Lawyer Reacts Depp v. Heard. Netflix & The Insurance Lawsuits. The Emily Show Ep. 211

Analyzing the legal battle between Depp and Heard: Netflix and the insurance lawsuits exposed. Get ready for a deep dive into the Emily Show episode 211. Did you know that Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard for defamation after she accused him of domestic violence? And that Netflix faced multiple lawsuits related to insurance claims for their original content? Stay tuned for all the gritty details in this complex case.


35 Comments to “Lawyer Reacts Depp v. Heard. Netflix & The Insurance Lawsuits. The Emily Show Ep. 211”

  • @TheEmilyDBaker

    Use code EmilyBaker50 at to get 50% off plus free shipping!

  • @sunnflare

    I’m a bit (extremely) late and just watched the documentary last night because I hadn’t known it was on Netflix. Going into it, I was thrilled that this trial had made it into a well-edited doc that I could binge (there’s only so many times I can rewatch the Law & Crime videos)—but I’m so disappointed in the outcome.

    Naively, I had assumed it would be an intelligent, well thought out video essay/recap on the trial and would come to a conclusion that abuse has no gender. I had assumed ALL of the pivotal evidence would’ve been presented. I had also assumed the creators would have been compensated or at least asked for permission. But it’s obvious it was laced with an agenda to protect AH and demonize JD, regardless of what was proved to be false.

    I’d love to know what Emma Cooper thinks about the knife on the bed that AH forgot to put away for her “evidence”. Or the two photos with the same shadows that was supposedly taken in “different light”. How about Amber’s “God, I just get so angry sometimes I lose it,” that she told TWO different people. The woman that testified she witnessed AH throw a can at JD and claw at him? The officers that did not see any bruises or cuts on her face? The so-called “beaten” face she had from the man she “never known not to wear rings”, which, of course, didn’t actually sport bruises at all? Or that being assaulted with a liquor bottle would severely damage/tear/injure such an area and NEED medical attention IMMEDIATELY, of such she never sought? What about her TMZ release and how the knew exactly which side of her face to photograph? Would Ms. Cooper simply ignore AH’s insane doctor she called up, the nurse that was attempted to be sued against for “not reporting DV”, AH’s cheating with Franco, taunting the man she was apparently being beaten by, screaming at him in front of his kids, that she possessed the entire $7M divorce settlement for THIRTEEN months (one full year and one month) and didn’t donate to the charities she promised the money to.

    Most likely, considering her docuseries. She’s a disappointing woman that can’t look beyond gender stereotypes on domestic violence. I feel sorry for her and her close minded beliefs.
    As an Emma, we don’t claim her lmfao

    TLDR: mfer I fr thought doc would be smart and represent properly. No evidence was shown and I don’t like Emma Cooper (producer).

  • @thecumaeansibyl

    5:48 I think “rank hypocrisy” is the word you’re searching for

  • @BifurKate

    Please keep the insurance company litigation coming!!

  • @Patricia-b

    Oh you're still on this….. you still haven't retracted your awful statements… yikes

  • @guymitchell3842

    The DUI Guy was able to get compensation for his content but said they could only have certain clips. Well they used a lot more and he went to them and told them that he would take them to court or they could buy the footage after the fact. Well they paid him. And he was able to get others paid.

  • @itsleahwatson

    Your content is copyrighted if you posted it on YouTube. Ummm, if this violated fair use then sue.

  • @SloaneSlaughter

    This is ridiculous. YouTubers (who made millions of dollars) used the video for the Trial without anyone’s permission. Stop whining. You got richer and are still getting richer by talking about still…

  • @vanneespinoza1998

    I'm just watching this on Netflix and got so excited when I saw your channel on it

  • @Fenriswolf14

    >they judged content creators for making money of off the trial

    Is that not exactly what they are doing? What every journalist was doing?

  • @averageadventures9998

    Very speculative documentary. But I think his point that people have jumped to conclusions and band wagon public shaming is valid.

  • @gabrielcriales9509

    dont like the new sound of the intro

  • @hollymcdowell2865

    It was going seeing you on the doc but valid point on your part. Netflix was wrong for that.

  • @shteebo

    The argument that jurors must have been influenced by social media was entirely predictable. First, it's self-serving which is Heard's standard MO. But also, in her world, it really is inconceivable that most people don't fret about social media every waking hour.

  • @barbararussell897

    Ditty do it? it's all heating up. remember Tupak and Biggie smalls? Here we go!

  • @kjs0391

    Can this 'documentary ' instigate new litigation? I watched the whole trial. I also am a survivor.

  • @patandemy

    He there Emily, ❤
    I have not seen the Netflex movie and those who had seen it are telling me it wasn’t worth it. But I do understand there were evidences not placed due to the time limits.
    That’s between the judge and the lawyers aren’t they?
    The audacity of netflex using other peoples content while complaining about others who have done the very same thing. You do have a lawsuit there with the music copyright. Love you…

  • @TraciaChoLeem

    copystriking you after NOT asking for permission to use YOUR stuff… now THAT is rich.
    quite the audacity really

  • @TRexorcist

    They showed a lot of things out of context and didn’t provide any it was super frustrating

  • @redhada

    NYM can pledge to pay, which we all know is synonymous of paying

  • @bluchu22

    So AH is on the hook for millions in attorneys’ fees plus the million dollar settlement?

  • @taibayasseen9229

    Not going to watch this Netflix joke documentary.

  • @pjq9764

    Nobody seems to be making documentaries about the UK trial but there’s been several on how “unfair” the Va was!? That is telling imo

  • @SableRain

    Oh, I hated that documentary. The producers were condescending hypocrites, and completely out of touch with reality, just like the rest of mainstream media.

  • @halbop1313

    I deleted Netflix the moment I heard they made this doc. I had been looking for a reason and this is it. Disgusting they stole content, came up with NOTHING new on their own, and skewed it so AH seemed like the victim. So gross. This is why all court cases should have cameras – this way the public has the option to watch the case and make an opinion, instead of watching a trash documentary that feeds a narrative.

  • @llglalu

    Totally agree ❤

  • @damonfinken

    I watched it last night because I heard Popcorn Planet get upset. I watched how they used the Steven Duetter text as a cliffhanger. I was like… they didn't allow the text… but instead… THEY SPOKE TO STEVE HIMSELF. But they wanted an open question that lingers. It only made the Netflix show look stupid.

  • @UnDunn_Y2K

    just watched the net doc this week. Came across as a mini pity party for amber. You and your hair looked fab, tho!

  • @tanzietiger

    I think you should’ve been paid as your a lawyer/prosecutor and you described the trial to make sense for us all

  • @tanzietiger

    There you are I’ve missed watching you
    Your voice is more appealing to listen to about The trial or other videos.
    I’m glad to be back to watch more with the fabulous EDB

  • @ilonabarocsi8791

    You have a smood and beautyfull skin. 💜👍

  • @facialsonDemand

    The sexual abuse… this was a case for slander not really about the abuse

  • @facialsonDemand

    You were very non-bias, I bet that wasn't mentioned

  • @pamelamartineau9361

    Amber is the abuser. Amber only wanted to hurt JD and take everything from him.

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