As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully scrutinize every detail in this transcript to uncover any hidden clues that could lead to solving this heinous crime. I am well aware of the previous incidents involving similar modus operandi, suggesting a pattern of organized criminal activity. The precision of the perpetrator’s actions indicates a level of sophistication that cannot be underestimated. It is imperative that I delve deeper into the intricacies of this case to piece together the puzzle and bring justice to the victims. Every word spoken in this transcript holds potential significance, and I will not rest until I have unraveled the truth behind this despicable act.


22 Comments to “Mom & 7 Year Old Twins Murdered in Family Home?! The Case of Michele Boudreau Deegan #truecrimedaily”

  • @marquitashiver6141

    Ugh I will never understand murder suicide. If u want to end it, thats ur choice but why take the lives of others!? Leave them and go on about ur business. Beyond selfish and evil.

  • @JULIA-yg3wj

    You really can't do anything, the Family Court System is sooo corrupt, it's insane. Pretty much it gets down to who has a private attorney to represent you, and how good of an attorney are they, and also if that attorney has any values, or morals, and knows when to stop. I am going through something similar right now. My ex is a Narcissists no doubt about it, and was abusive, that is why i left him with our son. Basically, I pissed him off because the cops later arrested him and charged him with Spousal abuse, then to make the story short, he was able to manipulate and shift the entire blame on me, was able to obtain protection orders against me, when I am not a violent person never even been charged or arrested for DV or any kind of violent crime. He recently was able to renew these orders for additional 5 years, judge at the trial, never even seen my file in his life. Im sorry, the clerk had to go and get it for the trial before it was my turn. The judge never even read a page of my motion, just thumbed through it in front of me, and kept saying I resd the file. Then he made a statement like this "It better not have copies of my file in here", I was stunned, I was about to tell him, you fucking asshole, you never even read one page, because if you did, you would have known that it wasn't just copies made of the file, theres new shit in it, but he never looked inside. He renewed the orders, my ex straight up had lied in an open court, his attorney has said a word, and here I am being violated again for contacting him to see my son, and he wont follow the order and I havent seen or talked to my son since March 29th.

  • @shandajames5444

    Horrific beyond words!!!

  • @jonellelwilliams9960

    The court system puts you into a corner because narcissistic people have a way with words that victims usually do not due to the mental state the Narc has put them in. I been fighting for my kids for over 10 years with a narcissist and he has won everytime even after strangling our 16 year old daughter on her birthday. We got an injunction and seen CPS investigators who took pictures of her matks and still nothing was done. He continues to harass us and the judge told me I had to continue our parenting plan even though the children don't feel safe at his house any longer. I ended up with a charge of contempt of court because I refuse to follow the parenting plan. This is a fucked up system and it's not designed to help victims of DV from a narcissist. Thank you Annie for all your videos

  • @MikeMitchellishere

    I know this case intimately. The custody battle did push her over the edge, but there were other problems before that. Her worldview was so distorted that she felt like the girls would be better off dead. The horrific irony is that she loved her girls more than life itself. Her entire world revolved around them. She suffered from several delusions that, to her, were as real as the life the rest of us see. She thought she was saving the girls from a lifetime of suffering. It had nothing to do with revenge or selfishness. This will be very hard for most to understand, but what she did was the most selfless thing she could think of doing in her delusion.

    She planned this very carefully and probably practiced it. I cannot imagine the amount of suffering she endured in the process because of the absolute love she had for Katie and Mairy. The three shots came in such rapid succession that it was over in less than two seconds.

    Michele was an extremely kind, patient, intelligent, and loving person. Yes, she was odd. Yes, she was delusional. And yes, she was dysfunctional. Even so, most people who knew her loved her.

  • @Doadab13

    There’s no love in killing someone. She was a selfish Narcissist , if I don’t have full control no one will.

  • @deanserna9433

    if this was the father he would be labeled a monster and no one care would about his "mind set" or what he was "dealing with". she is a monster she murdered her children.

  • @psychicrenegade

    If this mother genuinely believed that the father was a narcissist, that would definitely be the reason she did what she did. I was raised in a family of narcissists, and I almost didn't make it. Unless you have been a victim of narcissistic abuse…you couldn't possibly understand. These people literally have NO SOULS! After the father being granted 50/50 custody, she must have believed that the two girls were actually better off DE*D than to live with him 50% of the time. She probably got divorced to get the girls away from their abusive father…and the custody arrangement just wasn't acceptable…no matter what she did, they were still going to grow up as victims of narcissistic abuse.

  • @hayleyyjay

    Sounds very much like SHE was the narcissist herself.

  • @piercedprincess6669

    If the father was in fact a narcissist then he was incapable of loving those girls so this wouldn't have hurt him

  • @tiffanymoore920

    Ur my favorite! Better then baileyyyy n no need for make up u look great already😊

  • @krishoward1360

    She probably thought she was saving them from committing suicide later in life, by going ahead and killing them, then herself.

  • @taraplamondon9368

    The father of my kids is a diagnosed NPD & IF that is why she did this, I get it. Not a choice I would make but it is NOT easy to co-parent with NPs

  • @flashpb04

    Murder-suicide cannot be a “culture”. They should have educated on what culture means lol

  • @tanyajohnson2315

    There is no excuse for killing your children. You can not play God . She robbed her girls of all of life’s experiences .

  • @KS-wr4vv

    My thoughts on this is that the mom was suicidal and didn’t want to be here for whatever reason and out of selfishness decided t the girls w her so he couldn’t have them. Clearly she had some other mental issues to be suicidal in the first place. Maybe she was drunk or on drugs as well. So many possibilities. But it looks like if she had posted all of that back to back that someone close to her may have taken notice. It seems like most people just don’t think something this tragic will actually happen until it does.

  • @kikomartin-pr

    I don’t understand any parent ending their children’s lives. It’s never ok.

  • @asalindstrom6652

    Hi my name is from sweden
    Im so sick and tired of you. I follow you 7 mouths. My little syster Malin maria lindstrom was murdered 23 november 1996. You are so so so so manapup when you speak… I hate you
    You do this for money nothing else.

  • @Thegrassisnevergreener

    It’s so sad 🙁 she shouldn’t have done that OBVIOUSLY but man. If you’re in the throws of narcissist abuse you can be literally out of your mind. And by the way, social services does NOT help. Courts don’t help unless the father has physically abused the kids (WITH PROOF), emotional and psychological abuse is literally not important to them. Especially if the narc parent comes in with their perfect parent act on, the other parent acts ‘out’ in court because they’re distraught that the charade is honestly being bought by the judge… and then guess who is painted as unstable or a liar/over exaggerator? The person that was abused. I hope her children RIP, and I wish she would have had help.. 😭😫

  • @esthermarcen7587

    When you only feel pain and fear, I think you believe that by killing your kids you doing the best to protect them, is such a sad story.

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