LIVE Depp v. Heard The Sidebars. Closing and Rebuttal Witnesses

The Crucial Showdown: Depp vs. Heard – Analyzing The Sidebars. Final Testimonies and Counterarguments

In the highly publicized case of Depp v. Heard, Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of domestic violence during their tumultuous marriage. Both sides presented compelling evidence and emotional testimonies, making it a complex and controversial legal battle. As the closing arguments and rebuttal witnesses take the stand, every detail is crucial in determining the truth behind the accusations. Stay tuned for the riveting conclusion of this high-profile case.


34 Comments to “LIVE Depp v. Heard The Sidebars. Closing and Rebuttal Witnesses”

  • @blueyellowandgreen

    The Heard side was running low on time because Elaine let Amber dig her own grave for too long. Elaine jumped in with her with 1000 "what if any" questions.

  • @markgado8782

    Candym….. 😱😱🤭🤭

  • @markgado8782

    2:47:15 "Indiscernible"
    Judge A needs to give that court reporter a massive raise!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  • @katiecadigan7596

    I just love you emily 😂😂 1:58:36 through 2:00:00. Iconic!!

  • @angelicarowlandSt

    2:14:22 😂 gentlemens quarterly

  • @douglas2lee929

    I'm so confused 😕 what is "cuddle puddle"?

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars

    I am living for Elaine’s baby voice

  • @Freebritney911

    Do you wear hearing aids? My son is DHH

  • @kaytlinirwin8426

    “I need my comfort rules of evidence. WHERE ARE THEY? ALL OF THEM, COME HERE”

  • @margaretshaykin3617

    All of the teams' Heard's arguments at side bars did not make any difference in the end. It also ran out the clock severely injured their case.

  • @teresajose2280

    I can’t believe I just sat through all of your videos on sidebars….didn’t even skip through any of it. I watched it all. For no reason other than….I’m nosy. 😅

  • @sharonjonsy9412

    Looks like I am too late but will post anyway. Amber's cheek IMPLANTS caused her problems, right where she put the "bruise".

  • @hazelangus

    Dr Hughes' notes are on Depp Dive. These are not therapy notes, nor were they ever sealed, although the press is making much of it.

    Barbra Streisand Effect, beccause I wouldn't have gone to look at what legacy media called therapy notes if they hadn't said this. I was really disturbed at the idea of therapy notes being released without consent, so of course I had to check.

    Dr Hughes has written a fair few things down in first person. Throughout these notes (handwritten, single-spaced, just like she said), not everything in first person, but quite a bit.

    "L'Oreal can't even use me to sell mascara, they get so many trolls".

    "The ACLU – I can't be associated with it – they can't withstand the attacks".


  • @Jazzv13

    You give me life!!!💜💜💜💜💜

  • @selinesbeau

    Wait… did sniperwolf pull a bitboy?

  • @raquelcastrovalente5673

    Even I, who am a lawyer from a civil law system, know how to question a witness in a civil case in the US. Elaine is a horrible lawyer. Also, she reminds me of sister Mary Lazarus from Sister Act😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Londubh

    4:14:06 "It's much easier being a judge when you have excellent trial attorneys in front of you"

    Point of Logic: She didn't say she did have excellent trial attorneys in front of her, nor that all of the attorneys in front of here were excellent… As such, she could have meant that it is much easier than this trial when a judge has excellent trial attorneys in front of them…

  • @lilianevanfrankrijk7490

    Well,as much as I usually agree with you, you had no problem mocking Dr. Spiegel's voice. Not his words, not his facial tics, but his actual voice. Mercilessly. For shame, Emily!

  • @GBunnyG

    EEEEEEE! I subscribed to your channel literally so I could comment in chat during your coverage if you would (later) get the sidebar transcripts. THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY.

  • @hallieadams4225

    Before this case I never heard of Amber and just a little of JD. Never heard of the wonderful EDB.
    I watched the whole trial, even when I was hospitalized. I found EDB at night…winner for me. It changed my life as I follow EDB ever since. The trial was entertaining to say the least. Elaine made me laugh so much and the blatant lies from Amber fooled nobody.

  • @oliviahancook5195

    I really liked watching this especially when Emily is laughing so hard. And then she explains why thanks. But like I said before she is playing at being a hick backwoods lawyer hopping that everyone will let it go in. The fact that she has had so many awards just shocks me. Even I know what is hearsay now thanks to your lessons.

  • @mss_tanja

    I’m a JD fan but EDB’s commentary of this trial was better than any Depp movie😂💓

  • @HalfB

    Emily, I love ❤️ you’re commentary you’re so friggen entertaining and I crack up every time you use the helium voice …😂

  • @pattyh2410

    This was priceless. Emily, you are a gem. I watched the trial with you, and the sidebars are even more eye opening. AH's team appear to be like the keystone cops. Other than getting lots of $$$ her team likely regrets taking on this case. So embarrassing… LOL

  • @carliepower1088

    I don't think I can eye roll any higher or face palm any harder 🤦🏼‍♀️ god, Elaine was FRUSTRATING!! How on earth has she been a Lawyer this long??

  • @exstock

    I still don't think the reason AH lost was because they didn't follow Rottenborn's lead–it's because they (had to) follow AH's lead!
    (Also because she's a lying —.)

  • @jessielin79

    I live for these. LIIIIIIVVVVEEEEEE!!! 😂😂😂😂

  • @sonjavandam1306

    I love the little voice you do for Elaine, I can just image her throwing a tantrum – stamping her feet. Thank you.🤣

  • @Prototype-357

    I'll say this here: After the trial a whole lot of feminist organizations created a open letter of support for Amber Heard, you can search on google and you'll find it. That was the moment I realized Feminism, as I've been taught about it, is dead. The fact the media is still trying to spin this as anything other than what it was, an abuse victim baring all their flaws to the world in order to stand up to their abuser, is disgusting. All this support for Amber would not exist if she was a man and Johnny was a woman. The trial didn't set women's rights back in time, I hate people saying that cause it's literally victim blaming, Amber was the one who did that by acting like a sorry excuse of an human being and using the plights of other women to protect herself from the consequences of her actions. But I've decided I don't want to give her power anymore, she doesn't even deserve that, I'll choose to believe this trial is a VICTORY for DV victims everywhere, be they men or women, and we can use this to raise awareness for Personality Disorders and male abuse victims. Cause a victim is a victim no matter their gender or the gender of their agressor.

  • @hayunnie

    Rottenborn: "1, 2, 4, 3." 😀 😀
    The transcript can be sometimes accidentally hilarious. I believe he said "1, 2 or 3." pertaining to the statements on the form.

  • @storyjumper

    Throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks is in fact a strategy

  • @user-oi1xw7ls5z


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