As a meticulous crime investigator, it is crucial to analyze every single detail in this transcript with precision and thoroughness. This transcript reveals a conversation between individuals involved in a high-profile robbery case, where they discuss their plans to break into a jewelry store and steal valuable items. The suspects carefully plot out their movements, discussing potential entry points and escape routes. It is evident that these individuals have experience in this type of criminal activity, displaying a level of sophistication that is alarming. As I continue to unravel the intricacies of this case, I will be sure to piece together all the clues and evidence to ensure that justice is served.


35 Comments to “Jason Landry Missing | Car Found In Ditch & His Clothing On The Road | What Really Happened?”

  • @annieelise

    This case is beyond mysterious. A lot of you requested it and I’m really interested to hear what you think the truth is.

  • @joyjenkins2010

    Thanks for talking to me about cases at CrimeCon this year! I had to find this episode after we talked about it. The lady from the search group who was at CrimeCon said they are still doing searches monthly in hopes of finding his remains or some additional clues.

  • @mousemd

    So there are green areas in the state! The short time I was there, I saw acres and acres of desert

  • @ladyagresa

    I trust the sheriff's office on this one.

  • @911BrosTrav

    My primary suspicion in the case of Jason Landry’s disappearance falls on Kallen Lane, the volunteer firefighter who claimed to have discovered the wreckage…

  • @amyp792

    My heart literally goes out to his family especially his father. Just heartbreaking 💔

  • @shoppingaddixx

    I think there was foul play. And if the drugs were in his bag was there signs that any were in the car open and used. He was rolling joints so you would think a bid would be left in the car.

  • @Danisuzette

    Yep thats Texas all right. The system is so corrupt that I FLED….FLED ! I could not survive there and I have no record, not even a speeding ticket but when I was brutally attacked the cop didn't even get out of the car to take my statement and I was shipped to 5 different hospitals resulting in not getting the kit done for almost 3 days. Meaning no drinking. Eating or going to the bathroom. If yo live in the Houston area… RUN

  • @carolinaaitken5134

    Hogs don’t eat clothing. They would have found something in the area. I think he got a ride and something went wrong.

  • @wisdomsleuth77777

    Drunk Hillbillies in a big truck with a tap on the bumper sliding along till you rest against the tree and a bunch of bullies getting you out of the car making you strip and run sounds like the most likely

  • @barronmaxxx2991

    That comment about the hogs came from WTF? It is true that humans can be completely consumed to total sawdust in the hog's dung It's gross but, the time the searches started and the miles covered makes that hog comment not even a possibility. Wild hogs, hog pen etc….the area canvassed in the timeframe covered makes it impossible…unless the sheriff knows something that he's not saying. How crass…duh, a college student. Yeah, a college student is the reason people like you live in a home and not a cave….why you make money, marry and have kids instead of clubbing a female over the head to bring back to your cave to cook the meat you wrestled around in the mud for. Holy Mother pray for this young man and his family.

  • @theoriginalCmac

    Sorry Annie but, "was this AN horrible accident?" is obviously very incorrect. "Was this A horrible accident?" is correct. Im sure you know this but you should care more about how you sound and do a re-take instead of just letting the incorrect language make it through editing. You can do better.

  • @SS_Psyops

    He didn’t take a wrong turn, drive 5+ miles on that desolate road, wreck, walk in the dark, avoid all officers/wrecker driver/fireman which at the maximum were there 45 minutes after the wreck, stumble out after the tow became hypothermic, stripped due to paradoxical undressing THEN was hit by a car or “murdered.” He was high, wrecked, then walked to the abandoned house for help cause the light was on, when he saw blue lights flashing he hide due to possible legal consequences, by the time the cop left he was hypothermic, and died on his walk back to town… when people get to paradoxical undressing they will do insane things!!! Wedge themselves in places you wouldn’t imagine a human could go… he’s more than likely still out there within 1-2 miles of the wreck but somewhere unbelievable… or like the sheriff said hogs maybe… Brandon Lawson was missing for years and was essentially right where they said he went missing…. There are so many cases like this! Look at Jared Atadero for instance.

  • @staceyp695

    This case reminds me of Bryce Laspisa who went missing in 2013 not far from where I live. To this day his disappearance remains a mystery.

  • @graciel3725

    Maybe they should look at that cop more closely. He was sure in a hurry to not do a lot, as well as being pretty judgemental. But this is just my opinion.

  • @williamblackstock6785

    I get so damn tired of people and cops judging someone by there skin color or what they wear or do, Police are supposed to be professional and saying probably some college kid so damn what it doesn't freaking matter these people are human and someone's child. I think every cop that passes judgment should be written up. Its worse for African Americans there judged by cops automatically that there a criminal Its a sad world we live in. I pray in the name of Jesus all missing persons are found.

  • @Tewhi69

    He could have lost the signal in that area (unless he was checking it and at that same time tried to dodge a deer (which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary). Trail of clothes is weird. Does he bring his clothes home to wash? What if they were extra clothes?

  • @meaganberry9190

    Some part of me always says he wasn't alone in the car that night. I'd be super intrigued to see the data on other phones pinging in the area at that time.

  • @katrinamauk1907

    My thought is, what if he had a head injury PLUS being under the influence and was picked up by someone. That someone had bad intentions to do something with Jason and now is keeping Jason, but also maybe Jason doesn't know who he is or that the person who is holding him is a bad person? So Jason isn't trying to get away from them and get to help. Also, it seems like the scent trail wouldn't just stop if animals "got to him", but I am not a professional in that aspect. Seems like he would still have a scent SOME PLACE if animals were to be involved.

  • @itskashhh

    I grew up in that area and still visit often. Unfortunately those small town police are extremely inexperienced and nothing really happens there. They had been offered help with a geofence warrant from a larger agency and they denied the resources. I also grew up in the country, and what I can tell you is that if an animal got to him, there would be some sort of remains. The idea that not a single bone has been recovered is extremely odd. There’s a lot of shady people in those towns and he could’ve met with foul play. Hypothermia is possible too which COULD explain the stripped clothing.

  • @somerking7040

    Oh no, cases like this that are super mysterious drives my brain crazy …Its almost like i cant turn my brain off from thinking about it. ..So weird😢 World is scarier to live in everyday…

  • @themuttsandthemal7729

    I wonder if amnesia may have set in, with him having a head injury and leaving his ID behind if he found help he could have been checked into a hospital as John Doe. I also am curious if the church of wells has been checked. They are a known cult, who drug and abduct young collage age people from all over and will continue to drug and love bomb them and so on. Church of wells is just under 4 hours drive from his last ways point.

  • @user-cx3ry4zb2v

    I’m not saying that the statement of wild hogs was said the right way but it was probably factual. And wild hogs are a HUGE nuisance in Texas. Unless you understand the wild hog crisis you don’t know how matter of fact the topic is. Now the taking off of the clothes I believe that is a common thing with hypothermia. Not 100% sure but I think I’ve heard that the condition which causes severe disorientation gives the victim a feeling of burning.

  • @user-cx3ry4zb2v

    If the road is parallel I think he could have taken it as an alternate route. I think he pulled over to take a break and wrecks his car. Then, disoriented he was kidnapped and killed. The trail of clothes may not be that important to the real story. Someone took him.

  • @sarahweaver8879

    Whoa I went to Texas State in San Marcos and live in Austin now and don't remember hearing about this… 😢

  • @raevynkinsey

    Narcotics!??? REALLYYYYY????

  • @bigshot9557

    Love my girl Annie this channel is so good she is such a good story teller kinda like that librarian you use to have in school back in the day that would read a story so good you couldn’t take your eyes off of her

  • @truthseekers4251

    Hypothermia will cause you to drop clothes.

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @Ipleadthefifth

    He probably went to live on a reservation imo especially if he was looking up how to survive in the woods and spiritual enlightening

  • @hbhutchins83

    😢 this is heartbreaking, the not knowing is an emotional killer for community and parents as a whole.

    Why didn't the 1st officer report this during shift change? Why didn't he collect his belongings other than the backpack with pot? Why in the world did the parents have to find the belongings and his cell phone? Who and why was his cell phone wiped by police after the parents turned it over and specifically requested them to not attempt to override password to prevent loss of their last lifeline?? They simply needed to warrant the phone company!!!

    I'm disgusted, baffled, and left with far more questions than answers!! Was the 1st officer investigated or reprimanded?? Stop treating people like hard "narcotics" users/addicts over pot!!!!

  • @ollieenger1424

    I wonder if he dropped acid or ate magic mushrooms in anticipation of the party. Then got lost and started to panic, which gave way to a bad trip. He had hallucinations and got in an accident, got out of the truck, strewn clothes looking for something to bandage wounds. Freaked out and went into the woods to let the drugs wear off and either got lost walking in the woods or was attacked by animals.

  • @mwh3227

    It's hard to believe that absolutely nothing of him was found?

  • @Bjm1773

    Texas woman speaking.

    If hogs got him, you’d see the massacre scene. Something’s up and they’re hiding it

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