The investigation into the tragic case of Kelsey Smith in 2007 serves as a chilling reminder that danger can lurk in the most unsuspecting places. Kelsey, an outgoing and responsible 18-year-old, was abducted from a Target store parking lot by a predator named Edwin Hall. Hall, with a history of troubling behavior, followed Kelsey into the store and forced her into her car at gunpoint before committing heinous acts of violence against her. Despite the efforts of law enforcement and the community, Kelsey’s body was found days later, her life cut short by this senseless crime.

The Smith family, devastated by the loss of their daughter, has since channeled their grief into advocacy through the Kelsey Smith Foundation and the passing of the Kelsey Smith Act in multiple states. This legislation allows law enforcement to access cell phone location data in emergency situations, potentially saving lives. The family’s unwavering commitment to keeping Kelsey’s memory alive and ensuring the safety of others is both admirable and inspiring.

As a crime investigator, it is crucial to remember the importance of vigilance and taking necessary precautions in all aspects of daily life. The tragic case of Kelsey Smith serves as a stark reminder that no one is immune to the threat of violence, and we must always be prepared to protect ourselves and those around us. In the face of such senseless tragedy, may we all strive to honor Kelsey’s legacy by being vigilant, proactive, and committed to ensuring the safety of our communities.


29 Comments to “HORRIFYING Target Surveillance of Abduction | Kelsey Smith Case | Overland Park Kansas | Edwin Hall”

  • @annieelise

    It's important to ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings! Keep safe! xx

  • @williamgreenlee4841

    He is a murderous bastard

  • @escapistalien8340

    I believe that this case will be solved in the end. Why? I believe that someone somewhere recognizes the person dressed as a police officer in the video. His walking style is very personal and distinctive, and what's more, his clothes say a lot about this person. Of course, many options come to mind, but everything I write from now on is purely my own speculation, and is not based on any professional expertise or knowledge.

    First of all, I get the impression that this person is not a very experienced burglar. The reason is that I think this person is wearing 'a bit too much' if you know what I mean… I doubt that a more experienced burglar would dare to wear lighter clothing and still be able to conceal their identity. This guy is dressed head to toe and armored with a helmet and bulletproof vest – Whether he's committing a burglary or about to kill an unsuspecting gym instructor, I think it's pretty much regardless if he's aware of the cameras in the space.

    Since it is a clear profession and uniform, I believe that the profession and identity of a police officer is somehow very meaningful to them. Either they wanted to be a police officer or they had a career as a police officer or in the army behind them – However it feels like something has gone wrong, because now they only fulfills this role at night and in the opposite way of what police officers actually do. Over camouflaging can also indicate that they are a fairly familiar member of their community. Maby they are prepared for surprises and don’t want to be caught as soon as they bumps into people – A comprehensive disguise offers both getting close to the target, but also escaping. I also get a feeling that this person might be a loner with very few friends but this feeling has no basis anywhere.

    Powerful camouflage makes me think about killing from a different perspective. If I have protected my identity from head to toe, why must the fitness instructor be killed and why is the killing so cruel? I don't know if my information is correct, but I understood that the fitness instructor had been shot in the head and also hit several times in the chest with a hammer. Right or wrong, I understood that the victim had numerous injuries close to the head area. This seems like an overreaction to the fact that I just think I'm going to rob a church and the next moment I'm surprised. The brutality of the killing feels very personal – On the other hand, if you are, for example, an inexperienced robber and you are caught by surprise, the great panic caused by it can also lead to overreacting in fear of being caught.

    In many ways, a very uncertain image is conveyed of the person, that wanders the church corridors seemingly casually. The relaxed nature of the person reminds me of a couple of things. Either they know their victim's routines extremely well and stages the crime scene while waiting for her, or they have no idea that someone is coming to the church so early in the morning. Walking through the corridors also partly seems like they know the place, but the locked doors are surprising for them – The place is perhaps different for them during the day. On the other hand, they try to go in the Dutch doors (I read somewhere:) to the nursery apparently, which might indicate that they have no idea what’s behind the doors – what is there to rob in the nursary? If they know the premises, why would they try to get in there if they were robbing the place?Unless the purpose is to hide and lurk the victim.

    I will return to the walking style, which is an extremely important clue I think. I also paid atenttion to the person’s way of taking support from the wall when walking – People have manners like this that are necessary and difficult to hide in everyday life. I believe, someone will recognize a person by their behaviour, but it might be difficult to belive this could be the person. I think that the perpetrator is a person that no one would ever believe in a robbery or even more a murder. The person also could have mental health problems or some kind of personal disorder – Taking on a strong role (policeman) gives me this impression. Likewise, relaxed movement and wandering in the corridors, as if the person were in a world of their own. Wearing a uniform can also indicate that they feel inferior in the community and that they need respect and appreciation. Wearing a uniform, they are stronger than usual: 'the superhero of their own life' so to speak. Perhaps they feel that they are marked in everyday life and in some way invisible – Sometimes a strong disguise is not to hide but to show, as absurd as it may sound. A strong uniform can tell what a person is thinking; the weaker they feel about themselves, the more protective uniform they need. If they have planned to murder the fitness instructor, I think their clothing tells us that they feat that she will be a very challenging and difficult opponent for them, because they have to protect themself so strongly.

    Breaking into a church can also tell about a person. Now I suppose they’ve got the idea to rob the church. First of all, not everyone robs churches. Perhaps the person feels that robbing the church is justified? Have they been judged or do they feel disappointed by God? Perhaps the church, religion or God is not important to them. If tehy are an inexperienced robber, they may not know how the church operate and protect the money they collect. I don't know how common it is to rob churches in the US, but I would guess that an experienced robber wouldn’t break in churses, because the crooks know where the money is. I think the money quickly goes to a safe or another place that cannot be opened with the tools that this person had with him in the burglary – I think it was a crowbar and a hammer, which are quite childish burglary tools in this world's time if you ask me. Did they really believe that the money has been left readily available in the church office and all they have to do is break down the office door to access it? You would think common sense would tell a person that of course even in a church the money is put in a safe or similar, maybe even delivered quickly to a bank or other address, and you can't rob it from the safe or elsewhere with just a hammer and a crowbar. Perhaps this person is a less intelligent person than normal? If, on the other hand, they prepared to kill the fitness instructor, those tools are the most easily accessible to them – Still, I consider the choice to be special in terms of murder, when knives are also available in every home. Altought I guess they also had a weapon if the information about the gunshot wound in the victim's head is correct. If they planned to kill another person, yet again the amount of equipment indicates some kind of over-equipment – Besises the victim was just an unsuspecting fitness instructor, even if she was in shape.

    All the same, I believe that the killing of the mother of three children weighs on this person. I believe someone will recognize this person. I also belive the person needs to let this out of their system in some shape or form. Such a secret is very heavy to carry inside.

    I sincerely hope that someone recognizes him and informs the police. I hope that even such persons are brought to light, one would not believe that they are capable of doing such crime. The fact is, however, that the three girls didn’t deserve to live without their mother, they have to carry the burdon of the act with them for the rest of their lives and deal with it. Thinking about them, it is the very least that the person who did this would be brought to justice, even if it means that the lives of many others, such as the perpetrator’s relatives, will also be turned upside down.

  • @janicealley5033

    Poor Kelsey. She was gone only about 2 hours after she was abducted. 😢

  • @grantbrendon

    It’s true you need to fight don’t for the love of all do NOT! get in the car!

  • @jatbatman

    A couple other tips for you from someone who has worked hospital security as well as has worked in a prison.

    When getting gas don't stand by the pump. It will allow you to become cornered. I prefer to stand a few feet from either the front or back right corner, since my tank fill port is on the left.

    When going around a corner always step wide so you can see what is waiting for you. This one has saved me twice, once in each job I mentioned above.

    When leaving your house peek through the peephole. When exiting other doors stand to the side when opening it, so you can scan as you open the door. When a glass door is present, look through the door before opening it.

    Have your keys in a place you can access quickly, without fail, and without diverting your attention. I keep mine in my back pocket with only a knife sharing that pocket. If you ladies need to keep them in your purse have a dedicated pocket for them alone.

    If possible carry weapon options. Guns, knives, Tasers, pepper spray, etc… and know how to use them.

    Move with purpose and confidence. The criminals in this world will not typically target the person who looks like they are ready for anything. The exception would be when they have a personal reason, like with the two I mentioned before that laid in wait for me around corners.

    Whenever possible don't be in public places solo. This goes for both genders, but especially women. If you can have someone with you do so. It makes you a much harder target. Now I understand that is not always possible, so follow the rules mentioned in the video and above.

    Oh and, I don't get in the rig until everyone else are loaded in and doors are closed. Until then I am standing guard. It's usually my teenage daughters, but occasionally my ex or other people as well. I'm typically the first one out for the same reason.

    Another one is check your blind spot to before opening your car door.

  • @cicchiamichael


  • @sarahwieland3243

    What an amazing family to turn such a senseless tragedy into something to help save someone else. Edwin doesn’t deserve one more moment of anyone’s time or attention. I find it so courageous and powerful that the family refused to let one more moment of their lives be wasted on Edwin.

  • @MsRotorwings

    In death Kelsey saved lives because her parents were instrumental in changing the laws.

  • @MsRotorwings

    Rule #1: Never Ever go to a second location with a perpetrator.

    Nothing good ever happens at that second location.

    If I’m at risk I’m going to fight, not comply.

    She had a much greater chance of surviving an assault in a busy parking lot where she encountered this creep.

  • @deep5351

    You did a great job on this one !

  • @JessicaGarcia-jk9db

    The more I watch these the more I pay attention. Not paranoid. Just alert. One thing I always do is talk on the phone with someone when leaving non crowded areas. Usually it’s my boyfriend but if he’s busy family or friends.

  • @karenhenry3778

    Love your channel. Keep up the good work

  • @MsRotorwings

    Kelsey’s case reminds me of Samantha Koenig. They both complied with their abductor’s demands and were taken to a second location where they were assaulted and murdered.

  • @michelescricco2018

    So sad. What a horrible ending to a beautiful life my condolences go out to the family.

  • @mousemd

    A Fair and a Carnival the same thing?

  • @Redwood-vi8ho

    I always tell my wife, my sister and female cousins if someone trys to take them or restrain them they need to fight with everything in them to not let it happen or draw attention to the situation cause once they have control u probably want make it out alive. And to always have your gaurd up around strangers.

  • @wesbeuning1733

    Do any clues that police think is "satanic" actually ever turn out to be so? Seems not. Sure seems like things would speed up some.

  • @linzymarie7

    Wow. That was a tearjerker. God bless her and her family. Just the 96000th strike against Verizon. ‘Sorry things didn’t go right that night.’ Who says that to grieving parents? Just wow.

  • @aprilfalconer7140

    My daughter and I were shopping out of town and when we came back out to the car there was a white van parked on the passanger side with a slidding door. I snatched my daughter and made get in through the drivers side, hurried up and got my self in and locked the doors. The van sped away.

  • @CandiceK317

    I noticed a man reading my license plate while on the phone. I was sitting in my car and this man kept walking to the front and back of my car. Another time, I was sitting near a dock on the river we live on and heard a man on the phone so I turned around and saw a huge black man staring at me on the phone. I got spooked and ran home. I try to be very cautious because you never know. I also stopped at a park and ride off the highway not too long ago for a break from driving and not a minute later a tractor trailer pulled up and walked to my car to ask for directions (while his GPS was in his hand). He kept looking at my legs so I rolled my window up just enough so he couldn't reach in and his words were, "don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you" 😮 it was very odd because the directions were on his phone going towards NY. It's like he had been following me. I trust nobody these days and it's sad because it never use to be like this back in the day 😢

  • @AdamTheTruthSeeker

    Yes be scared of getting in that car more than the gun because the chances to survive droo almost to 0 once your in that car. Evil will be destroyed one day!!!

  • @AdamTheTruthSeeker

    Yeah life is weird

    Do not get in the car with strangers
    Do not meet people alone from the internet
    Get online and order yourself a stranger from the internet and get in the car with.

  • @necummins8696

    I always tell my nieces I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6

  • @necummins8696

    Nope I gave my nieces that are of age all handguns an they know how to use a firearm

  • @jenniferya2267

    Yesss, horrible!! I remember when you were a teacher. Great case! 👍🏼 happy new year

  • @behkirc

    That act saved my moms life.

  • @mandykb585

    I was followed by a man in my local walmart. Every time I looked up he was on the same aisle as me and would look at me. My dad always told me if you're in public and feel like someone is following you make eye contact and let them know that you know. He also told me the same thing that Elise said about you fight scream holler don't ever get in the car even if there's a weapon. If you get shot or stabbed there in the perpetrator runs you're in public and have a good chance of survival. If you get in the car and they get you a loan that chance of survival plummets. My prayers go out to her family and I'm glad he can never hurt anyone again

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