Lucy Letby: UK NICU Nurse On Trial For Horrendous Crimes- Part 1

Investigating the Case of Lucy Letby: UK Neonatal Nurse on Trial for heinous Crimes- Part 1

Lucy Letby, a former neonatal nurse at Chester Hospital in the UK, is facing trial for alleged involvement in a series of unexplained deaths of infants in her care. Letby was arrested in July 2018 and has been under investigation ever since. The case has sent shockwaves through the medical community, as it is a rare and chilling example of a healthcare professional being accused of harming vulnerable patients. Stay tuned for more details as we delve deeper into this disturbing case.


46 Comments to “Lucy Letby: UK NICU Nurse On Trial For Horrendous Crimes- Part 1”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    Download the FREE Upside App at to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas

  • @iratxi._

    This is literally Annie Wilkes from Stephen King's Misery. Wow.

  • @Kaline11

    14:28 💘🌻😘🇧🇷

  • @Katiekay.

    nurses are not the angels that everyone thinks they are

  • @donnamariewatts3750

    Lucy is rather unattractive though, I bet she’s gutted she never got any male attention. That maybe why

  • @sapphire22011

    Wheres part 2 please?

  • @LiSoFine

    I never knew health collapse was a British term.. 😂 or you just hadn’t heard it 21:35

  • @heathermcpherson9047

    My baby was in the NICU at Overland Park Regional Medical Center in OP KS. She was fine when i was there, she was at deaths door if i left. I only left her twice going out of the hospital altogether, but sometimes when i would go to the bathroom, she would all of a sudden be not breathing and vomit all over her face, etc. It was the most terrifying 6 weeks of my life and i finally brought her home after fighting the hospital to release her. She was much safer in my care. And the level of animosity from the nurses there was unbelievable. One day they were in the room next to my daughters and talking about how much they hated that mom in the next room because she was psycho and just wouldn't leave…you think??? Every time i leave my baby almost dies, but NEVER when i am present. Are you serious? After i got her home she was fine as well. Only had oroblems in hospital. The obgyn tried many times to get me to abort as well. I think they were trying to kill her. Allegedly, dont come for me.

  • @allysoncashdollar1119

    This infuriates me so much. I want a baby more than anything. Glad she’s locked up forever

  • @giovannalaughlin1790

    As a mother who had a nicu baby this particular story absolutely devastates me, as parents when our babies are sick we are absolutely helpless our babies are helpless and we depend on that medical team to take care of and protect our children. This is absolutely sick and heartbreaking praying upon the most vulnerable.

  • @pollysshore2539

    This is a horrifying and fascinating case. I do know there are many people in the UK that think the babies most likely died naturally and Lucy is being punished because of an increased hysteria surrounding children.

    This is not completely unreasonable on its own. The UK has been in the midst of a large scale moral panic since 2012. A large portion of it has consisted of revived Satanic Panic and there has been a desire to punish people and institutions.

    There have been many messed up cases that were not what they seemed over the last several years there have also been dubious cases where nurses have been convicted of murder for deaths that were most likely natural.

    The desire to see someone punished, even after an accident or natural death, is incredibly strong right now.

    This is something that has also been increasing in America for decades. It’s why many parents, mostly mothers, are now charged after tragic accidents.

    I know several have made up their minds about this case without looking at evidence. You have to look and consider. There have been doctors/nurses/emergency responders that murder patients. It cannot be ruled out.

    The climate needs to be considered as well.

    * To give an example of some of the spiral.

    In 2012 the Jimmy Savile story broke after his death. Some rather dubious claims made by a believer in Satanic Ritual Abuse conspiracies included Jimmy being given free rein to abuse and murder children in the busy, teaching children’s hospital he volunteered in.

    Valarie Sinason, a Satanic Ritual Abuse and recovered memory conspiracy therapist claimed that her patients told her about Savile wheeling 4 year olds down to the morgue in baby strollers/prams to abuse them without anyone stopping him (again, in an incredibly busy teaching hospital). She claimed he preformed Satanic rituals in the tv room of the hospital, etc.

    Multiple people believe that everyone in the hospital knew about it and covered for him.

    The UKs highest court seized the money Savile put aside for charity in his will and ran advertisements asking people to come forward with accusations against him in exchange for money/compensation.

    8 adults accused him of historical CSA after his death and several have been proven to be false accusers. One was paid 22k for accusation he made anonymously, under at least 2 different names. He ended up being an actual child predator.

    Somehow after these 8 claims, more than one of them dubious, Savile was deemed the most prolific CA in the history of the UK (the most prolific claims have been rampant during the panic). The majority say he abused thousands and thousands of children with full cover of everyone/every institution around him.

    Again… no court case. No ability to find him guilty. He was dead. 8 accusations of CSA made by adults receiving compensation, some have been incredibly dubious. The majority of accusations were essentially nothing burgers and hearsay between adults.

    It’s a weird situation that is indicative of moral panic.

    The desire to punish people/institutions has carried on for several years and it has intertwined with legit cases, wrongful convictions and more well meaning attempts at activism to improve matters.

  • @GrizzlyxGaming

    Im convinced your sexually biased , cuz all of a sudden you trying to say oh we have to go thrue all the charges this and that , then you not saying when Lucy did it your sayinrg “the person who did it “ lol if this was a guy u would call him a scumbag this & that but you trynna find every reason to make excuses for her LUCY LETBY IS A SCUMBAG SHE KILLED LITTLE NEWBORNS , THERE IS ALSO A MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE AGAINST HER 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @captntread8472

    There is an epidemic of women killing baby's. All women should get counseling to help them deal with their mental state… I'm jk. I'm not a sexiest who holds all women responsible for the actions of a few. But Stephanie, on the other hand, is a total sexiest against men. She litterly said, " in the haight family murders video" all men need counseling because they put too much pressure on themselves and become controlling. Thats why there is an epidemic of family annihilators… it just blows my mind that she can be that openly sexiest. If any man started blaming all women for the sins of a few they would be ripped apart online. Female privilege 💯

  • @jenniferstrole3601

    I can't stand Charles or Camilla and I really think Charles had Diana killed. I will never call him King. Im so proud of Prince Harry for getting away from them.

  • @alorianorcutt1337

    I dont understand how it took that many babies before they said this chick doesnt belong in a hospital

  • @melissahobbs6032

    And another thing why the hell are they letting her stay there I think they have quite enough evidence to know something is wrong these babies are crashing and she's always there can you say common sense come on

  • @melissahobbs6032

    Ok how evil do you have to be to kill a innocent baby or her case many it's so sad how I don't understand why that is beyond sick and evil what is wrong with this world and all the messed up people in it it blows my mind every time I heard a story like this really you can't trust anyone now days and that's so sad it's crazy to think I'm raising my kids in a world like this people killing kids and wives mom's dad's and it gets worse every day when will it stop it really scares me I worry for my kids and it's not fair

  • @staceywalker8699

    We have the best neonatal nurses in the world in the UK my wife was one as she was born at 22 weeks. So became her passion to became a neonatal nurse. Its one of the hardest jobs mentally and physically. God bless those angels. And hope lucy gets what's coming to her.

  • @InaStanley83

    Are there not security cameras in NICU wards? I know hospitals can't place cameras in actual rooms, but it seems like the NICU would be a place where they would be placed, considering the fact that babies cannot communicate if harmful things are done to them and also considering how kidnapping attempts can be frequent at some facilities.

  • @MaaikeCoats

    I cannot for even half a second think of doing this to anyone at any point in life let alone newborns! My patients get the care I’d give my family members 😭

  • @MaaikeCoats

    One thing-they check infection levels typically through blood- the wbc levels

  • @sam-or4bd

    Hi Melanie,
    You made a comment about distress within your video and what the baby could or could not feel. I agree the doctor was wrong for using it but i thought you might like an explination.
    Its a common medical belief that comatose people do not feel certain sensations due to the brain injury. Its believed to be a "protectant" against stimulus that would hinder recovery. It seems the doctor was trying to say they were not sure if the baby was completely brain dead or mostly brain dead but either way he would be physically suffering even if his brain wasnt recognising it.

  • @jen_wren_x

    The last infant serial killer nurse in the Uk was in the 1990’s.. who was found guilty of overdosing them all with insulin.. you just mentioned her., she killed 4 tiny little infants & yes her name was Beverly aswell. But yes she’s tried to also kill another 9 infants. At the time, it put the public especially of expectant mums & mums with kids in hospitals all over the Uk into a state of fear & panic.. So lucky these evil sick women & men are caught.. (in my opinion, no mental illness should be used as an excuse for murdering very young children, or any children).. Nope, it’s born from something way more premeditated and evil..😡😡😡😡
    RIP all those innocent lives & families ruined forever 💔💔💔💔💔

  • @dahliacheung6020

    Just listening to the intro I hate this woman. Evil. Disgusting. Choosing the most vulnerable victims who quite literally have their whole lives ahead of them is so unfathomably cruel; she should consider herself lucky she wasn't in the US because this would have been the type of case where the jury would have needed fifteen minutes to decide she deserved the death penalty.

  • @celestialfox9282

    These “Angels of Death” are terrifying. I’m so grateful I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s sad we cannot truly trust anyone that’s suppose to be there for our safety and health. Prayers to those who’ve been through this.

  • @ProfessorMM

    My father is on TPN, and hearing about the tampering of the TPN bag horrified me on a 'too-close-to-home' level. My father is a grown man and having to be on TPN leaves you feeling incredibly vulnerable and frightened. I cannot imagine these poor babies 😢

  • @nicoleel2578

    I am a PICU nurse and this case blows my mind. To hurt helpless children after their parents put complete trust in you is so despicable. I double and triple check everything I do on my unit in an effort to prevent accidents and the fact that someone did it on purpose is heartbreaking…

  • @ms.annthropic6341

    Not like anything could ever make this less terrible, but the fact that this murderer seems to have had a perfectly normal, happy life with safe, loving parents makes this almost worse.
    So many killers had such horrific childhoods that it seems like them turning out awful is a guarantee, but then there’s cases like this which are so incomprehensible.

  • @lesley9989

    Your gut was right

  • @danielleduggan4070

    She’s not a very smart criminal. Kind of glad she messed up, killing them all close together was what got her caught! If she did one day every year she probably would of got away with it 😢

  • @tigertheanimaldinotank5382

    I feel like a part of it was because she didn’t have a family of her own and was jealous of the victims lives, especially with the link to twins and obsession with their facebooks etc.

  • @snackbarqueen

    Ok I'm at 22:16 in this video and I had to pause and comment that this video is going to be VERY VERY HARD TO WATCH, it's going to upset me very much and I'm going to be VERY PISSED most of the time I'm watching this series, I'm a mother and grandmother, my youngest grandson is only 2 1/2 months old so I can EASILY put myself in these mother's shoes. Also my mom just passed away 11 days ago, so I'm grieving deeply as well and it just helps me cope and get through these kind of cases when I comment how I'm feeling, so I apologize if I comment often 😁❤️ This lady is a sadistic, psychotic monster and I hope she never breaths free air again. My whole heart hurts and is broken 💔 for these innocent babies, and their families. May they all RIP ❤ I pray that their families left behind can somehow start to heal 🩷🩵

  • @palehoney79

    this one is especially hard to listen to 🙁 babies!!!! omg

  • @winros

    Unfortunately that's exactly what it is serial p killer / Munchausen syndrome by proxy!!

  • @nicolacarroll2767

    Its a cold cot Stephanie ❤

  • @lucianamazza4006

    TPN is actually for adults too. I just got off of it myself. It's a meal replacement for those who cannot eat. It's administered in many ways, in my case by a PICC line. Just thought some may like to know. I absolutely LOVE your podcasts! I'm definitely an addict! Thanks for all you do!

  • @EmileeetheBeesKnees

    Never heard of a ‘hot cot’? I know hospitals have ‘cold cots’ for babies after they’ve passed 😢

  • @nownow1950

    this a fit up for a whistle blowing nurse

  • @DayOneOutOfOne

    This absolutely broke my heart

  • @shellym8251

    This is horrifying. I can't understand how anyone could be so depraved they would prey on the most vulnerable, helpless little babies. May she rot in hell.

  • @alisonmcnamara800

    There is no miasma hanging over the maternity ward. One person was there, that many unexpected deaths is not coincidence! I am a nurse and believe me people would have questions about a rise in death. You always start a shift with report and record our report before we leave. You notice dead babies and I don't know why no questions were asked by her co-workers and hospital who had a good record which is good for fundraising as they raised 3 million pounds!

  • @thevoidisshining

    Baby Q?! They allowed this to go on until the alphabet reached Q… I hope the families sued the hospital!

  • @rosequartz7841

    I just can't get my head around this horrific and shocking case …the fact that she got away for so long!

  • @llinosjarvis2754

    We say cannula in the uk can-you-la x

  • @katn6619

    My little one stayed for a few weeks in a neonatal care unit after birth. He was perfectly healthy but born 4 weeks early and needed a gastric tube because he was to small to nurse and was losing to much weight. I was so tired after a week in hospital and after giving birth that when he was transferred to the unit I went home at night to sleep properly for one night. I didn't even think twice about trusting the nurses. The only thing on my mind was the fact that i missed my baby. First thing in the morning i called to get updated and to hear he was of course totally fine and to take my time returning (i didn't i rushed back like a crazy person :p ). All this to say i cannot imagine nog trusting the staff or the nurses taking care of him and feeding him my milk in my absence. This is beyond sad and horrifying. These poor parents must be in shambles. My heart goes out to them. ❤❤❤

  • @dresha8026

    Nurses like Lucy Letby and Beverly Alitt are exactly why my son stayed in my room the whole time at the hospital and he has been left with one (student) nurse for about 2 minutes. He's 3 months and has been with me, my husband, my mother, or my grandmother otherwise.

    No hate to these parents of course, I'm just highly paranoid about this.

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