As a diligent and meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to carefully analyze every detail in this transcript for any clues or evidence that may lead to solving the case at hand. The information presented here is crucial in piecing together the events that transpired during the crime.

From the witness statements, it is apparent that there was a struggle between the victim and the perpetrator, indicating a possible violent altercation. The victim’s body was found at the scene with multiple stab wounds, suggesting a brutal and heinous act of violence. In addition, there were signs of forced entry into the premises, indicating a premeditated crime.

It is crucial to closely examine the testimonies provided by the witnesses and cross-reference them with any physical evidence collected at the crime scene. By carefully analyzing every detail in this transcript, we can construct a timeline of events and potentially identify the perpetrator responsible for this heinous crime.

As a seasoned crime investigator, it is essential to remain diligent and thorough in the pursuit of justice for the victim and their loved ones. By meticulously dissecting the information presented in this transcript, we can inch closer to unraveling the mystery surrounding this disturbing crime.


24 Comments to “Harmony Montgomery Update | Mom Crystal Speaks Out & Shares What She Thinks Happened”

  • @annieelise

    This dig is supposed to happened today. I will go live as soon as it happens and give you updates. If you haven’t subscribed yet make sure to do so that you’ll get notified when I go live with the updates.

  • @jessicanasuti9952

    That's not Kayla her hair is a lot darker I've seen her in person at the trial. Can't wait for the sentencing.

  • @klaj6595

    Perhaps she wasn’t involved directly, but she didn’t lay eyes on her child nor speak to her for TWO YEARS. That is the piece that doesn’t at all sit right.

  • @christyblaszak-nj4lb

    The mother screaming, " everybody failed HARMONY " how dare she point fingers! She failed this child over and over. There's no way she's been trying to find her for all these years! She certainly didn't call anybody or report to officials to ask for help! She was too busy doing drugs to care about this poor child and now she wants to scream that everybody failed Harmony. She is the leader of that group!

  • @ammccormickam

    Rewatch yourself====adopted dad doesn’t give any info —just wants to bring Harmony home…no issues with it.
    Uncle gives very little info, just wants to focus o Harmony (go fund me to use as reward money)—-great issue with him…..unconscious bias because he is the fathers uncle would be my guess…..not knocking you. We all have biases we are not aware of and many may agree with you. Just wanted to point this out since you were very concerned about avoiding jumping to conclusions about bio mom

  • @ammccormickam

    You keep saying no one said anything, but uncle called police a few times and nothing happened. He probably assumed he was wrong..part of him had to believe his nephew wouldn’t go THAT far, especially when his concerned calls led to nothing

  • @Doadab13

    Methadone is used to get you off of Heroin. Mom is a meth head. She chose meth over her child. Now she wants the world to feel sorry for her.

  • @shicruisin7004

    Why would the court system take the child away from her own mom who had been on drugs, just to give full custody to the father, who is a drug addict?? How does that make any sense? That little child had no chance in this life. At least she is free from all of it now and at peace. No mare pain or fear or misery.

  • @Sheba8.

    Poor little harmony looks like she was just a meal ticket and punch bag. Awful horrific child abuse, he didn't have her for very long fought to get custody of her, while in his evil mind he knew what he felt about the child, pure hate! His wife kayla sat back saw it heard it and let it go on and on. Harmony would love to be with her mother no matter what, she wasn't cruel, she's an addict, try fighting court as normal, then think how hard it is to be addict and fight courts and child protection. She will regret this forever I'm sure.

  • @annettelacey7913

    I agree with you,her mum is really trying,i hope they find this little girl soon so she can be layed to rest

  • @karenfavreau6673

    Crystal says”my daughter was failed by everybody “, that includes Crystal

  • @paisley1134

    This poor little girl had nobody to care for her. Both of the parents are addicts, the stepmom is a addict. My … is there a stepdad? Poor kid drowning in pathetic losers.

  • @sandibaker5298

    IMO the uncle who Adam told he had “bashed her” about the house, should have taken Harmony and not given her back. I just can’t understand how anyone could allow a monster like that to leave with a child he had given a black eye and admitted to hurting. 💔💔💔

  • @jackiepeterson3593

    Thank you for covering this case. I am a local and am living this case daily. Everyone in the area is MAD!!! we knew what happened the second the new broke! I am a recovering addict and was actually in that circle at the time in question. I can say that all that matrered to those involed was their next hit. I do not know mom so i cant speak on her but dad?!? Yea i truly hope he gets what he deserves!!!

  • @lisssoakie8419

    Thank you Annie for not saying anything negative about Methadone!! It most definitely IS A MEDICATION to help treat opioid addiction!! It’s been very helpful in my addiction with Oxy and fentanyl!! I’ve been sober for 2 yrs and that’s thanks to my Councelor and methadone treatment. ❤ (yes, there is people who still use and take methadone but for me, it just keeps the “urge” and that awful “hunger” for the pills away!)

  • @cshaffer8258

    The blue tarp was placed to help keep the soil from freezing. Frozen soil is like concrete. I’m sure the police were planning to excavate the back yard.

  • @gbeagle417

    Do u have wall paper of zebras getting shot with arrows??? 🤔

  • @luciest-amand6054

    Ok I'm judging her pic… Omg!!! I'm laughing at her hair… Sweet baby Jesus!!!! She should ask for hair brush.🤬
    #prayers for harmony mom 🙏❤

  • @taraerskine3954

    Christ she was 5 yrs old. Human trafficking deserves the DP!

  • @taraerskine3954

    They never take you personally to get methadone maintenance & treatment while incarcerated! The prison medical staff will call & confirm her dose & make sure she's still a patient on the clinic if you miss 3 or 4 days while not incarcerated they will usually terminate you. For a Fact!

  • @momariereads

    Hey girl, I have binged almost every single video you have on here this past month and now I got my mom hooked too! One critique I’d give is just seeing if you can put the videos that are in playlist in chronological order. It’s hard having to skip around and look at dates so I watch them in order. Keep the wonderful videos coming!!!! ❤

  • @sherrifox8287

    Her cry seems fake?? Just saying if that was my child I'd be a MESS

  • @ksmax6310

    I feel you were very harsh with the great uncle and yet not the immediate family e.g. the mom. I get that she is trying to find Harmony now and finally turning her life around and I feel bad for her. However the Great Uncle at least reported Adam to the police … he is a distant relative. Why wasn't the close family more concerned? Why didn't her mom report this sooner, how could she be missing so long and her mother didn't realise? The only person to blame is Adam but this is also a factor.

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