I Met Sarah Boone – She Deserves & Needs A Lawyer

I Encountered Sarah Boone – A Woman in Desperate Need of Legal Representation

Sarah Boone is a central figure in a disturbing case involving the death of her boyfriend, Jorge Torres Jr. The incident occurred in Florida, where Boone was charged with second-degree murder after confessing to zipping Torres inside a suitcase during a game of hide-and-seek that turned fatal. The prosecution alleges that Boone left Torres in the suitcase for hours, leading to his suffocation and ultimately his death. The case has sparked widespread debate about the boundaries of consent in relationships and the nature of accountability in acts that result in fatal consequences. As a seasoned crime investigator, I can attest to the intricate layers of evidence and psychological analysis required in unraveling the truth behind this tragic and perplexing crime. Sarah Boone’s actions have raised important questions about the complexities of human behavior and the depths of depravity that can lurk beneath seemingly ordinary circumstances. As the investigation unfolds, the pressing need for a skilled attorney to navigate the legal intricacies of this case becomes increasingly evident. Sarah Boone may deserve a lawyer, but the truth behind her actions and the justice she may face in court remain shrouded in uncertainty.


8 Comments to “I Met Sarah Boone – She Deserves & Needs A Lawyer”

  • @Booooberrie

    I mean you're wrong about Jorge, the 2018 arrest body cam of Jorge and Sarah has Jorge asking to be called GEORGE on film so I think we should all respect him by calling him "George"

  • @pwlyons759

    You are so wrong. Sarah has gone through 6-7 lawyers because she's a horrible, horrible, two faced, back stabbing, narcissistic, lying, disgusting, murderer. You defending her is your choice. It's my choice to see you as completely wrong and unsub. Good day Sir.

  • @DanielC__

    Im glad you met with her. Without violating your fiduciary it gives you a better perspective on the case and enhances the channels coverage of it. As a paying member of this channel I'm in favor of what you did.

    You say she wants an attorney and is willing to work with one? I agree she needs an attorney and should have one but is she aware that she hasn't been a very good client? Is she aware that she's been the problem? If she doesnt acknowledge that she is still spinning her wheels. The entire computer/hard copy case files thing bothers me and is a hardship. This case has successful appeal written all over it and while I blame her for the majority of the problems I also blame this judge. He has fault in this and mishandled the case. Regardless, I think she's guilty and going to prison. The only variable is for how long. Whatever the reason she killed poor Jorge and is responsible. The videos alone will convict her regardless of what claim she makes about domestic abuse.

  • @HorrorMetalMaestroRedrusty66

    respect for the law much? She sank that boat all on her own, you're not going to get much sympathy for her on this issue. Everyone who followed it saw what she did, over and over and over. Me thinks you're just a softy and like many "Defense attorneys" have a seriously blurred line between innocence, guilt, and justice and what "legal moral defense" of a criminal and becoming a pseudo-accomplice is. js.

  • @meganbessenbacher7107

    On body cam, he tells a cop he likes to be called George.

  • @terrim5442

    She had only been with him by choice for 3 years, her ex said Sarah was the aggressive one when drinking, she got drunk and accidentally caused death of boyfriend. She Should have worked with one of the eight attorneys to make a deal. I believe she wants someone to agree not intentional means innocent.

  • @scottnorvell2955

    I’m sorry brother but she doesn’t have an attorney because she can’t work with one. No attorney is going to please her. That’s not me. That’s what her previous attorneys have said. she doesn’t have the right to an attorney if she’s going to continue to abuse that right. You’re wrong on this one my friend. I mean this with the greatest respect and I love your channel but lawyers should stay a million miles away from her. Let her enjoy the soup she’s made for herself. Why should we be paying for her to abuse one attorney after another. And anyone who takes this case for free is a fool.

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