Welcome back, my name is Annie Elise, and this is Ten to Life. Today, we have a lot to cover in the ongoing case of missing seven-year-old Harmony Montgomery. We’ll be discussing timelines, theories, the newest press conference, and the new charges against the stepmother, Kayla.

The latest statements from Harmony’s biological mother, Crystal, will also be examined. We have a lot to discuss today, so don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button. Let’s dive into it.

As a highly detailed crime investigator, it’s crucial to analyze the information shared in the press conference. The timeline provided raises many questions and suspicions. The discrepancies in the last known sightings of Harmony and the actions taken by those involved are concerning.

The new charges against Kayla Montgomery add another layer of complexity to this case. The failure of the system, including DCYF and law enforcement, to protect Harmony is evident. Crystal’s statement shedding light on the failings of these agencies cannot be ignored.

The timeline presented here suggests a disturbing sequence of events leading up to Harmony’s disappearance. The unanswered questions and inconsistencies highlight the need for a thorough investigation. The search for answers must continue to ensure Justice for Harmony.

As this case gathers national and international attention, it is crucial to keep sharing information and raising awareness. Harmony’s story must not be forgotten, and justice must be served. Stay tuned for further updates as the investigation unfolds. Thank you for joining me today. Stay safe, and until next time.


28 Comments to “Harmony Montgomery Update | New Timeline, Press Conference & New Charges”

  • @annieelise

    Thank you for joining me today guys. I'm interested to know your thoughts on the timeline and what I believe may have happened to Harmony and when. Leave your comments below. Also, please like and share this video so we hopefully can get answers for Harmony! Keep praying! <3

  • @heather3383

    I wonder if she was in rehab/detoxing during the early stages.

  • @CajunMFN

    I’ve often wondered why so much evil is allowed to walk on earth.

  • @staceywamsteker5918

    I had the same thought when you presented the timeline.

  • @staceywamsteker5918

    I am the first person to try and kind empathise with the difficulties law enforcement face, and the cost of that, but something that really erks me, is when it is not up for discussion, buckling down. There is no way that law enforcement is going to rebuild trust if they continue to not validate plain-as-day failings of any given department. As well as, how do you fix something if you dont acknowledge when it fails. I mean we aren't in their shoes, it's often hard to just out right criticise them for based on speculations, im a softy. But when it is clear that TWENTY NINE reports were made and now this girl is gone…….that is the time to just admit the failings in the case and make efforts to make sure it doesnt happen again. It's like, cmon guys.

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    That poor child failed miserably by everyone. She is with god now. Precious beautiful child.

  • @bernardene

    They all did her wrong her dad momma Kayla and dcfs failed that child..😢

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    Child protective services and social services in the UK a have been held accountable for several cases involving children and parents Baby P baby Jack, and Victoria Climbié Kettle to name a few. And unfortunately new legislation, rules etc etc etc have made Absolutely no difference with the number of children that are murdered at the hands of those that are supposed to love and protect them, their parents…..
    it is heartbreaking especially as there are many people that cannot have children (myself included) that would have adopted love and cherish these beautiful children ❤😢

  • @sleger7050

    He could have been letting it air out from the dog in there stinking it up since dog has been missing too

  • @taisyalover14

    Lazy police work and government

  • @sandrabaker5298

    Didn’t the police bring cadaver dogs into that house?

  • @kat-92

    I've never understood rewards for information.

    Coz if you come forward with info for the reward couldn't you then also be charged for 'Aiding and abetting' or 'Obstrustion of Justice' ?

  • @gbeagle417

    I can't get over that Wal paper.. Such an odd theme haha

  • @TTDYT69

    I hope the man that gave the press conference resigned. Is he serious??

  • @emilyfaith8051

    As a NH resident, I can say DCYF and our PDs are notoriously negligent and love shifting blame over taking responsibility for their actions.

  • @rebeccawilson-er2qm

    Isn’t her name Serenity? Someone may have already pointed this out, but all of her videos are titled under the name Harmony Montgomery.

  • @diannapatterson4210

    I thought everyone could get the reward I didn't know the could say know know wonder the people don't come forward.

  • @micahkarlamoore3559

    This officer is an ass. He acts like every single person and every question are annoying to him. He’s not doing a good job of any of this.

  • @jLo4sho

    As a former CPS employee and a mental health therapist we have got to understand that just because someone is in addiction doesn’t mean they don’t LOVE or are intentionally hurting their children. Especially, in my experience, mothers. YES some are, but not all. And recovery IS possible. We also need to understand the difference in losing your RIGHTS to your child and losing CUSTODY of your child. THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT!!! To my knowledge this mother did not lose her rights so there was NO REASON for her to be denied help or information regarding her child and she had EVERY RIGHT to have visitation with her whether it was supervised or unsupervised.

    These ppl need to start holding these agencies accountable! LAWSUITS NEED TO BE FILED EVERY SINGLE TIME THIS HAPPENS! Just like in the Gabrielle fernandaz case. Mississippi had a lawsuit brought against them for their treatment of foster children and changes were made. I’m saying that, PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL WORKERS WITH ACTUAL EXPERIENCE IN FRONT LINE SOCIAL WORK need to be brought in to address the changes that need to be made. Not politicians. Not attorneys. These ppl have no knowledge of the job and put IMPOSSIBLE expectations on these workers. IVE BEEN THERE AND SEEN IT! Turnover at CPS is CRIMINAL! COMPENSATION FOR THE JOB IS CRIMINAL! This will never end unless ppl understand this!

  • @aspt1980

    Dcyf neglects children that actually need help, and harass some loving families over the most absurd shit. When it comes to children, that's one situation people should be absolutely sure of. Which could justify the bullshit some good families deal with if shit like this case weren't so common.

  • @ditackett

    Nobody in government is held accountable for ANYTHING anymore. THATS the problem!!!!!!

  • @larisabudzinsky2673

    You don't just take things to the media….. The mother did everything she could to ensure her daughters saftey…safety…. u cannot judge her on hindsight she did whatever she thought she could…. and she absolutely gets a free pass because she has been trying on multiple occasions…. I can't even imagine what she's going thru she totally thought her daughter was in good hands with dcyf

  • @larisabudzinsky2673

    Like seriously hold them accountable! They did not do their job! HTF does she go missing for 2 years without dcyf noticing

  • @BAt4BrAinZ

    WHAT IS THAT WALLPAPER!? Come on man. Someone has to have started a subReddit JUST about Annie’s now 2 wild wallpaper decisions. Like why those zebras? Why zebra at all? Why with arrows?
    So many questions and that wallpaper is so loud that I have more ?? About that than this little ♀? (I know case almost solved but just binging to catch up on details

  • @JaimeMesChiens

    I’m watching this playlist on Nov 2022. I have not followed this case at all, so I don’t know what has happened since.

    Crystal tried.
    She was lead to believe that Adam was keeping Harmony from her.

    How could she have imagined that Harmony was missing and that Adam may have murdered his own baby?

  • @elizabethhuie563

    She could have used the media to help.

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