LIVE WI v. Taylor Schabusiness Penalty Trial – NGI – Morning Stream

Investigating the Live WI v. Taylor Schabusiness Penalty Trial: A Detailed Analysis of the NGI Defense in the Morning Stream Murder Case. The defendant, Taylor Schabusiness, is claiming not guilty by reason of insanity in the brutal murder of a prominent business figure in a small Wisconsin town. The crime scene was meticulously staged to look like a robbery gone wrong, but key evidence points to a premeditated murder. With a history of mental health issues and a possible motive tied to a business rivalry, the investigation delves deep into the mind of the accused to uncover the truth behind this heinous crime.


39 Comments to “LIVE WI v. Taylor Schabusiness Penalty Trial – NGI – Morning Stream”

  • @trisha1562

    I think from her expression she's already thinking the ngi isn't going to stick from the beginning

  • @rileyallen489

    Me at the beginning of the video: She threw a chair? How terrible.
    Me three hours in: I'd've thrown a chair, too.

  • @CatMomAmanda

    This witness is Spiegel 2.0 istg 🙄🙄🙄

  • @Dancersmakeup

    So off the main topic, but I know nothing about DMB but I love whenever EDB brings him up because I’m like that with bands I love.

  • @naiak.8112

    That “blah blah blah” sent me 🤣💀🤣

  • @breewixom6179

    At first I thought the Psychologist just had a unique speech pattern. But it just got so much worse! Between the 'blah,blah, blahs'; 'Super Dupers'; and 'No, she's DEFINITELY psychotic!' I couldn't help but be shocked by her whole demeanor and her truly flimsy opinion. She couldn't even present herself as a reputable doctor. It is truly disturbing how she came across as gossiping to us all about the defendant! Complete with the over enthusiastic 'can you believe this person?'. There was no empathy or compassion. Nor respect for testing! Wow!

  • @Kammitoes

    Iv'e come back to watch this because at the time I found this 'expert' witness to be very triggering. I wish I hadn't. I have no training at all in psychology or anything medical, but she just came across as an old lady out with her friends tearing apart everyone who passes by. She sure doesn't seem like any mental health professional I'd ever want to come across…she's horrific. If I had been put in a room with her I would have thrown the bloody table at her! Are we sure she isn't Spiegel's sister? Or wife? a blood relative of sort? They're both quacks.

  • @IhaveS0ldMyself

    Im so confused about it all. All the time Shabusiness spent with the psychiatrist she knows if she is to be diagnosed with severe insanity shed not go to prison. Dr didnt seem to consider this as she has been around for forever and thus doesnt need testing, possibly even using a modern computer. On the other hand i understand that she just wants to see her gone. She did horrible things.

  • @redisthecoolestcolour

    I find people who say things like "I calmly spoke to her" and "I politely said XYZ" almost always are doing the exact opposite. So I can bet dollars to donuts the psychologist yelled at or abused her her for throwing the chair at her.

  • @LouisaReacts

    I think there needs to be a "ma'am" sound effect loop. You know you've messed up when Emily goes "ma'am?!"

  • @KylaFuller

    My attention span needs a summary.

  • @KylaFuller

    They did not discuss how her pregnancy overlapped with her mental health. Was there a stop in meds? Was she still on drugs then? Were there any spikes or waves in her bipolar? This lady really didn’t answer much for me. Were the hallucinations related to withdrawals?

  • @KylaFuller

    The lady is so vague when I need her to specify. Then she specifies things idc about.

  • @christinefusco594

    Knee is better sending love from SC

  • @louisenewton9894

    Meet Dr Speigal and Dr Hughes love child,!! I’ve just lost half a mug of coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @annakuc771

    Well I am not a specialist, just a teacher with my own psychological demons. Dunno what I would do, If I would have a record of being unstable mentally and someone is trying to have a conversation with me in the same manner as this doctor has. My brain is howling to the moon and my ears hurt, They should teach vocal emission in any profession that uses their voice… o_O I am not joking, even my skin now starts to get sensitive o_O <and I am a muisician for g's sake>

  • @downtherabbithole8325

    She’s bragging about how she doesn’t need to perform tests and other psychiatric nonsense!!!

  • @Marsliketheplanet94

    I (unfortunately) went to college in Oshkosh. I also (unfortunately) received my first handful of therapists in Oshkosh. Lytton's bias, dismissive commentary, and overall lack of empathy towards folks who have mental illness is on par with my experiences in Oshkosh. It is a highly conservative and very small city that often does not approach sensitive situations with tact – in my experience.

  • @Feverm00n

    I admittedly casually stroll in the cemetery quite often lol

  • @Nephthys-ness

    Dad's in Prison for 2° SA against a minor…. Taylor acts out at 14, gets committed & prescribed drugs that do not alter her anger at laws & non- conformity; Shares a quick "I love u2" to Papa at the trial for which she's charged with F'ing the removed head of the guy her father thinks is "a complete looser & is the reason for her escalating, troubled, rageful behavior",
    I have questions
    Nice pop-fly to the Prosecution by the Defense. 🥵

  • @Nephthys-ness

    McCarthy is crawling out of his grave to turn back time and have this __ doc next to him.
    2) literally the only person who can flip this trial & inspire compassion for Ms. Biz, & the 14 mosy violent male convicts who also tried to beat the BS out of her.

  • @apk7961

    Why does she perpetually look like she's crop dusting the courtroom?

  • @emhoj97

    With all respect to this womans (witness) professional career… It might be time to retire.

  • @whyamiheredlb

    OMG… that Doctor is very bizarre, wholly unprofessional and sadly unprepared. She reminds me of Elaine! And yeah… I’m totally feeling Taylors facial expressions with this “expert” 😳

  • @toadevergreen2561

    It sounds like her defense in this case did not secure interviews with the correct medical authority. Why wasn't she seen by a neurologist to diagnose her with brain damage from long term meth use when the psychiatrist couldn't make that opinion?

  • @MislaidPages

    Psychologist: I'm here to explain if the defendant is psychotic.
    Prosecutor: Did you do any testing to determine if the defendant was feigning her symptoms?
    Psychologist: I DON'T HAVE TO DO TESTS!

  • @MislaidPages

    Replay crew: Just have to say – the pure DISDAIN this psychologist expressed for the MMPI. I cannot even. Holy crap.

  • @hairyfrankfurt

    Omg the psychologist mocking her while she's in the same room. Like, literally pulling the faces and belittling her like that. I'm in shock. Wtf

  • @annikalachhammer9661

    Can we talk about the face she made when she was asked about the 4 factors of a manic episode?! What the ever loving fuuuuck is she doing?! 🤯 was everyone in the chat too shocked to call a code red?

  • @vebarnid

    The animal is a badger – we are the Wisconsin Badgers

  • @joannekirkby5784

    Your reaction was priceless Emily!! Blah blah blah…….

  • @theflamerises499

    If I had to listen to Dr Lytton's voice for a long time I might throw some chairs.

  • @lainightwalker5495

    allso medication especially if its not balanced right or wrong, will make u halusinate and act "weird" but yeah im joinging the tricker-fest that is the first "professional witness" ok first half of her, was so hard to sit though….secound half….WOW! where is her evidence? that does she have to back that up? either the procecutor is aleep or hes letting her , make her testomony less believeable the more shes talking. i dont want to trow shade….but did she drink in the brake????

  • @ditaskujevska6058

    The way the psychologist says "yes" reminds me of three piglets from Shrek🐷🐷🐷

  • @shkrjam84

    NP with experience in mental health, including inpatient psych and substance abuse hospital as a nurse. It’s not uncommon for patients with unstable bipolar disorder to believe their diagnosis is not correct. It can be a variety of things – not liking the way the medication makes them feel, poor judgment and insight, flat out denial, etc. I don’t take that as very reliable to attribute her disorder as a misdiagnosis due to substance use when she has such an extensive history as a child of inpatient treatment with psychosis and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder earlier in life.

  • @cgseafoy5

    I want to throw a chair. This woman is frustrating.

  • @denisepopan3369

    Emily you crack me up. And this witness is a wacko also.😁

  • @andreatakaki

    Emily. This case is absolutely chilling. I have so much respect for you covering this. 🩷

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