As a highly detailed crime investigator, it is evident that the case of Lindsay Clancy presents a complex narrative that requires a thorough examination of all the evidence. The details provided in the transcripts shed light on the events leading up to the tragic murders of Cora, Dawson, and Callan.

The prosecutor’s argument highlights the deliberate and calculated nature of the crime, portraying Lindsay as a cold and callous individual who showed no remorse. However, the defense painted a contrasting picture, emphasizing Lindsay’s struggles with postpartum depression and psychosis as factors that led to the tragic outcome.

The comparison to the infamous case of Andrea Yates, who also suffered from postpartum psychosis, highlights the complexity and challenges of addressing mental health issues in cases of filicide. The question of justice and the appropriate response to cases like these remains a point of contention, with differing opinions on how to approach such cases.

As the case unfolds, with more information and medical experts coming forward during the trial stages, it is crucial to consider all aspects and perspectives before forming a definitive opinion. The nuances of mental health and the impact it can have on individuals’ actions must be carefully examined in the pursuit of justice.

The division in public opinion and the emotional complexities of the case underscore the need for a comprehensive and thorough investigation into Lindsay Clancy’s mental state and the events that led to the tragic loss of three innocent lives. As the case progresses, it is essential to approach it with sensitivity, understanding, and a commitment to uncovering the truth.


42 Comments to “Lindsay Clancy Case | New Note Discovered | Was This Premeditated Murder or Psychosis?”

  • @annieelise

    Details of a note found on Lindsay's phone have recently been released. Public opinion has shifted since the arraignment while many are still adamant that Lindsay must have suffered from something deeper. What do you believe?

  • @kristakat

    I think “forgiving” someone is more so you forgiving yourself for your thoughts of wanting that person to suffer for what they did. Forgiving is a poor choice of words. It’s more of not giving them your power to move on and not give the evil one more second of your life. It’s like closure, no such thing.

  • @tornshaun

    36:15 did you speed this up?

  • @colepostell6384

    Mother in Cherokee county nc just drowned her two twin 4 year old boys…. Its a sick and cruel world we live in

  • @user-qh1le1dl7d

    I don't think she planned this she is really sick I know what she is going through I hope they make the right decision and not put her in jail

  • @user-up5eh3ct2n

    I’m having a hard time with this case. I too suffered from ppd 25 years ago and to this day I take meds for anxiety and depression. Never did I get to the point of wanting to hurt my baby, in fact it was the opposite. Money was tight and all I could focus on was providing for my kids, because of this we were in serious debt. Car repossessed, house in foreclosure so I could use $ to feed and provide for my kids. I lost my identity. I was in a deep hole and could not see any way to get out. Self esteem was so bad and I didn’t want to leave the house or see people that I had once been close to. Mental health would be so hard to judge because everybody experiences different things and reacts differently. It’s hard to judge if you haven’t ever experienced this.

  • @paulincia27

    My god these people are well educated and professional do they not know normal people don't do that!!!!!😢 There is enough evidence that she wasn't ok for long tme!

  • @russellben1234

    I know someone who was put on amatriptoline and ended up suicidal it’s not a good drug!!

  • @jgoetz123

    anyway you cut it , normal people don’t plot killing kids,,, there is a mental health issue at play here. and you can go in and out of psychosis. also with Bipolar for example people go through with self harm far more during a manic or mixed state.

  • @ahviouslyanarchy9188

    This case is uniquely baffling to me. I really don't know. Her previous struggles make me lean toward it being psychosis, regardless of whether she was coherent that day. But there is still enough forethought that she should be held accountable, even if that's the case. I feel so sad for her, but I do think she's guilty at the same time. I've not dealt with PPP but I have struggled immensely with PTSD and other issues that I do know we do things we wouldn't have were we actually healthy, but those things are still our responsibility. Even if it isn't our fault that we face these things, it is our responsibility to accept the consequences and justice regardless.

  • @Kimrodrgz115

    I suffered from PPD with my first child, and I was too ashamed or scared to ask for help. I thought they would take my baby away. So instead I self-medicated with opiates and ended up suffering from addiction for many years which ultimately made me lose custody of my child a few years later anyways. I wish the stigma of PPD & PPP would end so mother's won't be afraid of reaching out for help before something like this happens. How many more mother's need to suffer, and how many children's lives be put at risk? This is something that can be fixed and it keeps getting brushed under the rug in the U.S. at least!

  • @MichelleChapstain89

    Im not the judge or Jury thank God cuz i dont know what to think. I understand PPD. Ive had it. But at the same time she killed all 3 babies in a horrible horrible way. Those poor babies 😢

  • @tabithabragdon1210

    I ended up with the "baby blues" after my youngest son. My mom noticed. I didn't. I'm a little torn on how I feel

  • @AngelaItsme

    It seems pretty damn clear that this woman was dangerously over medicated. Of course she snapped. RIDICULOUS to be on that combo of meds. The doctors should be charged.

  • @jax2670

    What if…. She killed newborns in the labor and delivery unit she worked in before this happened. There was another labor and delivery nurse that was killing babies. She killed a lot of them before they found out it was her doing it. Should be looked into.

  • @MSWSW4lyfe

    People that are not trained mental health professionals need to STOP playing armchair psychiatrist. Postpartum psychosis is very different than postpartum depression! Don't assume things you know nothing about.


    I just can't understand after I had PPD and psychosis. We were in the middle of some remodeling and the only saving grace was the contractors that were there and noticed something off… mom's dying get a lot of choices about alone, present support, or help. We don't know that it's happening and our spouses work, people sleep, and who is there in the middle of the night?? Why do we associate asking for an attorney as guilty? I don't want people using this as an excuse….

  • @aplainjaneproduction8285

    I'm glad the medication worked out for you but you're really not supposed to just stop taking it like that.

  • @jodielbrian

    A lot of times before suicide attempts the person may seem great mood wise.
    I may be wrong but psychosis can come and go I think.

  • @jeanfitzgerald7692

    40 years living with a Mom, Dad ,Brother and now daughter who have severe metal illness.I’m poor so getting help was extremely hard.Mental health is a chemical missing in your brain that makes you act extremely abnormal.My daughter took Seroquel which made her so confused she wanted to kill herself.The side effects of these drugs can be harsh.When your brain acts abnormal it is a life time of misery.You are harshly judged and isolated by society.No money means you spend you life begging for help.My bother told me on his death bed I’m no longer being held hostage by my demonds.My mother told me on her death bed I was a good mom, she didn’t remember her violent evil doings.We need more help and awareness that mental is real and means for people without money to get quality care.

  • @kevingates8339

    She would take all those steps for this exact reason, look at all the defenders she has who don’t even know her. people set up their defense all the time.

  • @kevingates8339

    I’m sorry but I’m not seeing much of a difference between Lindsay and someone like Chad Deorman now after these details and what I hear from my local Boston news

  • @Lea_Marie08

    People appear completely normal sometimes when they are In physcosis. My husband is scyzo- effective and when into a episode for 2 months last year. And it took me 3 or 4 days to realize what was going on…..

  • @asyablake

    Nobody can easily convince me that a mother in her right state of mind would EVER harm let alone kill her children. I would dig thru concrete with my fingernails to get to my children, I love them with the most fierce instinct I have inside of me. With that said, it seems incredibly obvious that she had some sort of psychosis, or was in a state of mental break for months. but something I’ve noticed that gives me the the goose bumps, she really looks like she has something evil in her eyes. Maybe it’s the medication, idk she just has eyes that freak me out. I had two sons within 11 months of each other. My birth control failed, and my second son was 1 week old at my first sons first birthday, and I was put on medication for baby blues as my OB called it back then, I never ever had thoughts of harming myself or my babies, I was just crying over looking different and feeling different, I wasn’t taking care of myself like I normally do, and when I got on medication I felt much better. I’m so thankful I never experienced what some women do, and I can’t even imagine waking up in a hospital and having to live with what she’s done. It blows my mind and it’s just a crazy sad situation that her beautiful family is gone. Forever.

  • @genevievenichols1485

    I honestly don't think she should have the chance to walk amongst society again. Psychosis or not. Who is to say she will not have another break, that is if that is the case. She either needs to be locked up in a psychiatric facility or prison for the reminder of her natural life.

  • @unprocessed_life

    My friend's daughter was put on an anti anxiety meds to help her with moods associated with her autism. She stopped taking them 4 months on when she calmly called her mom to say she felt suicidal. She is VERY in tune with herself.

    Just saying it is possible to be on a medication and remain coherent enough to know something is wrong.

  • @michelleschlichting3974

    I think it was planned since she made sure her husband would be gone and then after killing her kids ( or thinking she killed all of them) jumped out the window. What really irritates me is her lawyer trying to get pity for her because she is now paralyzed! She did that to herself. Why should we feel bad for her for doing that??

  • @cttoybox9349

    The woman explaining what happened at the arraignment spoke way too fast. If she slowed down she’s stop stumbling. It seems like she wants to get it over with. I get it, but speak clearly. It sounds erratic and extremely rushed.

  • @user-vi6op7hx5o

    After watching this video, I began to feel alot of sympathy for Lindsey especially considering that she injured her spine badly enough to make her paralyzed in her legs, I hope they release her to the convalescence hospital to recover physically and mentally (as much as she is able to) cause her life from now on is probably unfortunately going to be a living hell. I just feel very badly for her.

  • @user-vi6op7hx5o

    This case is really tough. I know that postpartum depression and psychoses can be brutally real, but I am bothered with the case in that Lindsey did search online for ways to kill somebody, (if this is indeed true), and why she had the presence of awareness to correctly order food for her husband to go and pick up (if this is indeed true). I find the difference in her behavior to be hard to understand if she was psychotic.

  • @NicholasWolfwood-md7vm

    These women out here man, seriously.

  • @charmainepriestman915

    She cant walk and her emotional state is bad boo hoo
    Was she humane towards her kids ?
    She is despicable

  • @tinamaganda9821

    If this woman gets out of this, id say its now EASY to pre meditate a murder using mental health problems🙄🙄

  • @LUCYintraining

    The whole situation is very sad. She did say she just wanted to "feel emotions for all her children again" this part of her depression may still be in full swing and she hasn't had enough time to process absolutely anything . I wouldn't put a lot of store on her facial expressions due to this.

    I have nine children i suffered ppd with my 5th child. My doctor diagnosed me and put me on something idk what it was this has been over 25 years ago and I was ashamed to tell anyone. My husband knew and during my recovery time from having my son my husband had an outpatient surgery done and he had to stay home for six weeks to give him time to heal. Our son was 2 weeks old when my husband did out patient surgery and the 1st week my mother in law was with me and she helped for his first week. His 2nd week was hell i was completely alone. i stayed away from him as much as i could because I didn't trust myself. I would go change his diaper. Wind the mobile for him and leave. When it was time to feed him I got his bottle ready with burp clothe. Sometimes i couldn't always pick him up. My husband took his care over completely. I walked away and by my sons 5th week I started calming down and started to feel like my old self. I started to unthaw and the sheer panic i felt before calmed way down. Ppg affects everyone differently not 2 women will experience ppg the same way. DO NOT BE ASHAMED DO NOT FEAR TO TELL THE ONES CLOSEST TO YOU HOW BAD IT IS AND THAT YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF I CAN'T STRESS THAT ENOUGH! DRUGS ALONE DON'T ALWAYS HELP. I thankfully had the time to decompress and could safely walk away from my son completely. I have a great relationship with him today he never knew not because it was a hidden family secret it just hasnt come up.

    As far as those damn drugs they put her on those types of medication can suck all the emotions out of you and put you on a plane of disinterest, you can become apathetic, not care either way about life bein good or bad you become emotionally shut down. These meds can shut down how you feel about anything. Things that usually make you smile wont ge5 a reaction from you. Something bad happens in your family normally you might have been in tears hurting for someone you love. You will just be bland with the meds and having ppg you feel miles away on your own dessert.

    I dont know about an outcome for her. I dont think anything they do to her like life imprisonment without parole matters. If she was having psychosis eventually the person and mother that loved her children will resurface at some point and she will know how horrible her reality of what shes done is and what it means to her now. She wont be able to justify it within herself and she herself will condemn herself worse than what the law could enforce by a jail sentence. Worse than absolutely anything she's going to do to herself. She will put herself under her own condemnation and she'll know every waking moment. Shell be on fire 24/7 ..365 days a year…. Every date that was one of her child's birthdays. Her pain and suffering will know no end. And so for this reason prosecution or no prosecution makes little to no difference. No one will ever say or do anything to bring those children back. May God watch over her, her husband and her precious children.

    Believe no matter what this young woman is in a bad way. There's nothing anyone can say or do that will undo the horror and reality of what her mind is being put through.

  • @AshlitaKLaGrangeGA

    My mom had a psychotic episode where she was harming herself and tried harming others. She was hallucinating. The hospital dismissed her and told me to call her psychiatrist. I call her psychiatrist and they told me to have her 10/13. Tried to 10/13, but didn’t have enough witnesses 18 or older to have her 10/13. She had 3 drug overdoses, was physically trying to fight me, threatened my son’s life, and told the police, emt’s, doctors, and nurses at the hospital that she wanted to die and kill others too. They used narcan and sent her home each time to me with a young child in the same day. They didn’t hold her for a day. They said I had no rights to do anything since she was of sound mind. She wasn’t of sound mind. This went on for over 2 months. They would say she is fine. Twice they sent her to a mental health facility. The 1st 1 was 2 hours away and they released her after 24 hours. The 2 nd 1 was probably 2 hours away but due to Atlanta traffic, it took me over 3 hrs to get there to pick her up. She was there 3 days. This was the last episode. We’ve had several prior and had the same issues and a few small 1’s since. She tried to kidnap my 1 yr old last yr I had to stomp on her feet to not punch her as she was slapping me and trying to rip my shirt off me as I’m trying to get her away from my baby. She’s a very bad diabetic too. I didn’t know she had restricted or closed vessels already and was past due for stints. She ended up almost needing 1 of her feet amputated, but fortunately her foot was saved. Just to get that issue approved and resolved, it took almost a yr. Had they approved her stints, she wouldn’t have lost a toe.

  • @prettydopeboi

    All those meds will numb you, can even induce suicidal thoughts- if she was already struggling this could have sent her through the roof. She should’ve retreated away from her family💔

  • @CJR-bs7eu

    Just love how the prosecutor knows she looked up Apple about the restaurant for how long it would take. How about she looked it up to see a specific route to take, or directions or heavy traffic or a number of other reasons you look up directions.

  • @divadawn509

    I think the fact that she attempted suicide afterwards says everything. Callous murderers don't feel remorse and unremorseful people don't attempt suicide.

  • @lyndseybaldwin5166

    As a newer mom I wasn’t really versed in PPD but then after having my son I had terrible PPD and a lot of those meds she was on I’ve been on too it’s crazy… some of them gave me thoughts of hurting myself but never my son… those thoughts eat you alive regardless and sometimes there’s nothing you can do. In no way am i saying she wws right to do ehat she did bjt im saying her med cocktail probably has alot to do with it

  • @Annoyedateveryone09812

    I suffered through postpartum depression after my son. Why mine wasn’t so bad that I wanted to murder my child. But postpartum depression is something that truly needs to be addressed for woman. She murdered her three children & then tried to kill herself, I do believe she is guilty but I also don’t believe she should spend her life in prison. I believe she should spend her life in a mental institution. While yes she was trying, I believe the doctors didn’t really pay attention to her begging for help. I think she could have went somewhere farther away to try new doctors. I feel she said well no one wants to help k I need to take matters into my own hands.

  • @WoundedWarrior2012

    THE PROBLEM WITH PSYCHIATRISTS/PSYCHOLOGIST is they just started inventing more BS excuses for A killer WHO BRUTALLY murdering her three little children. She is EVIL! Mental illness is never an excuse for mass murder! new mental

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