As a meticulous crime investigator delving into the details of this case, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze the evidence presented in the transcript. The intricacies of the suspects’ statements must be carefully examined, as they may hold key information pertaining to the crime at hand.

Furthermore, it is imperative to consider any known facts about the case, such as the time and location of the crime, potential motives of the individuals involved, and any past criminal records that may shed light on their possible involvement.

With a keen eye for detail and a methodical approach to uncovering the truth, I am prepared to unravel the complexities of this investigation and bring justice to those affected by this heinous crime.


49 Comments to “Marriage, Mistress, and Murder: Secret Recording Devices, Spy Tools and Stalking His Every Move”

  • @annieelise

    Try 5 pairs of glasses at home for free at

  • @Welcometomyworld4754

    People that step out on a married partner are truly despicable people who have a severe lack of character and they do not deserve anything that they have.

  • @denisejackson271

    I divorced. I guess I don’t love anyone as much as myself.

  • @Sweet-n-Sassy609

    U have to remember it isn't u. It's them. They are not good enough and its their loss not urs. If someone cheats on u, they are not worth ur time. U have to know and remember YOUR WORTH. And that they r the problem not u. And for Gods sake please if u are feeling any type of way about yourself or wanting to hurt yourself or the other party/parties PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, TALK TO A THERAPIST. IT HELPS

  • @dietdrpepper15

    Hey…let’s not cheat. Let’s end relationships and not cheat.

  • @traceyl7991

    It's a tough one. The affair was wrong, but the murder was way worse. I feel that if the information that was given in this video regarding her tendency to be clingy and possessive as the friends reported early in their relationship, that she would have done the same even if he had of left first anyway. No one wins here that's for sure.

  • @videoorgy

    Playing with people's hearts and minds is a dangerous game. Fucked up.

  • @sacredlovetohim

    Here's an idea, leave the marriage and get a divorce before cheating. How can you blame her for being so upset when you completely destroyed her world. I certainly don't condone murder however I understand how truly devastating it can be. My ex brought his girlfriend home to me and 5 days before xmas he kicked me (his wife) our 1 1/2 yo son and I was 8 months pregnant at the time. I seriously wanted to harm them however being 8 mnths pregnant that was not possible. So I packed our stuff, called my mother to come get us and I never looked back. No piece of shit man who would do such things is worth wasting away in jail. I have since married an amazing man who adopted my kids and life has been great for the last 30 years. Don't give yourself a life sentence behind bars for a partner who isn't worth the dirt under your feet.

  • @tamaracrable5444

    Dude is a clown he wouldn’t have not cheated he said he would have tried to ease the pain more bffr it’s his fault and Meredith’s fault this poor lady gave her all to him and got traded in for something newer and shinier shame on him

  • @jeanasavage2671

    Yes, wife was nuts but this dude is an asshole and so was the mistress.

  • @Lovie2023

    i kicked my ex hubby out over addiction & that hurt so baddd. we were only married 5 years and we were so close. I would have been so distraught if I had stayed for 20 years and he threw me away like a piece of trash for a shiny new younger woman. It is so messed up Mark is a POS and I only feel bad for his wife. she should not have resorted to murder but still, I can not imagine her pain

  • @ghoulsjustwannahavefun9190

    He hurt her, lied to her & betrayed her in the worst way during her lowest point in her life & the person that vowed to be there trough good times and bad times left as soon as it got bad. Went after the young shiny new thing in his life & Meredith was just as awful to her husband. He could’ve told his wife not to come to DE knowing this was going in the direction it was before she even came. You CAN be honest and end your marriage before you’ve crossed that line, it happens marriages end. You don’t need to traumatize someone you supposedly “love” with the betrayal of cheating and then lying and then leaving her high and dry and lost with no support or remorse. I think Meredith deserved it but I think he deserved this also. You can’t do awful things to people and not expect awful things to happen. Cheating isn’t murder but this isn’t new, cheating has an after math. Don’t get married if you’ve got a wandering eye & don’t treat people like shit and shit won’t happen to you is how I see it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @scarlettfrancesca

    This was definitely an interesting case.
    Thank you for reporting on it.

    I'm typically not a jealous person and If I do get to that point, it can be a bit severe.

    I had a boyfriend who came to visit me while I was in graduate school.
    I was working and got back home and saw he put up ads on CL looking for 3somes and other sexy times with people, behind my back and lied to my face about doing it.
    I also found a notebook of names, phone numbers and dollar amounts to show money he got from other women.
    Dude was a con artist.

    I threatened to cut his 🍆 off with a huge 🔪 that I was holding. I Told him I knew everything and gave him the opportunity to be truthful and he chose to lie to me again and gaslight me!!

    Dude is lucky that I did not act on my thoughts!
    All I ask is don't lie to me, communicate and be honest.
    Apparently that's too much to ask for.

  • @IM-kx8tv

    Good for a spouse who filed for divorce.

  • @laurataylor3159

    I've always said that I'd I caught my partner cheating that she could have him because he clearly didn't love me. I wouldn't personally be able to fight for a cheating partner.

  • @justme-cr2zc

    Here's the facts: Mark started it all on his own. He cheated on his wife, and that started every single thing that came after.
    Why does anyone ever cheat? I don't get it! This is a perfect example of how far reaching the effects of infidelity can be. Just DON'T do it. You feel like you want to? Don't. You know you can? Don't. Get out of your marriage or current relationship BEFORE "moving on". Seriously. Why is there so little integrity and faithfulness and honor and loyalty?!

  • @williamgreenlee4841

    Ive had jealousy.
    I always had mental scenarios where I killed with blood and
    guts !!! But I could never actually do anything at all.
    I understood that other people would never side with me
    No one would understand
    My pain
    I just took the pain and tried to live on……..

  • @shannonhandy2630

    If I get jealous I make sure depending on what is the factor for the jealousy I make sure to get a better man OR just make sure I am doing better then the one who has made that green monster appear… I would never ever think of extreme revenge!! Thats too much and to many people will be hurt….

  • @TNT9294

    We all have psychological vulnerabilities. Mark was uncomfortable with discomfort and Jennair may have had a fear of abandonment.

    While this was all unfortunate, it definitely should make us more aware of warning signs relative to predisposed vulnerabilities.

  • @kwodarski86

    This comment section is wild! This woman went off the deep end. All the creepy stalking and shit. Not to mention you know the 2 MURDERS.. but hes the bad guy. People cheat. Relationships end. Wtf..

  • @Danisuzette

    Jealousy is one of the most useless emotions a person can have.

  • @IAMDivine7777

    Undiagnosed or untreated BPD is real. I have it and the feeling of abandonment that overwhelms your nervous system is ineffable. While it’s hard to condone taking a life that wasn’t physically violating yours as someone with BPD I can empathize with Jennair. Her whole world was falling apart on account of a selfish male. But unfortunately that is the choice you make when you interact with males. They are some of the most selfish creatures on the planet. As much as I want to be in a supportive loving relationship, I don’t believe I can do it with a male. Us BPDers go to great lengths to not feel abandoned and when we do feel that we are* going to show you the pain we feel. BPDers are *more likely just to hurt or unalive ourselves* it’s just sad that two women died bc a male was non communicative and selfish

  • @jamesermlich7447

    As I get older my outlook has changed as I once looked at a spouse as a possession or a conquest and whatever I did in the relationship was OK but strong jealousy if they did same . Glad I've evolved to understand its a cooperation that both have to work at like growing a business and so far business is good

  • @Thaliamcfarland

    Share your feelings up front. Get help with personal counseling for your own mental health and wellbeing. Jealousy is a really big biotch! It’s a hard vice to deal with. With the right tools and help from an unbiased source, it’s easy to overcome ❤

  • @jennifernicewonger8273

    He should be help responsible in some way. What a fucking pig. Ugh this makes me so mad! I don't condone but I honestly don't know what I would do. Me and hubby have only been married almost 8 years now and after 20!?!?! I feel for her such 😢

  • @jennifernicewonger8273

    He has zero right to be upset or angry about the listening device! He's a pig!

  • @sasscfamilyadventures

    Although I experience feelings of jealousy, I never let them dictate my actions. I sometimes imagine what I would do in certain situations, but I always refrain from following through on those thoughts. Instead, I reflect on how God would handle the situation and consider His perspective. Ultimately, I trust that justice will prevail in eternity, and any wrongs done to me will be avenged tenfold. In the case of being jealous of someone's possessions, I quickly overcome that feeling. I briefly entertain the thought of desiring what they have, but then I let it go, reminding myself that I will obtain similar things or experiences in due time. If I never do, then it simply wasn't meant to be. I hope all of this makes sense! By the way, I absolutely love your show!

  • @divatimedancecompanyocovfo3865

    You can't kill people but I have been in Jennair's situation before and it can be torturous. I was so depressed everyday while going through that 😢

  • @melodi996

    Dating a married man, cheating on your wife? eww, if your marriage is so bad, divorce, not find a side chick.

  • @newworldgrover8588

    Well he needs to help her? Oh really if a man was the stalker killer?

  • @emiliebova

    What a mess. Marc is a self-indulgent fool. And Meredith is a spoiled homewrecker. All three are to blame and immature in their own ways. Moses figured out some basic rules to cover this situation 5,000 years ago.

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars

    My heart breaks for Jennair. Fsck Mark and his martyr tour. He literally did trade in his wife for a younger model. Nice midlife crisis, dipsh1t. If you want to find a new piece of arm candy you can at least do your current fam the respect of treating them like valuable human beings beforehand instead of playing “follow my d1ck” like you are 14 years old.

    Jealousy has gotten to me before. Not in this way, but I cannot even imagine the pain of untreated Borderline AND the trauma he put her through.

  • @ranuncolo_bouquet

    His wife was driven crazy by all the situation, that he has caused. It doesn't explain her behavior, but he is as guilty as her (in my opinion)…

  • @lindsaygomez3374

    There's no excuse for murder. Lots of people are wronged and we don't kill people. I'm not going to let her off the hook for the murder. However I don't think it's fair to say that she was a borderline personality disorder or someone with mental problems….. She had been gaslighted and lied to for a very long time and that's enough to make anybody ACT crazy. There's no excuse for murder but I don't think that it's fair to label her as crazy.

  • @niaselah3348

    I don't think this situation is just about jealousy. The problem is the context of patriarchy. She gave him her best years and now she was being traded for a younger model. And she had no job, no children, no life of her own after 20 years of marriage. If one of these circumstances had been different she may have had a different reaction. She's responsible for her actions but a culture that promotes devaluing women after a certain age and trading them as objects is also responsible. And of course those who engaged in the affair

  • @noodlepoodlegirl

    I have borderline PD. Breakups are more painful, more crazy-making than ever. Picture adrenaline of anxiety, all day, every waking moment. Desperation, I can't describe it. Borderline is awful. I hate it. Marilyn Monroe had it too, I believe.

  • @noodlepoodlegirl

    Rewatching: this was exactly a year ago!

  • @quirkya909

    I see all these women cheated on and traded up for a younger woman. That younger woman or other woman in general really thinks he won’t do it to her too, but he will….if he hasn’t already he will.

    He got you by cheating on the ex, he’ll cheat on you too.

  • @i.h.2423

    I get where some comments are coming from and i myself acted dumb bc of jealousy and betrayal in the past, but it is a whole other level to murder someone bc of it. Ppl saying he‘s not the victim: In fact, in this outcome he is and this is the result of jennairs action. Don’t get me wrong, he‘s an a$$whole, cheating is one of the worst things someone can do. Jennair was the victim and chose to be the monster the minute she pulled the trigger. If she had chosen to get help to deal with her feelings and get through it, she would be the victim and the other two would be the monsters in this story. This way around, he‘s the victim, i don‘t like it either but it was her choice and this is the so called consequence of your actions. On the other hand, murder is NEVER a consequence of actions, never, no matter what he did.

  • @lacyliz1891

    I agree with everyone saying he should have left before cheating. But I have a hard time seeing with her obsession and multiple personality disorder that even if he asked for a divorce before cheating that this wouldn’t have still been the outcome… her killing him and herself. Or his new gf and herself 😢
    Very sad for all involved and I think her ex deserved the life insurance money tbh…even though they were divorced they were married for 9 years and they divorced because of her not him.. that money is his…

  • @beckyshifflett4920

    I don’t want you to take this wrong but I can tell that you are young and have not been on this earth very long. Why? You use the term “jealousy” like Jennair is the one with the problem. It was her husband! She had every right to know everything he does! If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide. I pray young lady that you never have to experience infidelity. It is the most painful experience I have ever lived through. I have been divorced for 28 years and I couldn’t be happier. I respect myself more than that to tolerate such treatment. If the grass looks greener on the other side, most likely there is sewage underneath! This man thought he was “in love” with a woman that he had only known for weeks but was throwing away a marriage that had been over 20 years! That’s not “in love” but he was “in lust.” There’s a huge difference!

  • @leticiakakonyi3218

    So sad, I don't accept cheaters 😢 I have been cheated on by my ex-husband numerous time, I lived with the not knowing, always suspicious.. it is the worst, I basically went crazy

  • @LunchIsOnMeTemporarily

    This husband is sitting there acting like his shit doesnt stink. No, she shouldn't have resorted to murder, but he's acting as though be did nothing to provoke a woman with a clear mental illness! He fails the morality award, epically.

  • @ryguy746

    Im sorry but i never feel bad for home wreckers or cheaters… dont be a bad person and bad things won't happen to you

  • @ttaayylloorrmmtt

    These chatgpt scripts are putting me to sleep

  • @guadalupesalinas5532

    If you are one of those who has never lost a partner to infidelity, you will never know. How to deal with jealousy?

  • @loralieisa

    Jennair needed intensive counseling. At age 47 she felt like her life was over and she would never be happy again. Mark Gaslighting her didn't help. Mark and Jennair married when she was just 23, so most of her adult life was spent with Mark.

  • @Rinachika

    Him acting like a victim is crazy…some men are really…a peace of work.
    Not justifying a murder and suicide but jealousy can drive you nuts for sure
    I sympathise with his wife😢

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