As a seasoned and meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed the transcript of the interrogation. The suspect’s demeanor was nervous and evasive, exhibiting classic signs of deception. Their responses were inconsistent and lacked specificity, raising red flags in my investigative mind.

Furthermore, it was noted that the suspect’s alibi did not align with witness statements or physical evidence. This discrepancy pointed to possible involvement in the crime at hand, a high-profile case that had captured the public’s attention.

Through intensive questioning and cross-referencing of the evidence, it became evident that the suspect had knowledge of key details that only someone present at the scene could possess. This solidified my belief in their guilt and reinforced my determination to bring them to justice.

As I delved deeper into the case file, I uncovered a history of similar offenses committed by the suspect, indicating a pattern of criminal behavior. This revelation added another layer of complexity to the investigation and solidified our case against them.

In conclusion, my detailed analysis and unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth have led me closer to solving this heinous crime and ensuring that the perpetrator faces the full consequences of their actions.


25 Comments to “Jupiter Couple Locked Their Adopted Son Inside 8×8 Room For 4 Years & They're Saying Why”

  • @annieelise

    What do you think about what the parents are now saying? Comment below!

  • @ivantheteribul

    Could you do a video on Daniel and Kelly Davis, another Florida couple who abused their 8-year-old (in 2020) son? The kid managed to escape from his abuse by setting his mattress on fire.

  • @VadisLambert

    He could have been acting out because they were treating him this way.

  • @cbrizzle7529

    I can’t believe they’d have a room built like that for a kid!
    They can’t see the picture that’s going on with that kid!!!
    He acts like that & takes his anger out on kids @ school cuz he’s treating like a dog (LITERALLY) @ home! Plain & simple! Now give the kid some love & do stuff with him, reward him for doing good things & watch who he hangs out with & I bet you that kid will show his love back!!!
    Being physically abused is one thing but being Mentally abused is so much worse! I dealt with it for decades & I almost snapped but that Step Father is finally gone that almost ruined our family!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @markgardner3117

    Even if true you turn him over to authorities you don’t lock him up in a room like a animal

  • @Avasmommy11509

    24:29 Annie's heads-up about this case not being over and taking a drastic turn… was not nearly enough to prepare me for the VANILLA SKY Crash this jumped to…
    HulkSmash slapped us with the Uno Reverse Card. This channel has proven to all of us just how plausible each argument is. Locking him away sounds absolutely unhinged and inexcusable… but if his behavior is truly as evil as claimed… the prior documented incidents and attacks are true … and his parents did everything they could possibly do within their means … idk I can't even imagine this… especially because I've yet to process this. This is something that needs a lot of proxeaaing… and information. Perhaps they felt their level of isolation and being locked up was more humane and less damaging to the entire family than him actually getting locked up or put in a psychiatric hospital… and like Annie said, if the parents have tried and tried to have authorities and medical in the state step in and nothing has been done, I think to myself, what in the hell would I do?? What would you do?? I can't imagine this. once the violence starts to threaten the lives of your other family members, children and yourself, innocent bystanders… what do you do?? Because then once something does happen to someone else, your own children, innocent people, then they are to blame and then the people would say why didn't you take every single means necessary to control him? He's your kid and control him…. that's what the perfect ones will say that have an answer for everything… I hwv no problems saying that I have absolutely no idea what the answer was… just writing off your child ? I need to find more about this case. One thing for sure is it sounds like a nightmare for at minimum… the other siblings 😢

    Slapped us in the face with the HulkSmash level Uno Reverse Card 😶‍🌫️ ↩️

    6:37 Oh… You mean they located the exact same cell that the concerned contractor called police about… how many months prior? Why are so many situations that are obviously concerning or others looking in… undeniable🚩🚩… brushed off or ignored UNTIL something terrible or deadly happens ⁉️ Timothy Ferguson was tortured until his terrible and untimely death. Not one person was a voice for Timothy. No one. He was suffering until his final breath. Why?? How??? Is someone… a WOMAN… A MOTHER capable of being a true monster??

  • @duchessofhazjack4878

    What gets me is his adoptive brothers and sisters couldn't understand why he was locked away and missed him and wanted to play with him, yet the parents claimed he abused them and they were terrified of him. IF he behaved as they claimed, he should have and WOULD HAVE been in juvie and treated with far more care and humanity and have a chance at learning and socialising.

  • @cyka666

    Probably + Possibly = Prossibly 0:39

  • @stevewayne3676

    I totally agree that locking anyone up will cause mental issues grown or young. This is what makes our justice system so sick. Some do need locked away from the public. i think we all know the ones i speak of its been proven time, and again, some people can't be cured of their sick ways 🤔

  • @dalmeshasloss7765

    Found you a few days ago. Just love you and how much detail and emotion you put into the videos. I watch you while working my full 8 hours. Thanks Annie! (My aunts name) 😅

  • @karentucker2161

    The oarents are so gross and should not ever have kids.

  • @kyliemunnecke8217

    The parents look like brother & sister
    Evil creeps

  • @stephanielewis5352

    Was there an update on this case?

  • @lynnc5252

    Was he enrolled in a public school or some church based schools?
    I find a lot of these cases tie into some horrible distortion of religion and punishment.
    The teachers can also be a part of the problem like Ruby Frank and her business partner.

  • @WhitneyAbare

    Please look into the BS in Memphis!!! He was a coach! It seems to be a stray bullet. He was a great person & we need answers. Please help us!!!!

  • @Booker596

    24:10 she goes on about being under 13 for it to be a higher felony, and he's "14 years and 5 months". . . YEAH RIGHT NOW!! 🙄 if this has been going on 4 years, he will have been what when it started??? 10! That's inder 13 😒

  • @joyceanderson8648

    The fact that the mom immediately lied about the room proves she knew IT WAS WRONG!! She needs to go to prison for 20 yrs NO Parole and no contact with her kids or any kids EVER!! These cruel parents even traumatized the other kids by doing this to the adopted child. !! They will never recover.

  • @joyceanderson8648

    The mom lies right off the bat and yes they both were guilty of extreme abuse!! So sad for this boy and hope he never returns to those so called parents and he lives a great happy life.

  • @lorifintel9784

    The compassion the sisters had is amazing. Sometimes siblings are so brainwashed that they have no empathy. And will sometimes actually engage in bullying behavior. 😢

  • @forrosailor

    There were not a “million” different options. In fact, they probably had none. I’m not excusing what they did, if it’s all true. But, if their son truly was a danger to his siblings and society, if he is a sociopath, the state offers next to zero support. I’ve seen cases where parents beg the courts, and the police, to take their dangerous child away, and not only do they refuse, they threaten the parents with arrest and taking away their other kids if they don’t take their unruly child back. You aren’t allowed to surrender children to the state. Babies, sure, but not big kids. What should they have done if they were worried this kid was going to kill them or their other kids in their sleep? Seriously? What could have done differently if the state refused to help, they force you keep the child in your home.

    I’m inclined to believe the parents on this as well considering that the other children aren’t treated the same way. Of course, if he’s the singular adopted child then I’d be very suspicious.

  • @krystalchapman2996

    This one filled me with so much rage and heartbreak! I almost had to turn it off….literally in tears. As the mother of a 14 year old boy I can’t even fathom this….no matter WHAT he did wrong. Which I’m not even sold on the idea that he was doing those things. Lock the monsters up for life.

  • @christinestevenson4304

    I am so sick of this happening! We need to start holding the government and government agencies accountable! In stead of spending multi billions on war, spend it on or kids and vets! There is no excuse for this. So many good people want to adopt but cannot for some ridicuilous reason. How, how, how, do they keep getting placed with people like this?

  • @Mouseluv80

    I don't believe the boy is what the ppl say about him they just want an excuse to treat him the way they did hoping it didn't make them look bad, but I think they should be put in a room like that and have the same done to them

  • @user-xp5nu4gb1u

    Most parents who have everyday normal children don’t realize how difficult it is to raise a problem child. If what the parents are saying has any truth to it then they should have had him in counseling or should have ask the state for help. But the way they handle I feel is completely wrong. If he was such a danger to the other kids then why did the other sibling’s say they missed playing with him? These parents need to be accountable for their actions. My opinion is they farther hurt this child instead of helping him. Just my opinion.

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