88-year-old Jennifer Shu was reported missing from her apartment bedroom after her mother discovered an open window and her daughter gone. The scene of the crime painted a chilling picture – a young girl, just 8 years old, sexually assaulted and with her throat slashed so severely that her vocal cords were severed. The perpetrator callously left her naked in a field, seemingly left for dead as she lay there unable to scream for help.

For nearly 14 hours, Jennifer lay there in the field, fighting for her life until she felt something touching her foot. Thankfully, she was discovered by another child, leading to her eventual rescue by a police officer. The officer reassured her that she would be alright, although it was deemed a miracle by medical professionals that Jennifer survived such a brutal attack.

Incredibly, Jennifer not only recovered but went on to graduate from high school, build a successful career, and find love with a man named Jonathan Martinez. As a highly detailed crime investigator, it is my job to piece together the events leading up to and following this heinous crime, in the hopes of bringing justice to both the victim and her family.


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