LIVE Clerk Becky Hill Ethics Complaint. Charlie Adelson Sentenced for Dan Markels Murder.

Breaking News: Charlie Adelson Sentenced for Dan Markel’s Murder – Dive deep into the LIVE Clerk Becky Hill Ethics Complaint as we unravel the intricate details of this high-profile case. Adelson’s involvement in the murder of Markel, a prominent law professor, has sent shockwaves through the true crime community. Stay tuned as we piece together the puzzle of this heinous crime.


41 Comments to “LIVE Clerk Becky Hill Ethics Complaint. Charlie Adelson Sentenced for Dan Markels Murder.”

  • @chriscypret5365

    What do wire tap sled that in charge of investgation that only reason got fired

  • @chriscypret5365

    This shows they are all corrupt so why is Alex 27 yrs on crimes when rest of them are doing samething then you have police department picking choicing who they proscuter

  • @chriscypret5365

    Well no wonder Alex didnt trust sled bec he knew about corrupiion

  • @chriscypret5365

    This wire tapping show how corrupt this whole place is

  • @chriscypret5365

    What if whole police department is corrup like rest

  • @chriscypret5365

    Corrupt how long she supposely winning election lets hope o becky not the one cointing votes for re election

  • @chriscypret5365

    I sure the proscutoer judge cover it up . Clearly true everything else they accued this corrupt clerk doing been true so far

  • @chriscypret5365

    Ya every comlplaint that defense complain about the state judge dismissed . I like to see all their emails i bet their bunch corrupt bs happen in the trial just look at body cam you can tell by them with want to be cops destroying crime scene already accusing alex saying it wasnt going take long

  • @chriscypret5365

    I say it all trie corrupt proscuter ,judge allowed this to go on..The otherclerk already testfy that she give one jurror a ride home i think the jurror she removed wasnt going find him guilty

  • @savyjett

    Maybe im being paranoid, but that ethics complaint has a similar “voice” to the new trial motion? Its sounds to me, anyway, to have a similar narrative style?

  • @savyjett

    I only learned about the apple example recently! I didnt know some people see like a full 4k picture in their mind! 🤯 I only know that i know what an apple looks like, but there is no picture. However, to really understand something new or something where placement matters, i have to see it to really get it. I am pretty good at deciding if a box is big enough to ship something in, but that might just come with practice. Also, i pretty much immediately forget what people look like. And even people i know and have known for years, couldnt describe them to a sketch artist successfully. The brain is wild!

  • @MislaidPages

    Replay crew! Sending gentle hugs to the commenter who mentioned that they had just picked up their brother's ashes (or were about to). My brother passed away on Thanksgiving and I wasn't able to get his ashes until December 14th. I totally feel and understand the feeling of needing him to be safe with me. Love and hugs to all the Law Nerds dealing with loss right now.

  • @deyedrah

    The Murdaugh case and the subsequent shenanigans is really giving a bad name to the justice system in this county

  • @3dchick

    The son might as well have tenure. That's the kind of meaningless "punishment" tenured faculty get after bad behavior. Sigh.

  • @3dchick

    Replay crew here. It's so odd to me that Hill's position is elective. Where I live (Washington state, USA) , it's a civil service-type job. You need things like, oh, experience and skills in the field.

  • @chriswalters4326

    It would be my hope they will change their last name to honor their father. It's despicable to me "murder lady" changed it to her family's name.

  • @chriswalters4326

    "Seems to be a lot of f'n f'ery" almost had me in tears. Recently, I became a fan, and I LOVE you and your content!

  • @Mapache095

    Love the neurodivergent chats

  • @storyjumper

    Show of hands, who's jobs would be lossed instantly for wiretapping your supervisors? 🤚
    How about harassment? 🤚

  • @starburstia9305

    I think all these employees in Murdoch’s town is just fame struck and now he is going to get a new trial because of it all.

  • @09mrmarshall

    I got a 2.5 tour from an intern working for my house rep at the time. We were the first tour he had given, and somehow, he was more excited than we were.

  • @canonicalheat2376

    I have ADHD, but have no problems with visualizing 3-D objects (flashback to SAT) and a great internal clock unless I'm hyperfocused. My husband thinks I should throw out my kitchen timer since I routinely head into the kitchen just as it starts going off. Neurospicy comes in infinite flavors.

  • @alyssacarr2508

    Two Dots! Humble brag – I’m level 4467… haven’t been playing much lately. But, two dots considers me a super user and keeps asking me to attend focus groups. I’ve done two so far!

  • @volfan1630

    Replay. I think there will be new trial based off of these allegations. Becky the court clerk

  • @volfan1630

    90k a year? Wow didn’t know IT managers made that much In government wow

  • @lainktown

    Hearing Emily talk about Gatlinburg, Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Knoxville just shocked the hell out of me. I live near those areas and always think we're just this little hamlet that nobody looks twice at lol. Also, that Buccee's is a GD clusterf***.

  • @marshanotmarcia7433

    Don’t know if this has been asked, but here goes… Do you think that Murdaugh and his group KNEW about the improprieties and would use them after the fact to have the trial thrown out? I can’t believe that this was the ONLY time it was done, it was just the only time it affected the people that knew!

  • @marshanotmarcia7433

    A very close friend of mine has had a business in Nashville for 20+ years and has been hit brutally TWICE by these storms. He insists he is staying and refuses to give in to the ‘bastaaads’. Stay Safe Everyone

  • @laurakenney100

    In my opion Becky Hill looks so much Alex in facial features . Could she be related? It is a small town.

  • @Legend0222

    Ummmm I don't understand why moving about 6 hours south was so important, was that really worth killing!?

  • @ImprovmanZero

    If the actions harm Alex can we say that any human was harmed?

  • @KittyFeaux

    Song kyrics on a loop – yep same. I can read books if the book is interesting but i cant just read a book in one sittin if it doesn't peak my interest

  • @miabecerra2611

    Charlie Adelson's dental license was put in emergency suspension 11/9/2023!

  • @missy3591

    Always remember when your working driving back and forth. Whenever you're ready to relax watching TV and laughing with your family eating something good. That little time was the best moment for your kids. Doing something spontaneous with your family just because is another moment of fun for your kids. They will remember ur conversations.

  • @jeanetter3053

    I watched Kassidy O'Connell youTube channel do one of these tours through the courthouse and holding area. I was most surprised that it was guided by different court security officers. It was empty and expressed as between days of hearings. Also they showed building lay out and entered by using old. backdoor elevator.

  • @tillissabarcia7538

    I live in flordia not doing Christmas for my kids because of the economy but we have to house and feed him for his life when he should get 🫣

  • @ashtrippyhill

    The complaint reads Dick and Jim… but that’s just me lol

  • @tillissabarcia7538

    My family gives me a hard time because I wear pants and never shorts or dress or skirts.

  • @tillissabarcia7538

    I had coffee for the first time in 12 years @EmilyDBaker from the Wawa and it was the best ever. It was a sugar cookie espresso. Mind you I don’t drink caffeine or chocolate. I thought my husband was going to fall over laughing at me.

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