As a highly skilled and meticulous crime investigator, I thoroughly examined the transcript of the incident with precision and attention to detail. It was evident from the witness statements that a robbery had occurred at the local convenience store. The perpetrator was described as wearing a ski mask and wielding a weapon, demanding cash from the store clerk. The witnesses reported the suspect fleeing the scene in a dark-colored vehicle, leaving behind a trail of evidence for me to meticulously analyze. With my expertise in crime scene investigation, I was able to piece together crucial details that would ultimately lead to the apprehension of the criminal responsible for this heinous act.


31 Comments to “Harmony Montgomery Update: Did Kayla Help Clean Up? Plus, Adam's History of Escalation”

  • @annieelise

    I think we could be in a very different situation today and Harmony very well may be happy and healthy had people paid attention sooner. Do you think Adam could have been stopped given this information? Do you think Kayla helped with the clean-up vs the crime itself? Let's discuss in the comments!

  • @lizzieb19450

    The system is so racist! Adam should have been in jail. The only thing the mother did was struggling with drug abuse. She was not abusing Harmony. And while drug abuse is an issue DCFS steps in and makes it so hard for good mothers to get their children back. And then DCFS gives custody of Harmony to Adam Montgomery who is a violent felon and drug addict!!!! When the mother who is trying to stay clean and stripping the mother of her of her rights of Harmony and then gives a gun violent felon involving drugs and under investigation for murder. He swiftly gives Harmony to Adam to violent felon? The judge should be put in jail!

    Unfortunately, I hate to say this Harmony is not alive.

  • @amandaduerk5866

    This man is SO SICK. He is now in prison on gun charges (for a very long time) and this is where he needs to stay for ALL of eternity.

  • @texasjaco9385

    With how sadistically evil and being the devil's disciple we know him to be. My heart is crying because I know he murdered her. The only other way she could possibly be alive, is if he sold her to a trafficker. On one hand you think, look at the extreme way it had to go down, for her to no longer hurt anymore, and not to feel torturous abusive acts on her.

    I'm sure he abused her in everyway possible and imaginable. This isn't how any of us watching her case, wanted her to be freed from suffering. Imagine all the abuse she would still be enduring, how alone she would still be, how much she thought love wasn't something she deserved. Because that's what abuser tell you so it's one more way to abuse you.

    How many times in her little head did she dream of being rescued, but she knew no one wanted her around. How many times did she stare out of the window, waiting and watching praying for her mommy to find her. But yet again remembered mommy didn't love or want her, because that's what he told her.

    How many silent screams and holding back tears she had to do, because it would only get worse for her, while he was inflicting so much pain on her. Was there anyone who she would holler out for when the pain was to great to bare.

    I can't even fathom what was going through her mind in those last few seconds of her life. To think how scared she must've been, how betrayed she must've felt. When the one man who was suppose to protect her, love her, and cherish her always. Was the one to take everything from her completely. A little girls first love, her first hero, is her father. A father is supposed to be the example you look to of how a man is suppose to treat a woman. So a daughter knows exactly what real tender loving care is suppose to look and feel like. Most of us end up marrying a man that's just like their dad, if he was a good one. That way if a man doesn't treat you the way you seen your father do, then you know he's not a good man and you deserve better.

  • @susanpugh5265

    How in the world did he ever get custody of this little girl? He seems unfit to even be on the streets!

  • @sberry80

    Adam should have been in prison with all his crazy crimes. Shooting a guy in the face should have been attempted murder with a 10-15 year sentence

  • @Mashenka6564

    Virginia gives life in prison for an armed robbery…

  • @laurak3035

    As you’re listing off Adam’s serious and violent criminal record, I’m just in disbelief that CPS would willingly allow this man to have custody of ANY children! I’m seriously so confused because I think we all would assume CPS has some rules or protocols regarding adults with a pattern of violent crimes. Especially, involving DRUGS and FIREARMS!

  • @sydwee915

    We need to care about our children!!!! If you work in ANY industry where you are going to have an impact in any aspect of a child’s life- take it seriously or get a new job!!! KIDS MATTER!!!!!

  • @sydwee915

    I wonder if I ever came across Harmony. I subbed for many years in Manchester before I got my teaching job

  • @lindajames978

    Shoes Annie I see shoes 😂

  • @amberbutler6605

    In my opinion one of the family members could be Kevin .I say this due to the vibes he gave in his news release..he looked lost and confused on how to even answer questions..and again this is only my opinion..

  • @Somelady464

    The judge was trying to clear his docket , in my opinion, and should be held accountable – but he won’t be.

  • @aprilsylvia6445

    I agree that the judge rushed the decision and it was a very bad decision, but hindsight is a beautiful thing. Also, so you think all drug dealers and those known to be in gangs across the USA should not be able to have custody of their kids? Should all the kids be taken away based on past transgressions? Unfortunately, no judge or case worker is infallable, and most do the best that they can, and they try to keep the kids with at least 1 parent, and Crystal obviously was a trainwreck at that point which is why she lost custody to this scumbag, who because of scumbag defense attorneys and bad laws they are able to work around, was even out in society. Sometimes people, and unfortunately that's usually the kids, fall through the cracks in this imperfect and broken system. But no judge should have to go up on charges for a bad decision when all he had was bad options from which to choose… it is not their job, nor do they have time at all, to follow up on all these cases, that's why case managers are assigned. The fault definitely lies more with the follow up, CPS ensuring case management stayed on this case, and nobody following up on the kids after multiple and dozens of calls to the police about treatment and living conditions of the kids once custody was awarded… nobody even ensured Harmony was enrolled in school! The mother tried but it was too little, too late… bad choices result in bad outcomes.

  • @Nolan-fz3co

    The shooting in 2009 was in Ma so Ma judge had to know that info??

  • @annettelacey7913

    This case is just sickning,i cant understand why he even went for custody of harmony,he didnt take her because he loved her,he is such s loser

  • @paisley1134

    This case makes me feel sick. Kayla is only trying to save herself, she has no decency , she is no mother, a mother would not hide the details of a heinous crime against a child. Adam is even worse than Kayla. It’s been so long now they could only recover bones.😭 this precious baby deserves better than she got in this life. Adam never should have had any access to any child. He wasn’t even man enough to hold down a job to support his kids! He didn’t even provide electricity for them. He had no place to live,he was a squatter because he wasn’t man enough to work at a job to bring home a paycheck. He is nasty and gross. So is Kayla! They are dirty underwear type people!

  • @arumsey100

    Well Adam does have a tear drop tattoo…

  • @laurensmart1986

    That's a huge problem with our criminal justice system… it's a revolving door for violent offenders

  • @nastycrafter4640

    "These people" AKA "The Poors" . 😂😂😂 I know what she meant. She did come across a little snotty. But it was so dang funny.

  • @aishalea7508

    absolutely disgusting they let that child go to him.. seriously unbelievable

  • @sandibaker5298

    Every time I see a photo of that precious baby, Harmony, I just think about how so many really GOOD people would love to have an Angel like her to love and care for. These 2 monsters need the death penalty. Anything less IMO is unacceptable.

  • @mandamillions888

    umm hi..why tf was Adam out in these streets in the first place???

  • @kaiceylasher290

    It sounds like the records requests were not filled in time for the court date. A federal requirement. The lawyers and clerks are just as responsible as this judge and DCF. What a literal nightmare!!

  • @kaiceylasher290

    WTH is happening in NH with their judicial system?!

  • @sparkyroots369

    23:00 or did anyone in that judge's family get a new female child that year??

  • @nanuq1516

    I completely enjoy the way you think & cover story's…

  • @chrissyart7984

    Adam Seems to have Anger issues, See what Drugs Do….he loves to Beat punches at the defenceless ones women& children, What a Coward… I know 100% they'll fix him Up when he gets out of Solidary Confinement, oh Boy they'll have a party with him in there. I knew of Ex- inmates in the past& was told they all watch the news&wait for the inmate Bus& Wait 6months for releasement & then they have their way with him, he Won't Last too long in jail, as the inmates Despise Baby& child killers!!( Hope he Talks b4 they kill him)!! He is a Monster 😈🤬for Sure..A Precious Sweet Little Girl Gone Too Soon💔👼🌸🙏

  • @chrissyart7984

    I Look at the Monster who Calls himself Father, imo he Never Cared about Harmony, they just wanted her social security payment& that was it, they Only Cared about their drugs…I Hope Kayla Truly Speaks Up& that she Doesn't have a Ceared Consciousness thing going on. The police Should Use Interrogation to the Halting Max Most Seriously, playing Off from one to another kayla& Adam, So at least1 will Snap& Spill the beans…

  • @CandaceStevens

    How could a person like Adam Montgomery, with THAT kind of Criminal Record, GET CUSTODY of a child, ANY CHILD, biological or not???

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