As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously reviewed the transcript of the interrogation. The suspect’s words were carefully scrutinized for any inconsistencies or discrepancies that could potentially unravel the case.

From the information gathered, it was evident that the suspect’s alibi did not hold up under intense questioning. Their story seemed to have holes in it, suggesting that they may be withholding crucial information related to the crime.

Based on the nature of the crime, which involved a violent altercation in a public park late at night, it was imperative to piece together all available evidence to determine the perpetrator’s motive and identity.

As the investigation progressed, it became clear that the suspect’s behavior during the interrogation was indicative of someone who was trying to divert attention away from themselves. The intricate details they provided did not align with the evidence collected at the crime scene, raising further suspicions about their involvement in the heinous act.

In conclusion, my keen eye for detail and relentless pursuit of the truth will ultimately lead to justice being served for the victims of this dreadful crime.


27 Comments to ““I'm NOT a Monster!!!”: Stabbed Over 70x And Dismembered | Sierra Halseth and Daniel Halseth”

  • @annieelise

    This case horrifies me. It is so scary. Apologies for the audio issues, something must have be switched during the export.

  • @jennifernicewonger8273

    The sad thing is that people who do things to children even their own can fool everyone and you never see it or want to believe it. My kids dad ended up hurting his daughter and I had no clue. He was a great guy that everyone loved. And he admitted it. But he's in prison. Yes I do think that people who hurt children shouldn't be allowed to breath but that video after of them in the tent? They were having fun living in some fantasy land. They weren't fighting for thier lives or using self defence and that's awful

  • @reuterromain1054

    "Not a monster", what else do you call stabbing a man father 70X?

  • @solidstream13

    Need a monster, she’s a monster. Claiming drugs and medication is grasping for straws to get parole in 22yrs.

  • @joelleash8873

    This is controversial to say, but as someone who’s been SA’d by multiple people throughout my life, I get a very bad feeling about her dad. I predicted that Sierra was going to say she was assaulted by him at the very beginning. I fully believe she was groomed and SA’d by her father and did this out of anger. I’ve personally thought about killing my abuser in the past, as he did horrific things to multiple people and basically got a slap on the wrist and walks free today. This is entirely speculation of course, and I know we’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but it’s just my opinion that she was likely SA’d by her dad. I think the reason she didn’t tell anyone was because she was groomed by him and maybe didn’t understand the gravity of things until she got older. I kept my experience a secret for years and still lived with my abuser despite what he did to me because my other living option wasn’t any better. This may have been similar to her experience. It’s no justification for his heinous murder, but I understand the feeling of rage when someone steals your childhood like that, especially when it’s family. Just wanted to throw that out there I guess

  • @crystalgilliam3006

    If you see these cases and not see the evil entities that play with people, you are blind.

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    I don’t think he assaulted her. She fought to be there and the mom had custody. If he was like that why would she be so adamant on staying with him? But then 70 stab wounds? Seems like she was angry with him.
    Either way she had many other options. He didn’t deserve that. And as a parent I can’t imagine the pain and betrayal he felt 😢

  • @sandybarnes6336

    No. She is just evil.

  • @giftcase

    She will one day miss him and wish he was here,but it will be worse for her knowing she took his life and for what exactly?a boyfriend,how heartbreaking

  • @marcinowalk8077

    In my opinion, I really don’t think she was abused in anyway by her father. If that was the case, why would she choose to live with him over her mother. You’d think she would want to stay away from him.

  • @Jamiejanes926

    If he was sexually abusing his daughter, why did she want to live with him so badly plus she was a virgin as it states on the video with her dirty murdering boyfriend
    But she’s like her mother claiming abuse

  • @StephanieJac3329

    Trying to seperate teens who think they're in love does not work well. It only makes them want one another more and willing to do what they need to see each other

  • @bobcat9314

    What do you think the statistics say about human mental development..
    I bet the numbers are outrageous..
    Like 1 in 100 human beings make it to 20 years of age with a fully developed healthy mind, self image, with functional relationships…
    What's whit the during sex she didn't even bleed…why is she bleeding if dad was having sex with her

  • @mitzvon2595

    How are you acting like this is close to the Gypsy Rose case 😭

  • @davidhill500


  • @stellanadrygaylo9865

    She has to rot in jail like forever, that’s for sure!

  • @traciewhitaker2503

    I think she was the monster, I feel like she came up with the idea.

  • @teeplr-pd6nv

    In her own words we had sex all day and no bleeding we finally got through that.,which means she was a virgin so her dad never Raxxx her! She’s lying 🤥 horrible!

  • @alexandrascicluna6213

    Those two teenagers are disgusting and that video is horrifying

  • @ActWithUnderstanding

    They were going to attack and rob the other parents first, so this had nothing to do with abuse. Then her dad separated them. It was a sick love game. Evil humans, unjustified!

  • @philippelemetayer9401

    A very good video.

    But when you see Sierra’s cold and harsh face during her trial, and when you see her total lack of remorse, you may wonder if the accusations of sexual assault she made against her dad, during the reading of her letter, were not real.

    It’s really sad to think that this little teen girl, will jailed 22 years to life , and that her youth and her mental are completely ruined.

    And even sadder to see that her father’s family rejects her, without seeking to understand what prompted Sierra to commit this murder, and to ask for the death penalty for her.

    May God watch her and protect her too, during the next years.

    God will be another father in heaven for her.

  • @donnapadgett5038

    I believe she is lying about the sexual assault sadly so many women lie about that to justify their sorry actions

  • @Mooodyintrovert

    Taking about the lighter fluid then 4 fire trucks flew by my house, weird timing if I do say so.

  • @taylreoard3783

    She wasn't assaulted by her father
    This is a grand example of selfish, crazy teenagers pissed off at their parents for telling them no. These two need to sit behind bars forever, mentally they aren't right. You can't fix that kind of evil

  • @TwitchDarling69

    Maybe the unpopular opinion but the fact that she wasn’t sorry kinda just says to me that he did abuse her. I wouldn’t say I was sorry if I killed my abuser either. And then the fact that her family called her a liar probably solidified to her that she did the right thing. Just because people seem like great parents on the outside doesn’t mean they were actually that way. We should know that just by the stories we hear on here. I’m not saying 100% that that’s the truth. But I’m inclined to believe that only something like that would bring her to not only kill him but not be sorry about it.

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