Breaking down Katherine Magbanua’s initial statement in the murder of Dan Markel case, we delve deep into the intricate web of connections between her and the Adelson family. The meticulous investigation reveals a sinister plot involving jealousy, greed, and manipulation, with ties to the lucrative world of black market dealings. As the pieces of the puzzle slowly come together, the chilling truth behind this heinous crime begins to emerge, painting a portrait of calculated deception and cold-blooded murder. In this complex and compelling case, every detail counts as we strive to unravel the mystery and bring justice to the victim and his loved ones.


31 Comments to “Katherine Magbanua’s First Proffer (Murder of Dan Markel Case – FL v. Charles Adelson)”

  • @SpicyRNQueen

    Honestly I think the cops wanted the adelsons. She's lying!

  • @margcanada2371

    lots of talk maybe in charlie bed.. hunn

  • @margcanada2371

    She knows alot more.. then her mouth is saying..She took alot of money for her self..I think Charlie got a raw deal

  • @tacham4533

    I don’t get when this was. When the hitmen got arrested? Before her trial after the 2nd trial?

  • @JAFO44

    Although when I begin to feel sympathy for her, all I have to do is Google and look at the photo of Dan Marcal and his 2 Young Boys who will likely NEVER even recall a Memory of having a father because they were so Young when their father was brutally murdered at the arrangement by this Woman. So, she deserves to be where she is. It's just very sad how she also victimized her own children. It must have been very tough for the prosecutors knowing that their prosecution of this woman would result in orphaning her children. Putting her in prison was the right thing to do. She coordinated Dan Marcal's murder.
    I hope the investigators and prosecutors are close to arresting WENDI ADELSON and charging her with 1ST DEGREE MURDER and get her a life sentence as well.

  • @josvandersteen3564

    I'm just waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop.. the one named Wendi

  • @jgiza8888

    Katy, just paraphrase what the maestro told you…. Geez.

  • @PerfectlyIimperfect1

    oh my God, you guys don’t even know one oh1 and how to get information out of a person. First thing is you don’t put her on one side and you on the other secondly, they should only be one of you in the room preferably the woman thirdly, you keep ratcheting things up. Get some education. ! I’m a lovely person and could’ve done a better job here.

  • @adunn5173

    For someone who was the literal go between for murder for hire, she knows nothing. No one would forget these things. It’s a mortal sin. For her sake I pray for tells the full truth and then gets on her knees and begs for God’s mercy. This is horrible.

  • @silvanafriedel3957

    This crazy criminal makes up stories , she is psycho and the police believe her ????

  • @silvanafriedel3957

    That woman is a crazy criminal and I cannot believe she played everyone. These guys are putting people in jail believing a criminal like this woman?
    What she says makes no sense. She has plaid every one including the dentist .
    It is obvious that this lady and the father of her kids are serious criminals.

  • @datelineyesterday5395

    You always have the best content thank you!

  • @debra5514

    She’s so full of crap. She’s stumbling so much because she only wants to tell them what she knows they already know. She’s gotta remember WHAT they already know with what is in her memory- cut/paste/edit. 🙄

  • @michaelryan1620

    She is a horrible witness. Lol

  • @mikemccag

    She simply doesn’t trust the cops.

  • @shamrox12

    I don't believe anything she says. Bottom feeder.

  • @lindakovacich1671

    She is not being totally honest. She would ask charlie for money, but charlie automatically would assume it was for the hit.

  • @aneeshamoore2478

    I would say bitch come clean, then she would had spilled the beans.😅

  • @virginia2949

    This woman is exactly where she belongs.

  • @virginia2949

    If someone (the cops) told me 40 times or more that "we are not here to trick you" – I would think they were trying to trick me.

  • @virginia2949

    She is still not being honest. Too many "I don't knows", "my mind blocked it off", "I have forgotten", I never thought about it at the time", etc etc.and pretending that she doesnt know what they want. She spends a lot of time going around in circles and not landing… seeking "clarification", blah blah…. "this is where it gets difficult.. I dont know – I dont know" "It's blurry…" This woman is getting too old to pretend she is clueless.

  • @stevefromsaskatoon830

    It's funny these folks would have made more money working at minimum wage job in less than 1 year and not be in jail too

  • @stevefromsaskatoon830

    I'm an hour and 40 minutes in and 🤦‍♂️ ….. that's all i got to say

  • @stevefromsaskatoon830

    Guess she should've took that immunity deal 😄

  • @laila-holm

    Omg how she lie…. She is in her own web + Adelsons and proteckt her husbond. She lied sooo much to Charlie too.

  • @Sherri1971US

    This cold blooded murderer. She was part of the mastermind she arranged the hit men. A mother lost her son and two children lost their loving father. It’s almost like she pull the trigger.

  • @slyphwing

    Why was she finding it so difficult to just straight-up tell what happened? Kinda seemed like she wanted the interviewers to tell her what to say, really weird and sus…

  • @amitaryal543

    Don’t they have to tell her that she has a right to have an attorney present?

  • @terrim5442

    Unbelievable bs, she knew and knows exactly what they did. She facilitated a murder for money.

  • @Pinayukoz4108

    She tried to act smart but she’s actually dumb! Now her kids are scarred for life knowing their mother is capable of doing this for east money! And she thought she can get away from it lol .. bad luck you hang out with a more badder person and andelson family. You didn’t know Charlie used you coz he knows you’re a good e scapegoat with the father of your kids and his friends from a rough background . Remember Money is the root of all evil but the person who loves money You Katherine is the greedy one! You want to tell the truth tell everything if you only repented ! You can get out of jail but now! So dumb you refuse to get the plea deal so yeah you put yourself there so sad for your kids and future grandkids . You’ll be forever be in jail

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