An unidentified crime investigator examines the case of Lucy Letby, a nurse accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill several others at a hospital in the UK. The investigator delves into the details of the case, highlighting the disturbing nature of the crimes committed by the accused. The investigator expresses skepticism towards the defendant’s claims of innocence and explores possible motives behind the actions of the accused. The investigator also discusses the role of the hospital’s negligence in allowing the crimes to continue unchecked. The episode concludes with the announcement of Lucy Letby’s sentencing and the impact of the case on the families of the victims.


34 Comments to “Lucy Letby: U.K.’s Notorious Nurse & Baby Serial Killer | Full Story, Trial, & Latest News”

  • @annieelise

    Hi 10 to LIFERS! Just a quick note on why you might notice more ads in SERIAL audio podcasts compared to my traditional YouTube videos. Podcasts rely on ads to keep content free & audio podcasts typically have more ads than a single YT video, and the placement is more spread out. When we export the audio podcast to video, those placements stay the same which is why you see more ads than usual in these videos. Thanks for understanding that sponsors make it all possible and help keep things free. 🙂

  • @addieperryman

    I find her case so damn interesting heartbreaking and sickening all at once. At least we can not have these babies in vein and if any others display any similar symptoms we have knowledge to know better. Hopefully no one else gets away with this crime!!

  • @Halucynating

    The way that hospitals are managed in England & Wales isn’t exactly transparent. Each geographical area has its own local NHS Trust, which is responsible for the management of all NHS facilities within its catchment. The system isn’t perfect, but it’s significantly underfunded by the Conservative Party government.

    It’s also not the first time that a nurse has used their position of trust to murder innocent children within a medical setting. Beverley Allitt was a nurse who murdered children via insulin injections in 1991.

    My point is that it’s easy to criticise the system within which such atrocities occur, especially if you live somewhere without an established universal healthcare system. However, massive improvements in management and the over-all structure of the NHS have occurred since Beverley Allitt was convicted, and yet Lucy Letby still managed to sneak through the cracks. There will always be those who seek to exploit the trust of others and who seek to abuse positions of either implied or uniformed authority (see: Wayne Couzens, for example).

    Hospital management should have done more, but when the government keeps making it increasingly more difficult to continue at optimal functionality, by implementing pay cuts and public sector cuts, the hospital management becomes more focused on simply making sure the hospital continues to function. That isn’t a defence of the inertia displayed by management within the Letby case; there are huge errors that we cannot avoid, at all levels and within all structures.

  • @jimmyparker2071

    I got Letby's name from a documentary. I almost could not finish this. I have heard about 85,000 kids missing that were documented on the borders. I have heard about kids wondering around out here on the Texas border with no food, no water and no parents. I just don't understand any of this, attacking babies and caring about kids on the border. Does not matter where they come from, they are innocent and need protection. Someone killing babies is out of my realm of reason. You fight for the Innocent. Kids are just that, Innocent. They have truly done nothing to be attacked. It's out of my realm of understanding to understand why a person would do this.

  • @JinapherShakur

    I had always wanted to be a NICU nurse, and started taking nursing classes in high school. We took a field trip to one of our local hospitals to tour the NICU, and talk to the nurses. By the time I left the hospital, I had 100% decided that I did not want to be a NICU nurse anymore! I seen babies so small that they could fit in 1 hand, and my heart immediately broke. I couldn't stand to see them like that. God bless all NICU nurses!❤ Except this pshyco!

  • @alexb0604

    In my opinion this case made me sick to my stomach, that’s a first.

  • @user-wr7oz2ou9k

    I had a premie and it was love at conception.

  • @frawgi3

    I just need to understand the powdered wigs at this point. How can you go into a court and not laugh at the judge

  • @JessicaCoffman-le1gd

    I cannot wrap my head around how she was able to do this so many times without anyone questioning her. I feel like at the place i work, you have to talk to someone after each death to make sure you are ok and stable to work. I could be wrong, but i feel like i heard that. also, she's lucky she didnt try this in the south. If she would have told a southern mama that the baby was gone and did she want her to take the baby, I know her world have been rocked for sure. Also, its not certain she wouldnt have lost her job just off that alone. I also agree that she should have been required to sit and listen to the judge

  • @commonsense2680

    I don't even slightly understand what kind of motive there could be for her behavior. Also, I have no doubt she murdered the babies since there had to be external involvement of something to cause otherwise stable babies to crash. Then add to it, the SAME nurse was with each baby who died, come on! I am of course furious at the hospital and their senior managers who made the decision to keep Lucy on and NOT investigate these events. Do people have to literally witness a nurse inserting a butcher knife into another human being's abdomen to be stopped and be investigated? This case is beyond appalling, and many heads should roll in addition to billions of dollars being paid to parents. Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or Munchausen by Proxy. I just do not begin to understand it! Basically there is no cure, and it is explained as the need for the person to get attention. That's it?

  • @jenniferstrole3601

    You are the 3rd YouTuber that has covered this case. It is so sad.
    Thank you

  • @ziairebattisti4740

    As an expecting new mother this sends chills up my spine and boiling blood through my veins. I can’t fathom this nightmare. It truly breaks my heart that families had to go through this type of pain and betrayal from someone they put their trust in to care and love their defenseless babies. R.I.P 😢

  • @diylife7438

    My youngest son spent a little over one month in The Children’s Hospital’s NICU after his birth. We lived almost 2 hrs away & I had a toddler & two pre-teens at home so through the week we would drive down each day & on Friday we would stay in the family room overnight for the weekends, going back home on Sunday evening. Luckily through donations each bed in my son’s pod had a NICView camera that stayed on my son at all times. So I could log on at any time & see him. The camera was only ever moved due to bedding changes or certain procedures that required them to move it temporarily. At times they would forget to move it back & I would simply call & remind them & they would fix it right away. Having that camera on him at all times when I wasn’t physically present gave me a great sense of comfort. During that time I met some of the best people I’ve met in my entire life. Just selfless, compassionate, loving people that made sure I was updated at all times on how he was doing & they treated his father & I with great sympathy & care. They made personalized name signs for each baby. My son was born February 12th so they also did footprints for Valentine’s Day & just were always creating keepsakes for either upcoming holidays or just for us to have. My son had multiple weeks long hospital stays after being discharged so we spent ALOT of time at Children’s & honestly the first time he was admitted after leaving the NICU I was disappointed that he wouldn’t go back to NICU but instead would go to the PICU or ITU. Don’t get me wrong the staff in those units were equally amazing but nothing compares to the NICU Nurses. My son’s main nurse came to take pics with him before he was discharged from NICU & I had a personalized tumbler made for her & a key chain with one pendant that had my son’s name & another pendant that said “Thank You for Helping Me Grow”

    What a terrible thought to know that people like Lucy exist & prey on the most defenseless in our society. It’s truly sickening.

  • @scared_pink_purple

    I believe she did it. She likes watching the family's grieve. Hence why she wouldn't leave them alone right after. And searching their Facebooks to see them post sad posts. She loved to see others in absolutely horrible times. She is a rare kind of sick and she deserves to be where she is.

  • @randikearns6782

    My 19 yr old son spent 3 months in the NICU in Portland Oregon when he was born at 26 of 40 weeks. This case makes me sooo sad!

  • @emaria7244

    The fact that she was allowed to get away with these heinous acts for so long is stunning!.

  • @sheleenjones4799

    Wtf is wrong with her! She’s guilty! How can you do that to an innocent child! Ugh! Makes me very angry!

  • @bhagen40

    I imagine she felt powerful, maybe from feeling powerless earlier in life. Now she held the godlike power over life and death. Deciding which babies lived and which died. Probably stalking the families afterwards to witness the trauma and horrible aftermath of her decision to kill. I believe it is also why she clung so close to the parents afterwards. Wanting to see the pain she was able to cause…feeling superior in the knowledge that everyone but her was utterly clueless. I am sure she also enjoyed telling people how difficult her job was. 🙄

  • @bethanyholder8594

    I have a daughter that spend 25 days in the nicu and those scares me to my core

  • @bryandavis5656

    Wait, so there are people who think she didn't do anything? Are they just trolling or are there evidence of proof she is innocent?

  • @Dana10225

    This is so heartbreaking. I would love to be in a room with that monster.

  • @keepitreal86

    Crazy how she was able to do that to so many babies before someone started to raise suspicion 😢

  • @lindaruda917

    Danielle Kirsty also covered this and she dives even deeper into the horrors of Lucy. It was more than I could have ever imagine. I just don’t know how you can take a life much less it be these sweet little babies. 🥺

  • @user-jy1md5bl3p

    I think she was jealous. She wanted to be a wife and a mother so she took away what they had because she could not have that

  • @debbie5876

    I investigated child abuse for 15 years during my 30 year law enforcement career. During that time, I investigated many child deaths. Even so, I could not listen to this entire segment because what Lucy Letby did was so disturbing. Someone who would do this is terribly damaged and must be an evil psychopath. God bless all these parents, their families, and everyone who was involved in the investigations. These are things that stay with you the rest of your life.

  • @amylelas7197

    Annie it would be great if you could do an episode on another horrific UK case, the one of precious baby Star in Keighley, West Yorkshire. All in iur Town were beyond shock and horror at this little girl's death 😢

  • @barronmaxxx2991

    Once again, Annie….well done.
    This was an uncomfortable one for sure…and yes, ma'am…you handled this delicate topic head on, directly and honestly. There is no proper way to deliver a sickening story except for the head's up on the topic content. I don't know why this story fell into my feed…I saw the 40 minute daily mail story and then after flipping through some others I gladly found yours. You've got a gift, sweetheart….I'm just waiting for you to go mainstream. I think this whole topic is daunting in itself however, what the hell was upper management b.s. about apology notices…? WTF? While I've known English people have a knack for etiquette and manners that who apology letters is some b.s. and you know that Letby was just loving every minute. I tend to not judge a book by it's cover and she's certainly not unattractive….there is something very weird in her appearance….kind of wildeyed. I'll come back to type more once I'VE thought of this more. Again, well done!
    I don't know if I've mentioned to you that I'm an actor and a former male model….I was in my prime from the 90s to early 2000s…What's crazy is that you and I look a lot like each other…I am a naturally blond guy with brownish eyes…I don't know what your heritage is but, I'm mostly Ireland, Denmark and Scotland. I wonder if your family is from the same areas.

  • @valerietaft657

    This case is the saddest I’ve heard since the case of the baby killer Genene Ann Jones when I lived in San Antonio Texas. She possibly killed up to 60 infants and there is no reason I can ever imagine why a nurse, in this case a neonatal nurse, would kill a defenseless baby!! I have a great grandchild who was born at 23 weeks and survived due to the wonderful nurses and doctors at the hospital who cared for him. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering the victims’ families suffered and the grief they’ll feel all their lives. I know with so many victims that you didn’t have time or probably weren’t able due to privacy concerns to deep into the parents lives. Yet I wonder if some of these babies were conceived after years of trying and or if they were the only baby the parents were able to have. I can’t begin to imagine what they’re going through. I also have a hard time understanding how and why Nurse Lucy was able to kill so many babies in such a short time! Did Nurse Lucy just complete a course on how important it was not to get air in the babies’s tubes and she learned that would be a quick way to kill a baby? Did she think she could play God? I’m still sick to my stomach about this case! It had to be so difficult for you as a mother yourself to cover!

  • @55tranquility

    Sorry – this is a poor analysis, all you have done is repeated verbatim what the press have told you – why the assumption there is no need to dig deeper? If you did you would have found very serious problems with this case and trial. Already FOI requests show data withheld in court would have exonerated LL.

    Lucy did not have a fair trial. The similarities with the famous case of Lucia de Berk in the Netherlands are deeply disturbing. it was manifestly clear to me that she was not getting a fair trial. Science was being abused.

    The police were called in to investigate unexplained deaths on the ward and to assess if a crime had taken place. EVERYONE who worked on that ward during that period begins the police investigation as a potential suspect. But the police began their investigation, of a potentially unfathomably serious crime scene, by strolling in and meeting with senior doctors and consultants for a briefing. They then proceeded to investigate as instructed by the doctors and consultants. Those doctors and consultants were SUSPECTS! These are the same doctors and consultants who made the accusations. Since when, in any potential murder enquiry, has the person/persons reporting the crime been discounted as a suspect before the police even reach the crime scene? Their potential negligence or the possibility that they may have been the murderer was never investigated.

    If this case wasn’t political from the beginning, it certainly is now. I don’t think it was ever about justice, it was always a face-saving exercise, initiated by another failing, underfunded hospital, who knew there was doctor/consultant negligence involved in most of the unexpected deaths and events on the ward, many of which happened when Lucy wasn’t on shift. Babies dying as a result of negligence or understaffing is a bomb waiting to go off, which would have decimated the already dwindling public confidence in our NHS. That would be very damaging for the politicians who rely on public support to stay in power. Because the NHS is funded by the government and ultimately of course, the electorate.

    The government, which means the electorate, fund the police too, through grants to each local force. In the last few years, the reputation of the police and public sentiment towards them has justifiably fallen dramatically and must be close to an all-time low. Is it possible that the government and senior officers were desperate to restore some faith in the police force? Cracking the ‘crime’ of the century would go down well with the public! We’ve seen how political and senior police heads roll when they screw up. This investigation was very high profile, very emotive, very long and expensive and, with their reputation in the gutter, it was important for the police to come out triumphant.

    And it would look terrible for the NHS if all those doctors/consultants in just one department of just one hospital were found to be negligent by the police and their neonatal ‘expert’ (with no neonatal experience). Oh the damage that would do to the NHS, and of course the government, who pay those negligent consultants’ generous wages, but underfund the hospital so badly. It’s SO much less damaging to their reputations to pin everything on one lone murderer. It certainly takes public attention away from the failures of the more powerful parties, if the public have a single villain to target with their fury and hatred. Not to mention the money it’d probably save the NHS/government in medical negligence compensation lawsuits.

    The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Criminal Justice system (CJS) are also funded by the government. Following a hugely expensive investigation by the CPS and a trial costing the electorate £Millions, can you imagine the implications for our national institutions, if she’s granted an appeal and exonerated? For starters: 1. The CJS isn’t fit for purpose. 2. The CPS isn’t fit for purpose. 3. The police force isn’t fit for purpose. 4. The NHS isn’t fit for purpose and 5. The sheepish police and CPS have to begin a new, highly expensive investigation that might lead to more highly expensive criminal proceedings against negligent doctors. Far cheaper and less damaging to leave one woman sat in a cell for the rest of her life. Plus it pleases the electorate, many of whom think she should be tortured and executed ASAP. All those votes gone if she’s even granted an appeal! Countless more millions votes gone when those services are found to have failed and she’s exonerated!

    And then there’s the shame they’d all face when they have to get on their knees and give Letby a grovelling apology and pay her very substantial damages. In summary, her acquittal would be a very bad day for a lot of very powerful people and institutions. It would shatter the electability of the government who have overseen all those institutions for the last 13 years.

    Very weirdly, Ben Myers KC, for Letby, agreed with the prosecution to exclude from the trial, statistical evidence that more or less proved her innocence, because it was confusing? It need be no more confusing than the information in this paragraph. It simply needs an independent expert to do the analysis and present the conclusions to the Jury. Why did you agree to exclude it Mr Myers? And why did you agree not to contest an absurd insulin reading, that forced Letby to say, the insulin must have been administered maliciously when there are multiple other explanations for the reading? I also understand Mr Myers had two paediatric medical experts of his own who reviewed Dr Evans’ reports and listened to his testimony. I understand they were in the courthouse waiting to testify in Lucy’s defence, waiting to challenge Dr. Evans’ testimony. Waiting and waiting in a nearby room, but never called to testify by Mr Myers. Why? And where is Mr. Myers now? There are multiple questions hanging over his defence of Letby, but he remains silent. There’s no reason for his silence…..or is there? Myers needs to explain how and WHY he failed to successfully defend her.

    It was in everyone’s interest that she was found guilty, except hers, and it’s in everyone’s interest that she doesn’t get an appeal, except hers.

    1. Air embolism cannot be determined by imaging, and can only be determined soon after death, and requires the extraction of air from the circulatory system, and analysis of the composition of the air using gas chromatography.
    2. The coroner found a cause of death in 5 out of 7 of the alleged murder cases. Two of them appeared to be, in part, related to aggressive CPR, two appeared to be due to undiagnosed hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and myocarditis, one of the infants received no autopsy, and the other infant was determined to have died due to prematurity. It is highly unusual for the cause of death to be altered years after the fact and using methodology that is not supported by the coroner’s office.
    3. The two claims of insulin poisoning are not supported by the testing conducted, and the infants (who are still alive and well) did not have dangerously low or dangerously high blood glucose levels for any period of time. There are many physiological reasons that could explain their low blood glucose during the whole period. In one of the two cases, assumptions are being made on the basis of one test taken at a single time point, clearly inconsistent with the other medical readings, and contravening the manufacturer’s own instructions for use (see image below). The report detailing the conclusions from that single test violates the code of practice of the forensic science regulator. Moreover, it appears that some numerical error has been made in the necessary calculation, resulting in an outcome which is physiologically impossible (or the person responsible did not know about the so-called “hook effect”). The mismatch between C-peptide and insulin concentration does not prove that the excess insulin found must have been synthetic insulin. There are many other biological explanations for a mismatch. No testing was done to determine the origin of the insulin. Similarly, there are many innocent explanations for the detection of some insulin in a feeding bag.
    4. The air embolism hypothesis is confusing because it fails to explain why some children apparently perished and others did not, and it has not been supported by the minimal necessary measurements.
    5. In at least one case, Lucy is blamed with causing white matter brain injury. This claim is utterly dishonest. The infant who experienced this brain injury was born at 23 weeks gestation, and white matter brain injury is associated with such early births. Further, there is sufficient evidence that demonstrates that enterovirus and parechovirus infection has been linked to white matter brain injury in neonates, resulting in cerebral palsy.
    6. At the time of the collapses and deaths of the infants, enterovirus and parechovirus had been reported in other hospitals. There is a history of outbreaks of these viruses in neonatal wards in hospitals around the world. They especially harm preterm infants who do not yet have a functioning immune system. It is reported that many parents of the infants were concerned that their ward had a virus (as was Lucy) and that Dr Gibbs denied this was so. To date we have seen no evidence to show they did any viral testing, and if they did what the results were.

    Oh and those so called ‘codes’ that the press used to say were codes for murder? That is one of the biggest lies and misleading evidence I have seen.


    Everyone could have taken preventative measures after the discovery of the air in the first place. This is the most AWFUL SAD case EVER

  • @TheApexFamily

    I think that Dr pressed her to do this. He had something to do with it not for his attention but under his orders based off of some of her letters that were found.

  • @sellbydate

    Am i the only person that doesn't think she has a look of innocence.
    Peoples always say she doesn't look capable to me she looks empty of a soul

  • @tanyaseymour9230

    I wonder if she was forced to have a abortion and they may have been twins belonging the dr. She like wouldn’t leave his kids for her but whatever the reason it is beyond cruel especially taking both babies I could not imagine the pain of the parents to lose their babies but both babies glad they caught her and she will never be let out

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