Key Statements Tossed in Case of Dad Accused of Executing His 3 Sons

Father accused of murdering his three sons successfully argues to have key statements thrown out.

Hey, did you catch that recent update on the Chad Dorman case? It looks like the detectives in Claremont County, Ohio violated his rights during questioning. The judge ruled that they didn’t properly advise him of his Miranda rights and continued questioning him after he asked for a lawyer. It’s a big win for the defense, but also raises questions about whether mental health will be a factor in the case.

I was surprised to hear the detective’s excuse for not reading Dorman his full rights – saying he’s not a robot. I mean, come on, when it comes to important procedures like this, you’ve got to follow protocol to a T. This case is definitely a reminder of how crucial it is for law enforcement to handle these situations carefully and by the book.

It’s interesting to see how this ruling will impact the case moving forward. As a fan of true crime, these legal intricacies always keep me on my toes. What do you think about this development? Leave a comment and let’s discuss!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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