel311superman9

    you should do a video about kay wenal, unsolved murder

  • @latashawright3113

    I had never heard of this case before watching this video. I watch a lot of true crime and ive not watched or read, heard anything at all about this. Out of all the Datelines, 48 Hours, 20/20's, true crime shows on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, ID… i had no clue about this case. I live in Tennessee and ive read stories like this from as far away as Canada, all over the world really. Texas isnt that far away from Tennessee. We need to say her name and talk about this so that maybe more people will hear about what happened to Missy. I usually dont get like scared or freaked out, but man, this one is haunting! Terrifying that something like this happened, but the fact that it happened in a CHURCH makes it even more terrifying! When i seen the suspect i immediately thought and felt that its definitely a woman, not a man. I sure hope this gets solved sooner rather than later.

  • @thatdarlin

    Something that popped into my head about the police tactical uniform… Maybe that wasn't just the killer's attempt at concealing their identity… didn't Missy also call her workouts boot camp? Like what the police or military go through? Could it have been a sicko nod at that? The fact that person wore something like that kinda makes me that they knew Missy or knew of her, and that she was 100% the target. Praying for a break in this case and that the monster responsible is brought to justice ASAP! Karma is a b****!

  • @juansoto7012

    Give my they tickets to travel to Texas in I am working in dad case. I am in massachusets in love hope.

  • @jennifer8724

    “Dressed like a power ranger” 🤣🤣

  • @joshuat5140

    Its crazy how the father in law fits that gait and walk perfectly. Now hes got a alibi. So its not him. But the question is that who is his alibi? Is the wife the one confirming he was in California? Because if thats the case? Then its possible the wife is lying and that Randy could be the killer?

  • @aliensporebomb

    1:00:05 it is not that unusual that cellular carriers are approached with warrants for cellular data by law enforcement and there are specific procedures in place to accommodate the request, it is not the big ask you think it is. The complication happens is when you have people who subscribe to different carriers or are running "burner" phones. Here is hoping that this case is resolved. I believe it is likely a burglary interrupted by someone who was dressed the way are in an attempt to hide themselves due to previous arrests and only did his foul deed because his motivation was not going to jail because she could have recognized him. I think he was looking for money (it's a church – the perception is they rake it in on sundays) but I hear the church had already deposited the days offerings by the time of the crime. Brandon B and his father-in-law have nothing to do with this – they are victims themselves and need justice.

  • @corissawilliams3926

    There hasn’t been a murder in my town (southern Illinois) since 1922. It was a love triangle situation between two farmers and a woman.

  • @gracelessgoblin

    Dressed like a power ranger

  • @zevoni

    Stefanie did it 🤔

  • @altarush

    Who had something against her? There is no proof that her husband did it or hired a hit man? Some didn’t like her gladiator training or felt insulted by it?

  • @tfr128

    Why wasn't the suspect WET??

  • @zanewoodward4822

    My first thought was that it is a Woman .

  • @chachrocket

    Is it possible that the suspect was staking the place out for something else? Perhaps they were planning an attack on the church somehow and that’s where the passion came from. Idk just brainstorming

  • @chachrocket

    First thought watching the suspects body and how they carry themselves gave me woman vibes.

    Also, her precious husband- I have his same body language when I am asked about things that I have not yet processed but are painful. Staring at the ground, emotionless and yet not- I feel like you can see emotion but it’s to be expected that he hasn’t processed it yet. How could he? And honestly he’s so generous for giving that interview and not telling the journalist to screw off and have a heart.

  • @MelanyMoore-vh7wi

    You can eat gas station snacks AND be healthy….at least thats what i tell myself!

  • @Emm-wi2lu

    May she rest in peace! What a wonderful mom, athlete, wife, human being. I did not know her but I hope and pray that justice will be served. Missy truly was, just from what you said about her, larger than life. Rest in peace you wonderful strong woman ❤️

  • @jamesa5720

    Now two years after your very thoughtful presentation and some seven years after this sad day, I think it is fair to start over and consider everyone as a suspect. For me, I don't understand why the first-time attendee, who requested an even earlier 4:30 AM start-time, isn't more closely scrutinized. Maybe he was, but I never read that. Who does he know? Btw, there is no video of the Church parking lot to give him an alibi. Can they prove his movements that morning by other means? And could it be that the surveillance footage of the riot gear club-footed person, is just a coincidence and he/she is not the killer anyway?

  • @lorismiley

    Look at your super adorable shirt😢❤you're the cutest lady ever❤thank you for working so hard for us. God bless the victims and their families❤

  • @nataliestar365

    Killer is found, he's in jail, google it.

  • @irenestrmnss4496


  • @jamiemoore8740

    I almost can't watch this channel bc of how long you talk about your sponsors. NO other channel goes on and on and on and on and on and on about glasses like that. It gets old and ridiculous. Shorten that ishh up.

  • @salmonjanet

    I can't believe I'm agreeing with you, Stephanie!

    😂😂😂 I have been touching base on this case, at least once a year, since it happened, and I have NEVER thought it was a woman…. Until this past week.

    I watched it again, and I finally saw that I thought it was a female. I agree with you! It honestly looks like a woman who is not comfortable with her body as of yet.

    OR a man with a droopy body….

    The gaunt looks a like someone who had gained a bit of wait in a short period of time (like a pregnant woman), or a man who was used to be much larger than they were.

    They just look slumped over and tired in their walk. And with the walk, I think it could be an old injury, that is coming to light after weight gain or recently a lot of weight loss, and their body hasn't caught up.

  • @karendwight88

    So far I think that this is a woman killer, not a man
    It's definitely personal.
    The killer was definitely waiting for her to come to the Church.
    This means that this was premeditated.
    Jealously or Rage.

  • @cielange5027

    This person’s behavior is just like a security guard. A lot of wanna-be police officers that can’t Pass security. He snuck in side window, and was just playing around. He does not act like anyone expecting someone to show up that they want to kill. He got surprised by her and easily killed bet with a hammer and ice pick. That’s just a sociopath.

  • @ionova3265

    Unfortunately Camp Gladiator is a MLM. Even if campers report favorable results, it still has the structure of one (hefty up-front costs for training and products to join, you have an upline and downline, emphasis on recruiting to make any money from it, a lot of unpaid labor. There are whole lawsuits over this.) and that's a very common rebuttal with MLMs. "We sell a product, so it isn't a pyramid scheme!"

    That said, I recognize most people in MLMs aren't in them out of malice. Missy was passionate about fitness and likely whole-heartedly believed in what she was doing. Whether or not her murder was related to it, she didn't deserve harm to come to her. If anything she deserved better than Camp Gladiator and to be able to do what she loved more officially.

    Not trying to argue or derail, but I think being true to the facts is important. It's a shame that Missy falling victim to this scheme was only ended by falling victim to murder. The same goes for Shanann Watts and Barbara Hamburg.

  • @toomworld

    “Because you’re dressed like a power ranger” 😂

  • @michelleprudham1416

    BRANDON so sorry for your loss .😢 i did not know your wife but she seemed like a real beautiful soul she is with the angels now .

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