The case of Lauren Spearer, a young and vibrant 20-year-old student at Indiana University, has captivated the nation since her disappearance in June 2011. As a highly detailed crime investigator, I have combed through the intricate details of this complex case, which has left her family and the entire country puzzled and searching for answers.

On that fateful night in June, Lauren was seen on surveillance footage leaving a bar with a man she had just met, Corey Rossman. Witnesses reported that Lauren was extremely intoxicated and needed help walking. She was later seen arguing with some men near her apartment complex, but then decided to go to Corey’s house instead. Despite being visibly impaired, Lauren continued to drink and party.

As the night unfolded, Lauren’s whereabouts became a mystery. Security cameras captured her stumbling down the streets, losing her keys and purse, and ultimately deciding to walk home barefoot. Her boyfriend, Jesse Wolf, was asleep at the time, unaware of her plans.

The investigation took many twists and turns, with multiple persons of interest, including Corey, Jay, and Mike, who were with Lauren that night. Rumors and speculations ran wild, from drug overdoses to involvement with a biker gang. The search efforts, including dives and searches of properties, yielded no concrete leads.

The case took a disturbing turn when a man with a history of violent threats was linked to Lauren’s disappearance. However, his involvement was quickly dismissed by authorities. Theories of a drunk driver, accidental overdose, or even connections to other missing women in the area were explored but brought no conclusive evidence.

Despite the relentless efforts of law enforcement and the community, Lauren’s body has never been found. Her family continues to hold out hope for closure and justice. As we navigate through the web of complexities in this case, it’s crucial to keep spreading awareness and generating leads to bring Lauren home and provide her family with the answers they deserve. So please, share this link and let’s help bring justice to Lauren and her family. Thank you for your support.


32 Comments to “HAUNTING Disappearance of Indiana College Student | Lauren Spierer Case: Full Story & Updates”

  • @annieelise

    This case is sooo bizarre to me. What do you think the truth is?

  • @SocialjusticeFeb21strong

    Hi Annie
    Can you please cover the Madeline Stoho case pls.
    This is so bizarre. Did mom know?
    Thanks Annie! 😊

  • @SunShine-qk4rb

    I feel like it was an accident and her body was hidden but I just don’t so sad for her loved ones and I hope they find her soon

  • @waltzthroughlife

    the lawyer is to keep the cops from framing you, which they have done before

  • @ChristineAllan-yu3de

    This case is soooooo sad😢😢😢😢 May she be found soon and brought home and her poor family can get closure ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Sweet-n-Sassy609

    my prayers to her family

  • @helenorgarycrevonis2022

    Such a beautiful girl! Poor parents…

  • @midgie2420

    I've been following your channel for a few months now, and I think you're really awesome at this! Just wanted to throw that out there! 😀 As for who I think who could have taken part in this, yeah, I think it was someone she was with that night, but not someone who was in her "circle." Personally, as much as the O.D. theory makes sense, and those guys panicking and hiding her body…I don't think that's how it played out…at least not with these guys. The O.D, yes..the participants? No. After Cory's (?) roommate (Mike) took her to Jay's place, she left after he got annoyed…she possibly started to head home. I wanna say that the boyfriend's frat bros might've been waiting to confront the guy (and her) on behalf of the boyfriend again. They easily could've followed them. Maybe they had a confrontation, she had an O.D., THEY panicked and because they were sober & clear-headed, they would have enough sense to be able to dispose and/or hide a body. I'm not saying this is a fact, but who knows if any of them had any good answers to any of those interrogations, or if the cops and families were just focused on the main players. Just a thought.

  • @veronicaarmenta5289

    alwezz (always) kills me lol

  • @johanjotun1647

    I wouldn't be surprised if the guy they got for the girl in 2015 was hunting humans and went uncaught till the 3rd girl.

  • @annaleabrown4588

    You should cover Trisha Lynn Reitler in Mario, IN. I was 14 when this college student diappeared and I remem er helping search for her

  • @MFnMelaroni

    I'm sorry I don't buy the biker gang theory at all. That's a stretch for sure. The others are more plausible. Either way, I hope the family gets justice.

  • @maiseywick3045

    Wonder how many missing people were found during this case. So sad 😢

  • @sumire3728

    This makes me wonder if a police officer is involved. Many cases where an officer committed a murder almost always go Scott free for a long time before they get caught. Some cops for some ungodly reason will help other cops cover up a murder they committed when its clear as day it wasnt done for the right reasons.

  • @roarlion2935

    Was she drunk or drugged

  • @lovepotion966

    How do you have migraine and consume alcohol? I can’t even smell alcohol.

  • @rochelle2269

    I can’t imagine what Lauren’s parents have been through. To have a child go missing like that and never get any answers. Prayers for her family! Truly, my heart goes out to them. I have a daughter her age and I feel like I’d die, I feel like I couldn’t ever stop looking for her!!

  • @ssleddens

    Her new interests were drugs…drugs are death

  • @blackwater7183

    Serial killer could easily find a victim around that area easily more so with the constant alcohol and drug abuse.

  • @viridianstar

    I was at Purdue when this happened and it was shocking. Truthfully, Lauren made a lot of poor decisions, but it doesn’t mean she deserved to die. I hope her family and loved ones find peace.

  • @Yohana100

    I was so disappointed to see a gambling ad on one of your videos 😢 I’ve been watching for a while, and this is the first one I’ve noticed. Please pick better partners in the future – digital gambling is predatory!

  • @AirikaPorter-wv4hr

    I hope this sweet girl is found:(. Is so scary thinking about what the world is capable of doing.

  • @aprilfalconer7140

    I think her circle knows more

  • @deshaunrandall9317

    Sex traffic partying college girls are easy targets these days

  • @BrightLight88

    Dear Annie Elise… you are doing a great job for all the victims by exposing all the info !!

    Keep you the Good Work !!

  • @mikegarippo7815

    Lauren didn't graduate high school (and neither has anyone else)! She did, however, graduate FROM high school.

  • @TheVCHorseguy

    A beautiful girl whose looks have let her behave anyway she wants with no consequences. So, let's translate: "High energy" undisciplined and disobedient, "Cared for everyone around her" bossy and a tyrant, "Independent" didn't care and did what she wanted regardless, "Out spoken" ill mannered and disrespectful. She was a spoiled, entitled, vain, princess whose parents encouraged her disposition. She didn't deserve what happened to her, but her personal attitude helped put her at risk.

  • @richardhoffman7572

    I wouldn’t call Mrs Wolfe a victim blamer, I think she is a mother defending her son from serious allegations. I think whatever happened is tragic and absolutely nothing she did was deserving of death, but we should also highlight the fact that she “allegedly” snorted a benzo with cocaine and then drank all night. The coke probably wore off and she was instantly drunk from all the booze, and yes I know from experience. It’s possible she simply died somewhere, I’m not familiar with the area but she could’ve found a body of water or even a sewer and fell in.

  • @hisdivineshadow8263

    Channels like this are so irresponsible and do more harm than good. Your conclusions are flawed and your knowledge is lacking in many of the things you discuss. You would " lawyer up" too if your entire life was under a microscope by poorly educated, unreliable bullies with the power to take your freedom and your life. This young lady obviously had a drug problem, and made poor decisions. She probably died as a direct result. If I was a acquaintance or even a lover I wouldn't let her handicaps and poor decision making destroy my life too.

  • @annresnik6059

    I think this is going to be similar to the girl who dissapeared in South Carolina around 2009: someone will talk and they will find her bones. I do not know that's true, but I just believe it.

  • @mjb6076

    Uh..yes yes she should be judged. She made choices that resulted partly in the circumstances /consequences of HER drug addict /alcoholic behavior. If you lay down with dogs, eventually you get fleas.
    Should she have been killed? No
    Should she be completely Sainted? No.

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