LIVE Taylor Schabusiness Sentencing Hearing.

The highly anticipated sentencing hearing for Taylor Schabusiness is now LIVE. As a seasoned investigator delves into the intricate details of this chilling crime, we uncover the shocking truth behind this heinous act. With evidence pointing to premeditation and a history of violent behavior, the severity of this case cannot be understated. Stay tuned as we uncover the full extent of the tragedy that has shaken this community to its core.


48 Comments to “LIVE Taylor Schabusiness Sentencing Hearing.”

  • @tamnbud1

    I thought that a 'life sentence' was for a set number of years that you do not get parole until a set number of years go by. Missouri has theirs set at 30-years. Other states are like that also. I believe it's called 'truth in sentencing'. See, the jury may think oh, we're going to sentence this defendant to life thinking it's the whole life when in reality it is not. If you want them to serve a life sentence, just sentence them to 99-years.

  • @zappa-happy3271

    Just to contrast with the US, here in The UK we Do have a difference between ‘Life’ & ‘Natural Life’ sentences

  • @Freebritney911

    At 3:00 when you stop the video she is string right at the camera, so off putting

  • @lisap8547

    Is this what it means to be gagged? I wish this was Darrel Brooks too

  • @prickhead

    The expert doesn't want to say Shabusiness.

  • @nitashalee5696

    Love you, hon! You are smart, fun, hilarious, and informative… I literally fall asleep to you when I have insomnia. You’re amazing. Thank you for what you do ❤

  • @theloniousrovik

    Watching your channel really helps when I'm having PMDD episodes 💗.

  • @jamiefrench4077

    She is so young to have been sentenced to life in prison but that’s the way it works this was a horrible crime

  • @truthercat9421

    He defined 'hit' while you were talking

  • @truthercat9421

    You are remarkably uninformed if you think treatment for alot of people, especially addicts can be accomplished quickly

  • @truthercat9421

    Perhaps, if you didn't talk over the videos, you would know who was testifying and what they were saying.
    BTW..DOC gets to decide if she needs treatment as part of her incarceration

  • @ryansack5198

    cant hear a word the father is saying

  • @tamsexton3333

    She looks like she is going to do something, just opinion by watching her over all and the look in her eyes.

  • @tamsexton3333

    Hope you see this Emily- I have such respect for you and how you approach things in general. Entertaining and educational, factual, and your opinions are thought out yet spontaneous. Do not know how you do that, but it works for you. Thank you so much for you and what you do.

  • @tamsexton3333

    Da-a-a-a-ang, she did what? And Hope you are good girl, up do inspire me to move it.

  • @Platinum907

    The Judge has a fresh hair color, it looks nice

  • @Linnealawyer

    Yes, defense counsel has children. I met them all at starbucks when I was still in law school. Now this is the county where I practice as a defense attorney.

  • @maggiep6605

    We found it. The only person who heard Darell Brooks say "I have no regrets" and thought it was a great idea.

    I think her lawyer cares more than she does.

  • @crystalgarcia4714

    48:34 funny I consider our family huge because we have 4 kids since the last 2 are twins. 😂

  • @crystalgarcia4714

    Replay crew here!!! ❤ coming in from Hawaii while at work. Love you EDB!

  • @acousticprojekt

    Wtf is the judge doing asking all those questions at sentencing… Like plz chill

  • @jessirarara

    I wonder if she was lying…. Like when she said she doesn't feel bad. Maybe it's optimism, but I'd like to think that she did feel bad… but said she didn't because she feels like she doesn't deserve to get out. And like… maybe the reason she changed her mind on making a statement is because Shad's dad said he forgave her.

  • @whyamiheredlb

    I give the defense counsel a lot of credit here, he must truly believe in his heart that that this girl needs help. He’s fighting very hard for her and I am impressed with his passion to help her. I’ve never seen a defense counsel this empathetic honestly, especially in light of this heinous crime.

  • @reneerunyan4103

    What the hell is on her face?

  • @missrandom7145

    You're coming with me to work. Do you want to clean the tiny toilets or should I? 😂

  • @Kreepyb5

    She has underwear on her head

  • @pattyjaques7841

    I drive an hour and a half to work, so you are also coming with me.

  • @tamramyers5841

    The defense is trying, but worth one breath he cites the loving family as a force for positivity, and in the next breath says she started using drugs and alcohol because that's what she learned from the family.

  • @drmrsthemonarch9727

    I really dont think this is her first time. Confident enough to murder and dismember someone in their parents' busy home and not somewhere private doesn't scream first time to me.

  • @taraqueen58

    No she should never walk free.

  • @Castedlots

    That is definitely not a spit hood/shield, they go over the top of the head like a sock and cinch around the neck with a screen over the eyes. These look identical to prison granny panties.

  • @ytsc1109

    Drugs are a choice. Even prescribed drugs. You don't have to take them. You can request a drug that isnt addictive. Being messed up due to drugs is a poor excuse. Follow it back, its a choice.

  • @octobermoon9

    The victims never get a second chance.

  • @chesneymigl4538

    I feel so bad for her little boy. Even if she gets out, it'll be after he's grown.

  • @lucygibbons8482

    Did she wear that as a choice? To hide?

  • @ssp6397

    Hard to believe she's only 25.

  • @amyfox9659

    I had a Reply from Mrs. Baker, to log into WhatsApp(?) Is that a troll or does our favorite attorney even have a WhatsApp?

  • @carolmckinney96

    She has not been on drugs for 581 days as her lawyer said she has been in jail, so she has not had drugs in 581 days and still has no remorse.

  • @carolmckinney96

    Just because she had a baby doens't make her a mom. She should have thought about the baby before continuing her drug use and committing crimes! I just cant have sympathy. I lost my mom when I was young, I didn't go do what she did. I have ADD I didn't do what she did and most ppl don't! Prison rarely rehabilitates!

  • @suzannedavis3027

    I have nightmares about Tamagachi. My son had one as a kid and I was always saving it from starving to death. I hope they never bring it back! 😂

  • @kerrynhansen6575

    Mariaroncalli863 I totally agree. She may not be officially insane but she’s clearly mentally unwell

  • @kerrynhansen6575

    Congrats Elisa. Keep living your life and finding joy each day. You deserve it!

  • @TrijnieWanders

    So scary how she keeps smiling.

  • @carolmckinney96

    Sadly, she did some of the things to herself.

  • @starrywizdom

    It may be hard for the victim's loved ones to hear how Ms. Schabusiness' family is still so supportive of her, but it makes me happy for her. She's got so little going for her at this point. I know what she did, but I also know that meth is a hell of a drug. I've lost more friends than I can count to the way it can turn decent humans into people who behave horribly. I also know that using a drug is a choice, but addiction is a disease. I hope Ms. S. listens to those who love her & takes advantage of the kinds of help she can get in prison. Maybe someday she can not only overcome her addiction & emotional issues, but move through the guilt & pain of what she's done & be able to offer some kind of strong & believable warning to other young people who may be tempted by meth. For example, she could write books, the proceeds of which could be donated to addiction & mental health organizations in the name of her victim. I feel so awful for her victim's mom — I found my son's dead body after he hung himself, but finding his severed head in a bucket would have been SO MUCH WORSE!
    In case it's not clear from the above, I don't think it's a good idea for T.S. to ever leave prison.

  • @kimmyball4961

    Her lawyer was like this for the entire trial. Asking all kinds of mundane questions. Things that meant nothing. Even the prosecutor is bored!!

  • @kimmyball4961

    Off topic… your nails!!!! Tuning in from WI where all the psychos seem to come from!! 💛💛💕💕

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