Markel Murder – Timeline of Coincidences, so far (10/2/19)

Investigative Analysis: Unraveling the Markel Murder – Obscure Timeline of Suspicious Coincidences Nearly Uncovered (10/2/19)

The Markel Murder case is a highly complex web of interconnected events that point towards a carefully orchestrated plan. The victim, Dan Markel, a prominent law professor, was gunned down in his own driveway in Tallahassee, Florida in 2014. The motive behind the murder is believed to be a bitter divorce and custody battle involving his ex-wife and her family, who harbored resentment towards Markel.

One of the key coincidences in this case is the sudden appearance of a group of individuals with criminal backgrounds in Tallahassee around the time of the murder. These individuals have been linked to the murder through surveillance footage and witness statements.

Another eerie coincidence is the timing of the murder, which coincided with Markel’s contentious divorce proceedings. It is believed that the murder was orchestrated to eliminate Markel and gain full custody of his two young sons.

As investigators continue to piece together the timeline of events leading up to the murder, more shocking coincidences and connections are being uncovered. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this intricate case and bring justice to the victim and his family.


16 Comments to “Markel Murder – Timeline of Coincidences, so far (10/2/19)”

  • @AdamGoNoles

    Murderers age so fast from the stress, kill no one live free kids

  • @jerryyang3516

    The adelson s so so stupid

  • @welynregidor4232

    Wendi is evil !!’ She will rotten in jail one day along with her mother

  • @peachlilac925

    Re: Intro of Wiretaps/Conpiracy. In KM 1st trial, Judge Hankinson brought up the Law of Conspiracy being outdated; that most conspircy stems from 1949 Krulewitch 'conspiracy ends when conspiracy ends'. he said the above is not followed by most circuits. he also said Law of Conspiracy should be updated. We've seen some laws/amendments to laws bloom from lengthy trials: grandparents law stems from markel case, some stand your ground from Curtis Reeves. So with Markel-based trials, maybe someone can slip in some conspiracy law updates!?

  • @keithcitizen4855

    If the Patsy thing was planned genuine I hope Wendi realised she made a big mistake and it soon bites her in the butt.

  • @sofialavish1072

    I remember watching it a long time ago.

  • @mauiswift6391

    Appreciate your hard work and dedication. Your channel the go to on this case!

  • @skyriverblue1443

    When Wendi went to south Florida for two weeks – before Dan was murdered – not hard to believe that all the plans were being talked about within the Adelsons family for the murder. Like hell Wendi knew nothing. She was wearing a T- shirt with an Owl on it the exact day he was murdered. Wasn't a picture of an Owl posted by Garcia right around that time??? Then didn't Katie make a fuss to have that post taken down ???? Owls signify death in certain cultures.

  • @laraoneal7284

    There are major PROBLEMS WITH THIS CASE. I’m so glad LaCasse recognized the sick dynamics of WM family of origin. Too sad that her husband had not perceived the same thing and got out before he married her.

  • @nancymcdermott5795

    A fake throw up, getting rid of all the junk w Dan and at the same time celebrating that particular day, right Wendi?????

  • @nancymcdermott5795

    The Adelsons were going to do whatever it took to get rid of Dan

  • @nancymcdermott5795

    Wendi threw up ,not because she was sick.she was acting as Donna told her to do. But she also showing us how much hate she had for Dan so the throwing up was a goodbye salute to Dan. 5hats a b——.

  • @8mmh8

    related to the 'coincidence' when Wendi was overly upset the night the murder was to take place during the first trip – it seems even on that instance they (wendi/fam) were trying to frame her boyfriend, Lacassee. He testified that she was so upset/sick that late that night she had him go out and get her medicine (despite the significant inconvenience based on where she lived)… was that an effort to place him near the crime scene, should the killers had actually gone through with it that trip? didn't they rent a Nissan Sentra for the first trip, which was the same type of car Lacasse drove at the time?

  • @Youngin214

    Waiting on the adelsons to get their day in court

  • @jeanvocalist

    All roads lead to Wendy and her family. This ex wife until now is still bent on destroying the good name of her ex husband, even after death! What a dysfunctional family. TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE TO BE A COINCIDENCE!

  • @anthonyziemba6920

    This family were so selfish and wicked they don't realize they just opened themselves up to the dark world out there by hiring these gangs because there's going to have to be a payback for exposing them cuz their whole idea is not to get caught now that we know who all the ringleaders are this family better go hide in the hole because they're going to come after him really stupid I feel bad for the children.

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