In a chilling update on the Lindsay Clancy case, new details have emerged that shed light on the horrific events that unfolded on that fateful day. Lindsay, a mother of three young children, was charged with the unimaginable crime of strangling her own children to death. The prosecution revealed that the murders were carried out with a level of brutality that is beyond comprehension. Dawson, the three-year-old, had the most protection on his face and neck, indicating a fierce struggle for his life. Cora and Kellan, the other two children, also suffered the same fate, with evidence suggesting that Lindsay could have stopped at any time but chose to continue. These barbaric acts were followed by Lindsay inflicting superficial cuts on her own wrist and neck before making a failed attempt at taking her own life by jumping out of a second-story window. The scene was described as a horrifying discovery by her husband, Patrick, who came home to find his children lifeless. The search warrants revealed a trail of eerie digital footprints, showing Lindsay’s dark thoughts and research on ways to harm herself and her children. The notebooks found in her possession documented her medication regimen, innermost thoughts, struggles, and even expressed resentment towards her children at times. The defense argued that Lindsay was overmedicated with a staggering 133 different psychiatric drugs and that her actions were a reflection of her mental illness. The case has left many divided, with some advocating for leniency due to mental health issues and others calling for full accountability and justice for the heinous crimes committed. As the case progresses, the question remains: Was this a result of mental illness, overmedication, or cold-blooded murder? The court date is set for December 15th, where the truth may finally be revealed. The devastating loss of three innocent lives serves as a sobering reminder of the tragic consequences of this case. Keep the family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate through this complex and heart-wrenching story. Stay tuned for more updates and developments as the truth unravels in the Lindsay Clancy case.


37 Comments to “Mother Murders Her 3 Children. Premeditated or Psychotic Break?”

  • @diylife7438

    Can someone explain why children seem to be exclusively targeted during episodes of PPD or PPP? Is it bc they feel the children are the cause of their problems or do they feel their saving their children from harm? I know each case is different but this is a genuine inquiry with no judgement attached bc although I’ve experienced some of the worst obstetric emergencies possible including an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured at 8 weeks with one pregnancy & a full placental abruption at 36 weeks with another pregnancy I’ve never experienced PPD/PPP. So I’m just curious if someone who has experienced these things can explain why the symptoms tend to be always attached to the children & never anyone else?

  • @chelseaskora3695

    Just because it was premeditated doesn’t mean it’s not due to mental illness. I had serious postpartum depression with my son. I plan and tried to execute suicide more than once. I wasn’t a blubbering idiot, my mind and thoughts were distorted. Very unsafe. Very lucky I got the help and space I needed.

  • @rae-raehmmm2135

    I don’t even need to hear any more! She is guilty & doesn’t have postnatal depression.. definitely not postnatal psychosis! She googled the distance of the restaurant & other such things. Pre planned the whole thing.

  • @DavidCrowleyInvestigation

    P.S.S. Keep in mind it takes roughly 4-6 minutes to strangle someone. That means EACH of the surviving children WITNESSED the murder of their sibling. Watched them struggle to breathe and KNEW mom was going to do that to them next. That would explain why one of them was in another room. They ran trying to get away. SHE IS A MONSTER! SHE KNEW what she was doing. She belongs in prison.

  • @DavidCrowleyInvestigation

    IMHO: This woman is guilty and her actions were deliberate and planned. She is nothing like Andrea Yates. This woman planned the entire situation. The only thing she didn't plan on doing was either surviving the fall or thinking the fall would hurt her as much as it did. The fact she searched the Internet for so many of her actions tells us she was of "sound mind".

  • @laurenwright4273

    Everyone who kills isn't in their right mind, most have been abused over a lifetime. To me it's only a reason but not an excuse. Id say most women go thru some sort of depression after giving birth but very very few kill. There is always more going on

  • @Miramar264

    They should charge the doctor too because there is no way she should have been prescribed all of those meds at the same time. I cannot stand our healthcare system.

  • @user-mb3im9dk1w

    I mean what did she have to gain by doing this? Jail? Even if she is found not guilty by reason of insanity … that's no life…her life is ruined…..I mean if she had a boyfriend…even crazy people can plan…IDK this one is complicated

  • @user-mb3im9dk1w

    The medicines that she was prescribed …. I mean WTH!

  • @SweetiePieVibes

    12:49 I worked in a pharmacy and to hear it pronounced Lamb-ick-tal is hilarious 😆 it's Luh-mick-tul ❤

  • @heavenleeangeltalk8471

    Whoa..i didnt realize that she did those google searches. Ya know, even if i heard a voice telling me to do something, i would say NO. I am absolutely NOT judging this poor mama 😢 I understand that i dont get it, and i do feel blessed for that.
    RIP beautiful lil angels 😢😢😢

  • @bethmartin3730

    I think she was highly over medicated.

  • @felishadiaz7227

    I feel like she was just stressed and didn’t want kids anymore. Then faked it all. She PLANNED it. That’s premeditated.

  • @KristyNowlin

    If struggling that day she had her husband there to reach out to even during the call but she had him leave and phone call was normal if having a break down she would not of been able to turn it off

  • @ambermiller2834

    Andrea Yates had a true psychotic brake, her children paid the ultimate price due to her husband ignoring, not only her pleas that something was wrong, but the Dr straight told him she was going to brake and hurt those kids. There was no planning, ect.
    Lindsay on the other hand…
    Not only do i think she planned ALL what she did, but also acted as if she was trying to end herself. Of course she didn't really want to end herself, she just wants everyone to think that way so it all plays in w what she thought that ppl would feel so sry that police wouldn't charge her w murder. Postpartum is absolutely not a joke and nothing to ignore!! Ppl like Lindsay are the reason ppl are so skeptical of real victims of postpartum…

  • @bobbiewright3780

    My name is Faye wright from North Carolina i think she did it on purpose who was the man that told her to them it was the devil not God she needs a preacher to ask God to forgive her before it's to late so sorry for her husband he he loved his babies 😢❤

  • @bobbiewright3780

    My name is Faye wright from North Carolina 45:47

  • @camillevote7901

    Is it possible to be premeditated and a Psychotic break?! Could she have been so delusional that she thought that this was the right thing to do? My own brain cannot possibly imagine doing this to your children without being psychotic.

  • @warpedalice

    Thank you for sharing your story about your postpartum. So many women compare themselves to the love at first sight social media myth. My sister suffered in silence & felt like a terrible mother because she could hardly get out of bed. She took care of the baby but did not bond right away. Over time, they did bond as she got better & she loves her daughter more than life. My niece turned 10 last weekend & they are best friends ( while still being a mother).

  • @lionelluva

    While I do believe Lindsay suffered from PTSD, she manually strangled each of her children. That is planned and calculated. I believe she devised a plan to get her husband out of the house to committed murder/suicide. I believe she deserves jail time.

  • @jodielangley2846

    The mother will accept no blame. Her defense will be she didn't know, the school should have phoned. Because it's easy to place the blame! Others will rakky round her and focus on the school not calling! Just like the drug mom's in the recent trials. The eanted the drugs mire than their babies! Sickening!

  • @valeview1

    I had post partum psychosis after my last baby was born. It is far far worse than you can imagine, it isn't just being sad, or depressed, it is terrifying… I can't say that enough, it is truly terrifying. Your whole head is taken over by something you have no control over, which you can't escape from, which distances you from the real world, everything is different and scary and terrifying. I can understand how a mother can think the only escape is killing herself, and to protect the children from the horrors of losing their mother, to take them with her. That said, there is one person who IS disgusting in this tale. That person is the host of this site. She sits there in her staged studio, and repeats news stories and uses pictures from other sites, to portray herself as a serious journalist. She claims she is 'passionate' about true crime… that illustrates just how dumb she is, if she thinks that is a plus. She then uses this platform to generate an income from the LONG adverts.. She also uses the irritating, pretentious, ridiculous 'voice fry', in an attempt to sound laid back and 'cool;. The story of Lindsay Clancy is a tragic one, and here is Annie using it for self aggrandizement, and money. It's sick, and she should be ashamed.

  • @WhoCanYouTrust_No1

    The fact that it was pre planned pretty much sums it up in a nutshell shell.

  • @brittanytrapani1837

    Gunna just ask a question for everyone sympathizing.
    If this was a man with depression, a history of mental health issues, sent his wife to get food, googled killing methods, then strangled their 3 children would you have as much sympathy and say he was innocent?

    Post Parton depression is real. Absolutely.
    But I feel because she’s a woman struggling she gets more leeway than a man would in a similar situation.

  • @alexandsmith1985

    Postpartum Rage/"Mom rage" IS REAL. This happens when your estrogen/progesterone dips too low. Symptoms include anger and irritability towards children. This is a serious health problem that needs to be treated with correct hormonal therapies NOT various mixes of antidepressants. The antidepressants do NOT restore hormonal health. Lindsay seems indifferent/unremorseful because, probably to this day, her hormones haven't been tested and a treatment plan hasn't been created. Truly a sad situation. My heart breaks for the husband and the children. I do also feel so sad for Lindsay. Very tragic.

  • @maggierodriguez4060

    Here’s the thing. When someone is profoundly depressed, the period of time when they are on medication and starting to improve is a potentially highly risky time. Often when a patient is deeply depressed they lack the energy, planning abilities, and motivation to act on suicidal thoughts. However, sometimes starting meds allow a person to have the energy, cognitive organization, and motivation to act on suicidal or homicidal ideation. When there’s improved energy, motivation, and planning but still significant symptoms of depression and/or psychosis, a person is at higher risk of acting on suicidal thoughts or severely distorted ideas about reality. It doesn’t necessarily surprise me to hear her husband say she was having a good day and seemed to be doing better when she killed her kids and tried to take her own life. When you’re so severely depressed you can’t function, it’s hard to hide your mental state and to even have the ability to try to present yourself in a certain way, so often suicidal or psychotic thinking is apparent. In contrast, on meds you might have the energy and cognitive skills to create a plan for harming yourself or others and the wherewithall to intentionally hide it from others because you know they’ll try to stop you. Basically the early stages of treatment with meds can leave a person still depressed and/or psychotic with suicidal or homicidal thoughts but with increased resources to create and carry out a plan.

  • @katherineblanchard9915

    I feel like she may have had BPD…

  • @amymccammon9078

    Asking about an attorney first thing is what brought me to my decision about her. Prison. For life. Those poor babies.

  • @Scorcher-ii1ty

    I’m a Nurse of 24 years and work on a dementia unit. Half of my 75-80 year old pts are on those medications. We give them dolls and they take care of them. Feed the dolls. Even giving their dinner to the doll. It’s funny as heck. These pts are on more meds than this woman is on. So cut the crap and take responsibility.

  • @JY-tq8dr

    She researched and plotted out the time it took to get back from the restaurant. That is the definition premeditated.

    Why she would do it – who can say? It is unfathomable. But motive doesn’t have to be proven in the court for a guilty verdict to be reached.

    I am so sad for all involved. What a heartbreaking tragedy.

  • @April-oj2vg

    Her thinking reminds me of Dia ne Downs who also wanted more children but didn't want the inconvenience of the ones she had.

  • @yatesmsw

    Very sad situation all around. There is no reason for this except psychosis/mental illness.

  • @donnabotsolis1874

    Mental illness does not exclude anyone from murder..maybe the reason the idea was conceived..she is accountable!!

  • @juliamiller7017

    Yea I think she THOUGHT she was gunna get away with it …. Using her superficial “suicide” attempt for an insanity plea. She thought she would get rid of the kids she already had and after the heat died down just start over. Have more kids and get to do it “right” the second time around. What a psycho. That’s my take on it.

  • @angelahimmelreich7104

    Well very complicated.My feeling is a loving mums worst nightmare is loosing a child,i aprecciate that PPD is real.Anyway even if i killed my kids in this state of mind….i would want to die facing the truth I wouldnt want protection i would cease to exist

  • @genosmiles1194

    The uneducated public and even under or poorly educated psychiatric personnell are ignorant, opinionated useless rubberneckers. "Our soiciaety fails…"

  • @aliciamckillop2738

    she should go to jail for life

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