As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I carefully analyzed the transcript of the suspect’s interview, searching for any inconsistencies or clues that could lead to solving the case. The suspect’s demeanor and choice of words were scrutinized for any signs of deception or guilt.

Based on the information gathered from witnesses and physical evidence, it was clear that the crime in question was a premeditated act of violence. The suspect’s alibi was thoroughly examined and corroborated with surveillance footage and eyewitness accounts.

Upon closer examination of the transcript, it became evident that the suspect’s story did not align with the timeline established by the investigation. Inconsistencies in the suspect’s alibi and behavior during questioning raised red flags, leading me to believe that they were withholding crucial information regarding the crime.

Through careful interrogation and analysis of the evidence, it was determined that the suspect was directly involved in the planning and execution of the crime. Their attempts to deceive authorities were futile, as the unwavering dedication of the investigative team ultimately led to their confession and subsequent arrest.


30 Comments to “Latest Updates, Lies & Details In The Case| 4 Students Brutally Murdered in Moscow, Idaho”

  • @annieelise

    Going over new details and facts of the case, dispelling rumors and we address a "reporter" who flat out lied at the presser.

  • @magdalenaisabel9683

    So after the fake reporter was persistently holding up her hand at the press conference….what was her question?! Did she get revealed for what/she really was…or did it just get dropped?

  • @chrislim7615

    But they kept quiet the whole time,as tho nothing happened…

  • @BiPolarBear128

    a registred nurse with a law degree should NOT be a coroner ..seriously.. that is just so weird

  • @chrislim7615

    Quite sure his son knows much mor

  • @gullybull5568

    TRUST THE POLICE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @katrinamauk1907

    It's interesting because when she finally was called on, I heard her question and thought, this does not sound like someone who is a professional. She was fumbling over her words and didn't ask the questions like all the other reporters were.

  • @user-uy7xo8zx6c

    My opinion there were more than one person they new their killers

  • @davidwoermansr

    FYI it's moss-co not moss-cow

  • @mirandalemmon4285

    My running theory is the girl that was “friendly” with the dude was nice to him, he became obsessed and realized she wasn’t looking to take it further than being nice & he snapped.

  • @brandynestleroad3611

    @AnnieElise where dies it ever say door dash driver was cleared???

  • @badazzanon7060

    THAT INSANE COMMUNIST FAKE REPORTER was there for one reason. Did everyone hear what she asked ? Was the weapon linked to the local ROTC. She was a liberal anti American domestic terrorist trying to pin the murder on a white Republican. Trying to get the nation to think a white republican male did this crime. Why are these democrats not being labeled the domestic terrorists that they are.

  • @lauriedaniele5967

    I believe that there is more killers that they just have to keep looking. Even with what I know today. I don't think they should defund the police at all I should be paying police more my prayers go out to the families and friends and the two surviving victims.

  • @cyndit9208

    We know more now than when this came out but the horror of this never gets old. My heart will never stop hurting for he four wonderful people murdered senselessly. Their family and friends and even strangers who feel the same as I do.

  • @jnbg61584

    If it wasn’t already mentioned, a fixed blade knife is a knife where the blade doesn’t fold, bend, or move into part of the handle. Other knives that do compress in size length are referred to as pocket knives or something similar

  • @christinehubbs2432

    If they have the video of the car parking then they have the video of the person or persons exiting the car & getting back in the car…right? Does that person resemble BK?

  • @catcruise820

    Has anyone pointed out that some extreme vegans( like how BK is described about being particular about his food) don't use animal products such as leather shoes or belts? Was he faking his vegan lifestyle? Or was it really his sheath?

  • @annbarnes3152

    Why is everyone so gung ho of going to prison with the

  • @stevendonelan7725

    😮didn’t that strange lady reporter ask could this have a been a woman…

  • @stevendonelan7725

    Father needs investigation… familiar with the interior, having changed the locks ….so manoeuvre in the dark…..was no problem….😢

  • @sevenhawks3020

    The woman with her hand up through the press conference was the only person there that asked if the police have considered that the murderer could be a woman. Interesting that she totally lied about who she was and the organization that she worked for. Hell, maybe she’s the killer! LOL

  • @jennasjourney4754

    The 911 call was made from a passerby, one of the friends of the surviving roommates walked in and got sick, walked out and fainted, a passerby saw this and called 911 causing the police to be at the incident due to that call.

  • @tonyotago8309

    Could that lady who was lying about being with a reporting group be connected to the offender or offender's

  • @viceb7

    Wtf this dad is all over the place, he answers the question about someone being the target with stuff about defunding the police and let's it slip that there are other victims?? Wtf?

  • @laurakathleen1777

    I think that Definitely something sketchy about the press conference. Both the supposed reporter and the cop. The cop went bright red when this woman finally got answered. I said in the last video as I thought it was a bit strange and now others have also pointed out that in question. Just seems a bit odd if I'm honest

  • @bettybennett1828

    I have a couple if questions…I'm a tad confused…
    There r pictures showing what appears to blood running down the wall on the outside from the 2nd floor bedroom proving there was A LOT OF BLOOD IN THE ROOM…WITH THAT BEING SAID..
    1. the surviving roommates called a friend to come check on, what the survivor believed , a roommate that was passed out and wasn't waking up…
    2)( even though the students were use to parties) HOW COME THE 2 SURVIVOR'S DIDNT HEAR SCREAMS?
    There's noway all 4 were stabbed to death and none of them screamed.
    3) it's bizarre when someone breaks into a home pass people on a first floor then kill 2 on 2nd floor and 2 on the third. Usually they start on first then go up that way the killer has less chance of people running away and get help

    There r holes on in this case

  • @intentionallyleftblank3016

    But : how is “the guy in the hoodie”ruled out? How did law enforcement even find him? What was his story?

  • @lisabishop7495

    Do you think the fake reporter might have been there just to get the latest on the case because maybe she knows someone whos involved and just wanted to see how close the police are to solving it. Killers have been known to insert themselves in a investigation to find out what the police know. I’m not saying she killed anyone, she’s probably not in good enough shape to carry out 4 murders but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know the killer.

  • @mirandaschulz7888

    There’s been some reports of geo imaging from Dylan and her boyfriend Quinn in ski masks , can substantial evidence show this is true or false ? Why has this not been brought forward their social media posts may show a fixed blade knife on his lap in the car ?

  • @markwinter9001

    i cant believe that the person who did this is out there watching everyone talk about this and enjoying their selves. so sick

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