Detective Gaskin, a meticulous crime investigator, finally took action and visited the apartment to question Lobby and Kelly. Later that day, a new tip came in from an informant who claimed Jimmy Salerno confessed to attending a party at the apartment and witnessing a horrifying scene. According to the informant, Salerno saw Mary tied up and bloody in the bathtub. He then allegedly helped Lobby and Kelly wrap Mary’s body in Saran Wrap, garbage bags, and duct tape before placing her inside a mattress.

When police searched the apartment, they discovered Mary Collins’ body inside the mattress. The autopsy revealed she had suffered over 133 slice wounds and 24 stab wounds, all of which were shallow and not fatal. It appeared that the perpetrator had intentionally tortured Mary rather than aiming to kill her. As the investigation unfolded, the true extent of the heinous crime began to emerge.


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