Jeffrey Epstein: It’s Not What You Know, It’s WHO You Know

Uncover the Intricate Web of Connections Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein: The Elusive Truth Lies in the Company He Keeps. Dive into the Dark World of Sex Trafficking and Powerful Influence as You Piece Together the Puzzle of Epstein’s Notorious Case. Remember, in the World of Crime, Connections are Key.


40 Comments to “Jeffrey Epstein: It’s Not What You Know, It’s WHO You Know”

  • @90sWillowJo

    Ya know I always just figured it was probably most likely the ppl who he’d been blackmailing come together and paid to get rid of him, helped with the destruction of evidence. (You don’t typically hide evidence if you don’t think you did anything wrong) …. This whole sneaking him out of the jail seems very plausible as well though.

  • @90sWillowJo

    I was under the impression the cameras stopped working that night as well, and this is the first I’ve heard of him making that claim he’d seen it. Thank you for these videos. I hope something gives and you can SAFELY continue the Scientology vids. I can’t help but wonder if anyone connected to Epstein had anything to do with Scientology.

  • @iamsquatty

    The dalton school reminds me of something youd see in the movie Cruel Intentions 😂

  • @shelbyclark4620

    Agree. "Way too much of a narcissist" to commit suicide.

  • @dahliacheung6020

    The story of the model from former Yugoslavia who was sold by her parents as a sex slave to epstein as a child and then pimped out other girls to him when she aged out it so sad and disgusting and horrific. The victim to abuser pipeline is real for some people. People who view their own welfare and importance as much higher than others but never got the chance to act on that mindset while they were being abused- as soon as they're free they start taking advantage or others.

  • @jacquelynskye295

    He is dead, he killed himself. My Lord. I have to stop listening now. I must return to reality. 😂

  • @haydenhilton

    Who cares if gardener dunnen didn’t know about his conduct…even if that was the truth, he was still directly told that he was doing creepy shit

  • @carlosbent5046

    Jeffrey Epstein was an ATM machine to those in the know

  • @bthomson

    Maybe too many people would have been in on any extensive cover-up. The more people in the know about a secret the more chance that they will blab!

  • @Linda-mj2wv

    He was not that intelligent. His father was a connected teacher. He has basically lied about his intelligent

  • @jeffhardiman3957

    How can Maxwell be charged with sex trafficking, when no clients have been charged? What about the other recruiters?

  • @nolliewells

    “It’s not alleged that she changed her name but it is alleged that her boss died”😂😂😂😂 I’m screaming

  • @15nanoseconds

    Stephani!! You're work is AMAZING! So well done.

    Do you have any plans to put out any more material on this case or subsequent litigation?

  • @NovahPrime

    The comment about it being more likely for a woman to be murdered is false…very false..look it up

  • @origamipein18

    He Who Will Not Be Named: "If I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me!"

  • @origamipein18

    Oh, and yeah, there is that theory He Who Will Not Be Named isn't dead. This one isn't entirely far off. 🤔 His body was covered, so we couldn't see his face.

  • @origamipein18

    OR the cameras were turned off the night he was ALLEGEDLY murdered.

  • @origamipein18

    They should all be punished for what happened to those young girls. XC

  • @michaelrapson

    Dalton school not so much welcome back Kotter as giddy up Epstein.

  • @crawleyr4919

    Check out Whitney Webb if ypu really want a deep dive! She has the deets that go extremely deep

  • @captntread8472

    If a 17 year old boy was selling young girls to Epstein you wouldn't defend him and say he's only 17. But you called that one girl a victim because she was only 17. I think that's total sexism. He wouldn't be a victim and neither is she. They are both predators.

  • @El_Diablo_Blanco422

    Nah he's Dead AF. They offed him. No switch. If you have SS or CIA at your disposal. Why even leave the worry out there. Clean up all loose ends.

  • @nicoleweiler1105

    Does anyone know the order of Stephanie's videos on Jeffrey Epstein? I want to watch them in order and I feel like this is not the first one..

  • @savetheaspies

    As a victim of abuse. I hate that man. Yet that statement is 100% correct tho. Life IS a popularity competition. Look at Kanye… That mf outta pocket. He's crazier than a sh1thouse rat. Taylor swift is hot… Yet can't sing for 💩 Epstein did NOTHING spectacular except abuse innocent children. This is the same story for 80% of the wealthy.

    Not to mention 75% of the jobs positions that require college degrees… Should not require college degrees. A person who knows basic chemistry can be trained to test blood samples, use a mass spectrometer, or run samples in an HPLC… In less then a week. Small medial repetitive tasks like this do not (and should not) require a 4 yr chemical engineering degree. If anything maybe a 1 month class.

    It's just another hurdle designed to hold back poor people and create slaves. Just like the millions of useless laws created by lobbying mega corporations… That make it impossible to compete as a small business owner.

    Heck. 50% of people who go to college… are now tending bar basically because they didn't join a frat house.

    It's funny how hard they made life for introverts… Considering we are litterally the ones who discovered EVERYTHING important. We are the ones who are uninhibited by social drive, drama, and Neuro typical garbage.

    Try being autistic. It's a wonder I'm still on this ass backwards planet. Every morning. When I open my eyes and realize I was dreaming. The first words out of my mouth are, "Awe mannnn… WTF. This sh1t again!?"

    I look around me at the planet and the way normal people have designed it. I am confident I'm not the disabled person.

    Funny how the morons who designed this social-economically failing, polluted, corrupted, greedy failure of a country… Have the gull… The nerve… To call themselves "elite".

    I'm disgusted by the fact that I share such a large percentage of DNA with them…. same for the massive majority of citizens that follow blindly like sheep. When they should be uniting against corruption. They are just as responsible as the bad guys.

    Facts is: If you think about it. Culling everybody over 40 would litterally solve 90% of the world's problems. Cause young people are tolerant, know how to share, and have the ability to work as a team. We are also more educated. The politicians just try to make kids look dumb so they can maintain control. (They already stole their own pension money.) 😂🖕The world… and all it's failed traditions.

  • @nataleehulingqhs7252

    I lied because if I told the truth you wouldn’t have hired me 😮 BINGO😉

  • @aoky9179

    I went to a dalton school and it gave me incredible skills and accountability

  • @lizcamero2634

    Is there a part 3? I could not find it…love you Stephanie!!

  • @Camey71073

    I'm with you. How did they find ghislaine? She's been hiding for years. He told them and is prob sitting on Lolita Island living wild and free.

  • @Camey71073

    High school is required but to some people who are highly intelligent, school is boring…..

  • @stephbrowning1690

    Was just a sick perv and cudnt face the consequences from his action so killed himself

  • @ellielevine2038

    That’s an interesting take – that Epstein isn’t dead

  • @korisean-andrewmybabiesilo3807

    Epstein was a pimp he had all these high profile rich people in his black trick book that's the information he had on them🤔😲

  • @darrinshannon2947

    I believe what you saying about Him still being alive.

  • @practicespatience

    Omg the plant behind the last lady you showed at the end is called LOVE LIES BLEEDING how appropriate! And he isn’t dead we all know that ! Thanks for doing what you do 👍

  • @lifeasaflower3724

    The question that always comes to mind is if Jeffrey was so rich wouldn’t you think eventually he’d get himself out of prison? He could pay people off, get lesser time etc. He was a rich white man.. he obviously didn’t go by choice and yes I’ve had thoughts of him still being alive too and this was all a set up!

  • @gordonjreeves5651

    👏 BRAV-OOOOO 💐 STEPHANIE 💐 Apologize for beaming aboard your 👍Kompelling Kick-Ass Kommentary👍 in our usual brilliantly-belated fashion, but you're in a consummate class of your own. Acutely anticipating absorbing the rest of your virtuous videos. What a thrilling discovery 😀 👏

  • @sugarbabe5728

    I wouldn't blame some of his victims in profiting off him, except for the fact that helped him in raping other girls. If they had just profited and didn't help, I would be like, who knows what anyone would've done in that situation and if you could become financially independent when you're already basically sold into sex trafficking I would actually have some damn respect for them, but to help procure other little girls for a rapist? They're disgusting because they should know how it felt and what these poor innocent girls were going to go through and did go through. Special place in hell for everyone involved.

  • @sugarbabe5728

    I thought the signs said bear stains. I was like bear's feces?? 😂

  • @sugarbabe5728

    This person could have this USB and is blackmailing everyone on it and is profiting heavily. Why just release the information when you can make millions and millions off of it? If he is dead, I believe that someone murdered him after finding out about the USB, and making a deal with that person, or that person was already outed so they were thinking what do I have to lose now? Let's face it, these people know who else was involved and in what capacity, and who they could manipulate that wasn't found out, and possibly if they didn't actually hire someone, they blackmailed someone else to do it. What prison has so many issues with their security cameras, because that's an extremely dangerous situation for the people working there to be in. Dangerous criminals and a security system that's on the fritz? People could and if Epstein is dead, did get away with murder. Narcissistic people who have so much dirt on high profile people don't kill themselves because they know they can get away with almost anything..I do believe that there was probably several hits put out on Epstein's head though. Just like I believe good old pedophile Biden was involved with Epstein. He's 1,000% a child predator and imagine how it would look for someone who is pursuing the presidency to be outed? Although, because of his dementia he's outing himself. And why hasn't he had a mental evaluation yet? It's supposed to be completed within the first year of presidency and there's no way this man is mentally capable of taking care of himself let alone running a damn country.

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