Her Son Found Dead in Suitcase as She Fled Police with ‘Space Force’ Watching

As She Fled from Police, ‘Space Force’ Witnessed Her Son’s Body Discovered in a Suitcase

Hey, did you hear about the latest update on the case involving the mother whose 5-year-old son was found dead in a suitcase? Yeah, it’s a crazy story. The mother, Dejan Anderson, and her friend, Don Coleman, are both facing charges in the death of little Cairo Jordan. I mean, can you believe the reasons they gave for committing such a heinous act? Anderson thought her son was possessed by demons. What a nightmare!

During Anderson’s recent court appearance, things got even weirder. She refused a lawyer and insisted on representing herself. She claimed to have been under NSA surveillance for eight months and even mentioned having a detail from space force following her every move. Talk about bizarre!

The judge wasn’t having any of it though. Anderson’s excuse for evading arrest for two years was dismissed, and her bail was set at no bond. The prosecutors are relieved that justice is finally catching up with her. But the craziest part? Anderson is only 38 years old, despite claiming she was 63 in court!

It’s all just so mind-boggling. But, hey, what do you think about Anderson’s antics in court? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss this shocking case further. It’s like a real-life true crime thriller!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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