LIVE Alex Murdaugh What Is He Lying About? Ed Sheeran Wins. Brittany Dawn Settles!

Uncover the Deception: Investigating Alex Murdaugh’s Lies. Ed Sheeran Triumphs as Brittany Dawn Finally Resolves Case! Delve into the truth behind the mysterious circumstances surrounding Alex Murdaugh, a prominent lawyer involved in a shocking murder-for-hire plot that has left the community reeling. Despite his claims of innocence, questions swirl as to what he is truly concealing. Meanwhile, in a surprising turn of events, Ed Sheeran emerges victorious in a legal battle, while fitness influencer Brittany Dawn reaches a settlement in a controversial scamming scandal. Stay tuned as we untangle the web of deceit and uncover the hidden truths in these high-profile cases.


27 Comments to “LIVE Alex Murdaugh What Is He Lying About? Ed Sheeran Wins. Brittany Dawn Settles!”

  • @ConchShell92

    So AM pushed for the 500K instead of a trial. Then went to Lords to push for the 3.3M settlement. Lords of London was the big payout

  • @ConchShell92

    Funny but MM & PM lived on Holly Street w Alex…..

  • @ConchShell92

    No one else saw her sitting up and talking…. This so sketchy

  • @ConchShell92

    DYK OG they said GS fell at Holly Street….🙄

  • @ConchShell92

    And that insurance policy was only put in place less than a year before her fall…..😵‍💫

  • @ConchShell92

    Alex lies when his mouth is open

  • @ConchShell92

    I’ve always felt Paul and Gloria had a fight and things happened. Alex wasn’t there but showed up before EMT’s? I remember that.

  • @ConchShell92

    Imho This is where Paul M started spiraling, drinking more and behavior changed. Documented that around this time by many. Now Alex has murdered the only two witnesses that hold the truth. And Buster has now used MM & PM as his alibi for Stephen Smith case. I’m not into conspiracies but GS’ case, being exposed in the spring in 2021, could of been a spark too that set the murders of both in motion… but I’m over trying to figure out this toxic family who have ruined so many lives

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars

    I suspect Alex has nothing else to look forward to BUT more litigation and pettiness. He will draw everything out for the rest of his life because he has nothing else.

  • @hazelangus

    I could absolutely believe that a dog is being all hyper and attention-seeking right after coming home from doggie school.

    The problem with an off-site doggie school is that it does absolutely nothing for the dog in the home environment. If people not their usual handlers are training them to do whatever, that doesn't mean the dog would be motivated to do any of it at home, when their humans and their doggie companions are there.

    If the tale was true about the dog being away, it would sound like a case of rich people just dropping a dog off at some sorf of brat camp, and expecting other people to magically make their dog do what they want without putting any work in themselves.

    Seeing as how Alec actually didn't want the insurance company to go after the training school (because "improvident"), and now he's claiming the dogs had nothing to do with Gloria's death, I wonder if this story was ever true.

  • @hazelangus

    $10 an hour??

    Oh boy. I can't. I really can't. That really punches me in the chest, coming as it does after a description of how obscenely wealthy and connected the Murdaughs appeared to be, and how much work Gloria did for them. Housekeeper, cleaner, waitress, childcare and personal assistant, at least.

  • @hazelangus

    I love this audio. He reeeally puts so much detail into things. It's so interesting that he's all detail detail detail, and a question comes in and he answers like,

    "Well thinking back, you know, it was a long time and I've gone over it in my head so many times about this, but I think – I THINK – I had weetabix for breakfast that morning. But I'm not sure, I couldn't swear to it, you know? Maggie – she might know better 'n me whether she made toast for me that day".

    I made that up, obviously. But he seems to do that answer-pattern a lot. I wonder if it's a specific tell, for him. Is he giving himself time to think? Is it his belief that if he makes a big deal out of trying to remember an inconsequential thing, people will let him off the hook for anything further? A version of admitting what he can't deny?Because he thinks that they'll think that obviously he's telling the truth because he's trying to cooperate really really hard?

    It could be much simpler than that, of course. He's a Murdaugh. He says stuff in a way that sounds odd, and he's used to getting exactly what he wants. Maybe he's just used to saying things in such a way because he's not been pulled up on it before, and he thinks it's normal.

    He also hides behind his wife's skirts an awful lot. Maggie knows. That was Maggie. You'll have to ask her.

    I do sometimes wonder if Maggie felt odd that her husband was asking her to lie. Assuming she knew she was lying. Could be she just accepted it when her husband advised her to say this or that.

  • @hazelangus

    Ahhh, so he said he was there. Cool. So when Paul and Maggie said a variety of things to 911, some of it contradictory, and then both said she was mumbling something?

    That was from Alec. If he was there, I think he was giving them their lines off-camera.

  • @hazelangus

    This audio is interesting because, yet again, it's more information for us about how Alec responds to, or reacts to, events that a lot of people would find quite upsetting.

    It also shows us how he sounds when he's lying versus when he's telling the truth. Assuming he ever tells the full truth, of course.

    I don't think we know for sure whether he's ever told the whole truth or not. The danger with him seems not to be that he lies, that would be too easy. It's that he mixes lies with truth.😮

  • @user-hp4eu3cc2e

    ask MM but the OG story was that she fell at their Hampton House. It also had brick stairs….

  • @user-hp4eu3cc2e

    DYK Alex got that policy just about a year before this “accident”… Now, 2024, we know this man is capable of anything. Was her fall before the boat crash? On MM podcast, and others, she and others talked about everyone saying after the death of GS Paul’s behavior changed. the drinking got worse, and the behavior was more dangerous, yes he was abusive to girls, and entitled acting, but they said it was if he was self-medicating. some suggested it was because Buster was treated as the favorite, and they didn't get along. Many wondered if Maggie or Paul got into an argument with GS and pushed her. Is that why Alex was called first before 911? The handyman there said Alex was NOT there when whatever happened. Now the only two witnesses are dead. Also, Buster now claims the night Stephen Smith died he was with Maggie and Paul. IDK what’s going on with this family, but Alex seems to have too many dead bodies around him. His brothers, who now claim distance, were tight as ticks until the guilty verdicts. I’ve heard another motive was Maggie and Paul knew the truth about GS’s fall.
    Also don’t forget the story was originally a fall at their Hampton House, close to Alex’s office, but the policy didn’t cover the Hampton house…. nothing surprises me with this family now

  • @user-hp4eu3cc2e

    now that you and MM have done a podcast, why not ask for eric Bland?

  • @BeaBeaver

    I feel like Bubba should sue for Defamation

  • @Christine-49

    This will probably not get seen since I am watching so late, however, I wanted to discuss something that Emily said about insurance companies. I have been an insurance claims adjuster for 23 years. I have handled hundreds if not thousands of trip and fall claims. It is NOT the job of the insurance company to look for ways to NOT pay a claim. This is a public misconception and I cringed when I heard Emily say it. The insurance company's job is to investigate WHAT HAPPENED. If through that investigation, it is discovered that the Insured did something wrong to cause the incident to happen, then it gets paid. If, through investigation, it is discovered that the Insured did not do anything wrong to cause the incident to happen, they will not pay. Obviously there is so much more that goes into a claims investigation, but it is not true that insurance companies will do anything they can to not pay claims. This is just plain false, at least in the liability claims world. I can't speak for Work Comp or health insurance, but it is not the case in what I and my co-workers do. The % of claims that get paid FAR exceed claims that are not paid. There are so many misconceptions about insurance in general and claims. I often wonder if I should start a channel just to explain these things and help others when they are faced with a claim. I know its all very confusing and then you see all these ads from attorneys telling you not to trust the insurance companies that just add to these misconceptions.

  • @racheld6476

    Here for Brittany Dawn in the replay ❤

  • @eatmyoctopus

    I’m very interested in A1. Coincidentally I just watched Shane’s last video all about A1. 😱

  • @shaunnasouther8774

    Did anyone ever get that paycheck she was supposedly coming to get?

  • @MislaidPages

    Replay crew! I really wish I'd seen this video BEFORE seeing Guardians 3. My husband had already seen it but did NOT warn me how rough Rocket's back story would be. We JUST brought our boy kitty home from the vet after he had a partial urinary blockage. This was NOT the movie to watch when recovering from fur baby worries! It was a good movie but definitely wish I'd waited a little longer to go see it.

  • @moodymulderx

    No, i don’t know who she is.

  • @missyhays444

    I can’t remember the last time I used the Facebook/Meta. Cringey & I didn’t know anyone below 50(or MAGAt’s) who use it. ALOT of misinformation over there. Probably why it’s popular with MAGAt’s, cause there aren’t many real facts… lots of “QAnon” & other wild conspiracy theories

  • @ShredderTainment

    Did Gloria ever get her check or was that another attempt not to have to pay her?

  • @ShredderTainment

    1:46:42 you are Fricken hilarious! This is one of the many reasons I love you! Smart and goofy! The perfect blend!
    Also, I don’t believe any thing that this annoying voice is saying! He’s making it all up.erk!

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