Harloween: Who Killed Missy Bevers Part 2

The Harloween Murder Mystery: Delving into the Case of Missy Bevers’ Murder – Part 2

As we continue our investigation into the brutal slaying of fitness instructor Missy Bevers, a tangled web of evidence begins to unravel. From the mysterious figure caught on camera wearing tactical gear to the cryptic messages left behind at the crime scene, every detail must be scrutinized with laser-like precision.

One chilling fact about this case is that Missy Bevers was found murdered inside a church just prior to leading a fitness class, adding an eerie twist to this already perplexing crime. The police have been tirelessly working to piece together the events leading up to her untimely death, but the killer remains at large.

Join us as we meticulously dissect every clue, every suspect, and every possible motive in our quest to uncover the truth behind the Harloween tragedy. The clock is ticking as we race against time to bring justice to the memory of Missy Bevers.


22 Comments to “Harloween: Who Killed Missy Bevers Part 2”

  • @sagrammyfour

    I saw what is called "duper's delight " on Randy Bevers' face. MOTIVE–hatred of Randy and his second wife for Missy. MOTIVE: Brandon is a cuckolded husband. MEANS: Hire a talented pro. Make it interesting–costume, imitate the gimpy walk, take a bloody shirt to the dry cleaners. Sit back and smirk while they watch the show. OPPORTUNITY: A conveniently pre-planned trip to Biloxi for Brandon, and a trip tp California for his Daddy. Go back to months before the murder and see if anyone in that church remembers a new face, a visitor who maybe was there for a few Sundays checking things out , then never came back

  • @christyh3208

    Or maybe they had been driving all night and needed to sleep and was looking for somewhere safe to shut their eyes but was uncomfortable and parked under the light, shut the lights off then realized they just can’t sleep in the car and especially with the light so left to find a hotel. I have done exactly that trying to avoid expensive hotels but needing a moment to shut my eyes.

  • @robotmechanic3923

    It was a woman in that swat gear. I remember seeing a video that mentioned a woman with a broken foot that the police interviewed, though I don't remember her name. She had also rented a Nissan similar to the one in the video. The police "cleared" her,but I bet they missed something with that one.

  • @monicasendoeu9524

    2024 and still unsolved…

  • @Karlita91100

    I feel sorry for Brandon. Always makes me feel bad when a surviving spouse is mourning the loss of their loved one, but has to find out about multiple affairs. That sucks to learn about his wife having inappropriate communication with different men, and her kids have to find out as well.

  • @margaretmlekush523

    I have a couple of problems with the Bobby Wayne Henry theory—-first of all how did he meet and become obsessed with the victim? We don't know–we don't know for sure that ever met her let alone became obsessed–But Bobby's history reveals he targets women he knows quite well……Next Bobby is a RAPIST not muderer and police have not said the victim was raped–had they said so I'd be highly suspicious of Bobby for he fits the profile of the killer in my mind……Next didn't you say the gun was left at the scene–can it be traced back to Bobby? I'm not sure he as a suspect is really adding up

  • @margaretmlekush523

    Ok I am half way thru part 2 as you Stephanie are proposing theories about what may have occurred—but even before you conclude them I have got to blurt out now what I think happened here. Let me say that by and large TX is a fairly religious state particularly in its small towns. And so I am not jumping at the thought another's wife killed Missy—I really cannot imagine some wife dressed up in that SWAT costume…..Not do I think the woman's father in law of spouse did it—they really seem like a nice family , intelligent and slow to anger and seem to turn to the church to help them sort difficulties out. For me there were only two real suspects–the lover she dumped in returning to her husband police seem to have cleared and then the POSSIBLITY given her evidenced habits she had met someone NEW online she agreed to meet before her class began or maybe after it but he came EARLY and to kill her…….I am very surprised she got mail from the Linked In site—was she in other places online like Facebook Twitter or any grouping of fitness fanatics where she might have met someone and deleted the messages? When I look at the video of the person who broke in the church to me it is OBVIOUS he is going room to room to make certain no one else is there so he can discreetly kill Missy as soon as she arrives……..As you said it is NOT a robbery he has come with no bags he is loading–he is there to kill her. And yet having said that and assuming we agree let's talk about HOW ODD it all is to profile that killer……….He has NOT COME with a commonly used weapon but police say he killed her with one of those tools he brought—-that's odd. He did choose to kill her at home or out in the parking lot but INSIDE what all others call a place CONSECRATED to God–gosh that is ODD…….And strangest of all in a COSTUME—dressed up to look like something he is NOT—law enforcement……What does this tell us? Ok it's fairly weird–the cops say he did alot of VANDALISM in the church but he did it all with REPAIR tools and even killed with tools for REPAIR or construction not DESTRUCTION you see? He committed the worst sin of all murder in a HOLY Place and and as the LAW when he was a premeditated criminal—This kind of preplanned contrasts is really ARROGANT and kind of nutty or psychotic—the odds are he is very smart and charismatic and yet one on one insulting and sadistic or hurtful—he is probably a loner and hunts for overly eager types online—Probablhy he seeks out women scantily clad proud of their bodies who do arouse him but feeling inadequate he wants to kill them—-She probably met him online unless he once came to her fitness group or she met him omn some girls nite out—-But at some point she told him where she works and at what hour……And he showed up there to kill her……..

  • @gabrielM1111

    This bimbo is clueless. Suspect had burglary tools on him and using them. He left with nothing because found nothing. He was looking for the Sunday cash offerings. Classic wrong place wrong time for missy. Rip

  • @r.c.miller6161

    Whew. TMI about Bobby, Bonnie, Doyle, Pam, Beverly, et al. However Bobby sounds as suspicious as anyone.

  • @Sadames03

    Jesus these fucking reporters and their stupidity……do u think if he actually did it, would it have been smart for him to give a bloody shirt to the cleaners that could actually be tested forensically for dna. Not many killers hand their bloody clothes to the cleaners…i mean like come on. This reporter is a disgrace.

  • @HoshiarMVP

    The dog behind is so cute

  • @mandadenzer4648

    Does the public not know Missy was a fitness instructor? She definitely wasn't a XXL.

  • @johndonahue3509

    Biden judge sealed Epstein xlient lost…then he promoted her after she did this….sick fkn Democrats

  • @PaigeBook

    Off topic, cowboy church is also usually super early in the morning, like 6-7am before the usual services at 9-10 😊

  • @evelynwells-rk1ed

    I think Missy was killed by a woman!

  • @euriditia7497

    Well… It seems they definitely gave Bobby special treatment since he worked with the law enforcement and a cover up (my own personal opinion) which is horrible. Even if he is not the person who killed Missy, he needs to be put in jail regardless. He is a pathological liar, manipulator, and probably many more.

  • @voodoomamajuju2455

    She said “they found something shocking on his computer”

    The police finding CP in Bobby Henry’s stuff is the least shocking thing I think I heard in this video…

    Who by the way did it..(allegedly. In my opinion. Don’t come for me)

  • @jerimiller5651

    Spot on!! That walk! What vehicle do they drive? Bobby's stroll..gait. His mentality….spot on. Uncanny.

  • @jerimiller5651

    I'm surprised in last episode her Husband doesn't think it's personal seemingly agree with police saying botched robbery. Firstly,I'm sure her classes and times were publicly listed. Secondly, this killer who could be a woman, their face and body was so well disguised-if they were surprised- they could've just left without being recognized. The perpetrator didn't seem in a hurry. I feel broken glass was staged.

  • @StellaChristelle

    It can’t possibly be Bobby because –
    He is 6’1, so end of story.
    Oh Lord though, I hope they took the baby away.
    I do think Missy’s K is a woman.

  • @StellaChristelle

    My mama always told me messy lives often meet messy ends.
    And never ever mess with another woman’s husband.

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