Neighbors express that the man who was hit twice and killed by a car in South Side was friendly and helpful.

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A senior man stands accused of a horrific hit-and-run incident in the Roseland neighborhood that left a 63-year-old man dead. The assailant reportedly hit the victim with his car, made a U-turn, and ran the man over again as the victim attempted to get off the road.

Sixty-nine-year-old Parrish Hartley is charged with first-degree murder, aggravated vehicular assault, and several driving-related offenses. The incident occurred at dawn on South Emerald Avenue,with Hartley being linked to other sinister acts as well.

CCTV footage captured an unsettling scene – a person being pursued by a black Audi sedan around the intersections of 107th and Halsted streets. Shortly afterward, victim Steven Moore left a nearby gas station on foot and was seen crossing 107th Street, heading toward Emerald Avenue. The Audi followed and allegedly struck him once Moore started crossing the street.

An even more disturbing sequence followed. After the initial hit, the driver made a U-turn and drove back toward the crawling Moore, striking and dragging him a short distance. Surveillance footage suggested the driver deliberately targeted Moore, who was roughly a block away from where he resided.

Following the second hit, Hartley allegedly left his car, stood over Moore momentarily, then climbed back into his vehicle and left the scene. Moore was pronounced dead at the incident site. Paramedics ruled his death a homicide resulting from multiple blunt-force injuries.

Steven Moore’s neighbors were shocked on hearing the news. They painted a picture of a man who was friendly and always ready to lend a hand. Alvera Henderson, a 96-year-old neighbor, expressed how she hasn’t felt right since hearing the news. Moore was known for his acts of kindness, mowing Henderson’s lawn and clearing her walkway during winter.

His absence will be felt by all, as Moore was one of few residents that had lived on that block for decades. His kindness wasn’t limited to Henderson. Everyone, according to Arrie Jones, also Henderson’s daughter, could expect a conversation or a helping hand from Moore, who was by all accounts, a good person.

This case is not an isolated issue for defendant Hartley. Prosecutors described him as a serial offender involved in multiple incidents. Barely half an hour after the alleged murder of Moore, Hartley reportedly confronted a man walking his dog, threatening to kill him, “just like the others.” The terrified man sought refuge in a backyard as Hartley retrieved something from his car’s trunk.

Hartley was later seen wielding a knife while threatening another person’s life. He was also accused of following a woman from a McDonald’s in her car and eventually crashing into her vehicle. He brandished a knife and a cellphone but made a hasty return to his car when he noticed a witness watching him. That witness bravely managed to jam Hartley’s car door, leading him to flee and abandon the damaged Audi.

Hartley was apprehended 20 minutes later, identified by the woman he’d struck with his car. Bloodstains and matching markings from the surveillance footage were found on his Audi, which he was registered as the owner of. Judge Deidre Dyer ordered that Hartley be detained awaiting trial.

Moreover, Hartley is also charged with misdemeanor aggravated assault in a separate case from June, where he allegedly threatened a man with a handgun. He was released from police custody on his recognizance, with a hearing set for July 22. Currently, prosecutors moved to revoke his release in that separate case as well. The public will closely follow the trials as justice for Steven Moore and other victims are pursued.

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