Member of Polygamist Sect Confesses to Trafficking Minors for Sexual Purposes

Member of Polygamist Cult ‘Prophet’ Confesses to Trafficking Underage Girls for Sexual Purposes

Hey, did you see that crazy video about the cult leader who took teenage girls as wives? It’s so disturbing! This guy was claiming to be a Mormon prophet and had more than 20 wives, and get this, nine of them were between 12 and 16 years old. It’s just heartbreaking to see these young girls being manipulated like that.

The FBI got involved and one of his co-defendants spilled the beans on him, saying he was manipulated and abused by this cult leader, Samuel Bateman. It’s just shocking to think about how someone could convince people to do such terrible things.

And the outfits these girls are made to wear, these matronly dresses and wedding rings, it’s all part of the control this cult leader had over them. It’s all about power and manipulation, using religion as a guise to exploit and harm children.

The expert they brought on, Rick Allen Ross, really shed some light on how these cults operate and manipulate their followers. It’s scary to think about how many of these groups are out there, with thousands of people being brainwashed and abused.

And that co-defendant, Moron Johnson, who pleaded guilty, it’s just heartbreaking to see how people can get wrapped up in these kinds of situations. But hopefully, with the right help, he can maybe find a way to rebuild his life.

It’s just a reminder of how important it is to be aware of these kinds of situations and to speak up if you see something suspicious. We need to protect those who are vulnerable and stand up against those who seek to harm others.

So, what do you think about this case? Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. It’s important to have these conversations and raise awareness about these issues. Thanks for watching!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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