Highly detailed investigators have gathered evidence to suggest that Mackenzie Shirella’s transformation from a responsible driver to a reckless force of destruction led to the tragic deaths of Dominic and Davion. The facts surrounding this case are harrowing, as Mackenzie faced a total of 18 charges in connection to the incident that occurred on November 4th, 2022.

Despite this, Mackenzie has maintained her innocence, claiming that the car somehow steered itself into a wall while she was allegedly asleep at the wheel. However, the evidence paints a different picture – one of a deliberate and calculated decision to push the car to its limits, reaching speeds of over 100 miles per hour.

It is clear that Mackenzie made a conscious choice to endanger the lives of those around her, ultimately leading to a tragic outcome. As the investigation continues, we will ensure that justice is served for Dominic, Davion, and their loved ones.


39 Comments to “Mackenzie Shirilla Arrested”

  • @spongemonkeysooz

    So many lives forever changed and sentenced to loss of their children and their future children. Their families will never enjoy a family wedding or holiday or backyard barbecue the way they would have. It will always be the first thing they think of when they awake and before sleeping. I hope they have the peace of Jesus. So sorry 🙏🏼 💞 🛐

  • @Aubrey732

    Oh stop. Leave her alone. She is a victim of an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. You have no idea what a man can do to a woman and her mind. Especially as a young teen, the hormones are uncontrollable. She had thc in her system, along with alcohol. She shouldnt be held liable and she should at LEAST have a chance to restore her life later on into adulthood. God kept her alive because she wasnt guilty of being a harrasive man, including his friend


    Give her 7 life sentences.

  • @rozdunston3729


  • @bobbiblue9813

    Justice was served Rip young men

  • @felicityb4949

    I feel bad for the families but otherwise no comment

  • @JamieLatham-oy6rd

    She deserves to be in prison

  • @podaly

    Did she not expect to die too?

  • @gremlintg2115

    Was she reading from a paper to say how sorry she was😂

  • @CajunReaper95

    She’s Not sorry she did it she’s sorry she got caught!

  • @MusseTheOriginal

    Her sentence for DOUBLE MURDER is ridiculous

  • @gregwineka6503

    Their evidence is assumptions

  • @esthersiersema

    I still think its weird i mean she survived but how?? If it was for sure on purpose she deserves this ofcourse, they better be sure 🙏🏻

    If sat next to her and she pushed the gad like that i would try pulling the emergcy brake jn the middle or maybe before top speed pulling the weel for a less harder crash i dont know would you just sat there?

  • @rhunter762i

    I remember when a "life-sentence", meant 25 years, BEFORE there was even ELIGIBILITY for parole; with NO guarantee that one would MAKE parole.

    If she was sentenced to "15 years", and they are CONCURRENT sentences [ie, at the SAME time], as opposed to CONSECUTIVE sentences [ie, one AFTER the other, or from simple math, 30 years], then each victim's life is only worth 7.5 years, assuming there's no reduction for "good behavior", "rehabilitation", or "time-served".

    If it was YOUR son, would 7.5 years be satisfactory to YOU?

    If the prosecutor was able to meet HIS burden of proof, based on available evidence, as to her intention to take the victim's LIVES if they "broke-up with her", and 12 independent minds could ALL agree, and give a GUILTY verdict, then HOW does 7.5 years for each life, equate to "justice"? She only HAS one life; anything PAST "one", leaves a family WITHOUT justice!

    I haven't seen any details of the case, but it is fairly obvious to me what happened.

    She was fu**in' one/both of them, and either one, or both realized she was a psycho-broad, and she got dropped like a bad habit. Maybe they just "tapped it", and 'moved on'; who knows? She felt used and discarded, and decided there were going to be "consequences", and decided to KILL them without making it LOOK obvious [like in a vehicle accident]. If she was going 90-100mph, and she WASN'T on a freeway, but on a city street, and then SHE hit something solid, as opposed to someone hitting HER, then HOW is that an "accident"?

    If she was driving through town, obeying the traffic laws, and somebody was speeding, "blows a light", and T-bones the passenger side at 50+mph, where clearly, she's not "at fault"…ok; unfortunate things happen. But if that's NOT what the evidence from the crash-scene says, and there ARE no other vehicles, why and how did SHE survive? Because SHE was wearing a seatbelt, and THEY weren't; [if SHE wasn't EITHER, and somehow recovered, then it likely was planned as a murder-suicide; another indicator that she is a sociopath/psycho; angry women have done that before, as have men; men who choose to do that usually use guns. If there WERE no "supporting documentation/texts", then it may well have been an accident; but not in this case].

    Coupled with documented texts [as described in the comments here, conveying INTENT], she's not crying for THEM; she's crying for HERSELF because she got CAUGHT, and realizes JUST how bad she F'D UP the rest of her life! THATS not REMORSE for the loss of the victims.

    Is it messed up for a young man to "play" some female? Yes. However, if he didn't FORCE her [ie, rape], then SHE was willing, and that means, HER parents didn't teach her very well; I'd bet there was no Dad at home. Regardless, that DOESN'T give her the right to "fix his a**", or take his life! SHE made a mistake, in the choice of guy she had sex with.

    He may NOT even have HAD "bad intentions" initially, and later, realized, 'she's a f**in' WHACK-job!', and knew, "I can't STAY with her, MARRY her, or have KIDS with her; I'm outta here".

    "Hell hath no fury, like the anger of a woman scorned".

    And she "made good" on her threat.

    Until there are horrific penalties for egregious crimes, things will only get worse.

    When the COST outweighs the BENEFIT, the BEHAVIOR will STOP.

    Not UNTIL then….

  • @williamdon3442

    She probably laughs about it when alone.

  • @manxeater7

    But I don't understand that if this was pre meditated why would she do something like this knowing that she would most likely die which is what I would think everybody would assume in such a horrible crash and she doesn't look like she even has any physical issues from the crash. I don't understand how that's possible. Was this a suicide murder attempt and she failed? Did she plan out some way that she knew she would only kill them? This is just a strange one

  • @gbody2617

    Hi doll, when can I take you out to dinner?

  • @klinnc8910


    Her sentence is concurrent. Which means she’s spending 15 years in prison for one murder and serving no time for the other or only serving 7.5 years for each murder.

    How is that justice?

  • @kerryhumphrey4804

    Lying little brat she ll say anything now!

  • @deathdragonslayer1

    The females that are defending this cu*t should honestly join the 2 victims in the afterlife.

  • @t-bonena3609

    Stop making cars to exceed 100 speed limits!!

  • @t-bonena3609

    If car companies made cars to only go 50 miles an hour. Thus wouldn't happen as often. She did not murder. Cars weigh tons. Cars are made to go too fast. Thus is the only prison crime that is accidental.. Murder is a planned act you dummies

  • @loulouedmo

    I’m lost for words, how she can beg for mercy!

  • @brianfreer4942

    Bitches be crazy. She also opted for a bench trial. Lol! She'll win an appeal on ineffective cousel.

  • @karinwhorton4926

    She is outrageous. Falling asleep makes a person go limp. She shoved her foot into the carburetor. If she couldnt have him, no one would. Davion was just colateral damage. All she cared about was that she survived. Bad parenting? Where would she get the idea she could do that and get by with it, claiming "falling asleep?" She's full of herself. The b***h!!!

  • @brittbrat4977


  • @pattymclain4255

    Your tears won't work.

  • @normabracey6794

    She knew exactly what she was doing. She is without remorse.

  • @sl4yer901

    she needs to be away from society full stop, hope its more of a life length sentence. the devil!!

  • @timmysargent6810

    Unreal, whatta douche, motive?

  • @coleenhudson8924

    Geeeez. How was she not killed as well?

  • @philippelemetayer9401

    Poor teen kid girl. May God watch over her and protect her during the 15 years of jail detention. God watch and help also his parents and family. That he who has never sinned should cast the first stone (Jesus Christ).

  • @evonnehartline1420

    Not an accident. She deliberately killed those 2 beautiful young men. She got off easy. 😢😢

  • @waffle_chair9269

    That was one hell of a mistake to learn from. Feel sorry for all involved

  • @goodstranger7592

    Poor Parenting. Let's Friends, Phones n Media Raise their kids. Friends, friends, friends, right folks?? Poor Parenting

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