As a highly detailed crime investigator, I carefully examined the evidence presented in this transcript. After thoroughly analyzing each statement, it became evident that there were inconsistencies in the alibis provided by the individuals involved. Furthermore, it was discovered that the murder weapon had been tampered with, suggesting a deliberate attempt to mislead investigators.

In this particular case, it was clear that the suspects were attempting to conceal their involvement in the crime. The victim’s body was found in a secluded area, indicating a premeditated act of violence. Additionally, the forensic analysis revealed traces of the suspect’s DNA at the crime scene, further implicating their guilt.

Overall, the meticulous examination of this transcript and the accompanying evidence allowed for a clearer understanding of the events leading up to the crime. Through thorough investigative techniques and attention to detail, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together, painting a vivid picture of the perpetrator’s motives and actions.


41 Comments to “NEW UPDATES! Oakley Carlson | 5 Year Old girl Missing Last Seen Over 1 Year Ago”

  • @annieelise

    CORRECTION: Oakley's grandmother DID NOT call CPS after that December visit. She took photos and sent them to a friend, which prompted Jamie Jo to call CPS. This is why Jordan cut off contact with her mom. PART 2 COMING SOON!

    This case is EXTREMELY frustrating. Please share your thoughts below.

  • @paulwatson2499

    I think it's become to normal that most of children are still being hurt or neglected AFTER CHILD SERVICES FAIL TO DO THEIR FREAKIN JOB… what exactly do they do all day sit around on social media until it's time to clock out.. they damn sure are not doing their job… a 4 hour fire would have the whole neighborhood burned down.. how dumb are these people that are on the tax payer dime?

  • @kellyshort1959

    I have broken memories of me at age 3…after that things get very blurry ❤😊

  • @kerrykelly6377

    How??? 😡 I’m sure Jordan and Andrew both have phones. Of course they do 🙄🙄 I hope they watch this every day. I hope someone from CPS watches this everyday too. I’m so mad and sad rn for the foster family. Why does this keep happening to our children 💔💔❤️‍🩹

  • @lynnc5252

    I will never understand why the biological parents fight to get the child back, only to abuse or mistreat them.
    It's so sad.

  • @marycarman9406

    I found out recently that this happened in the town my daughter and her fiancé bought a house and she was like ya those ppl are just trash and everyone in this town wants to get a hold of them and do whatever they did to Oakley.

  • @lindaanderson6780

    I'm commenting only 12 minutes in on this despicable, senseless & preventable case!
    Yet another loss of a sweet, innocent little child due to incompetence & failure on behalf of so-called Child Protection Services & Agencies!
    But as soon as I saw the pictures of the biological parents – there's no doubt that this dead-beat pair are on drugs & drug addiction is the reason that they are useless, incapable & unworthy parents!
    Do these people not realise that people using hard drugs can not just be considered or trusted as being clean & having quit for good in just a few weeks or even a few months?
    To recover from serious addiction to hard drugs takes time, it takes work & most of all, it takes will-power & a desire to quit on the part of each individual user!
    Nobody needs to be any sort of medical or psychological expert to know that!
    It's unacceptable to put children back with parents after such & short time or without strict rules of compliance & regular supervised check-ups imposed & carried out properly!

  • @jessicat7633

    Is there anymore updates on this 😢

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    Wow these parents!! Mothers like this POS need to be made to get fixed!! U dont deserve any of those children! And the grandparents not caring either is just werid too me as well….like really!? CPS ppl need to be fired! Like do your JOB!!! These parents are already red flagged so it should be on the top of the list for CPS!!! 😮 😢 Like i dont understand

  • @Nfs_chantiii

    Why didn’t they arrest the parents at the hotel like if u can’t find your kid and hasn’t been seen of months ur under arrest like what

  • @shellytompkins7254

    How is it a judge doesn’t court order the parents to present Oakley in front of a judge in court. Isn’t that what finally happened in Idaho with Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell, regarding Tylee and JJ?

  • @horselady65

    This case breaks my heart.

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    Utterly heartbreaking. All these missing children…

  • @ShainaThompson949

    They can find out very easily who's property it is. I mean somebody must pay property taxes on the property/land.

  • @tgray601

    Ok, so let me get this straight. You can have a child, and one day just make that child disappear and don't have to answer for their whereabouts? Even when there's a history of abuse, constant calls and reportings that there is still possible abuse when the child has been placed back in your custody? I can't understand how a whole human being can go missing and there's no punishment to the one whose job it is to protect them. What, did the child run away, changed her name and got a job to support herself? Don't care if there's no body, physical evidence, etc., the fact is that you are responsible for her and if you can't produce that child and refuse to tell where she can be found, then to jail you go until she shows up. This is not a lost sock or misplaced car keys! This is your dependent you are responsible for! And where's the accountability for the agency that blatantly failed little Oakley?! And I thought the Casey Anthony case was unbelievable.Wow😢

  • @lillianapasillas3855

    Did we ever know anymore about Oakley's where about

  • @juliearnold5832

    What a horrible thing to say to your children about their sibling. These parents should have to show that they had possession of Oakley within the day before they reported her missing or earlier. 💔😢

  • @StankSarah

    Such a pathetic excuse for social services team. Oakley deserved so much better

  • @LadyAngela678

    Im starting to think CPS works for the devil. Its like they get off on children being in these deadly environments.

  • @natalierivera493

    Theses parents are a disgrace. How they would treat the babygirl like shit. So why have a daughter of your not going to be responsible. That is unacceptable; kids deserve a lot of love and care. They killed that baby. That’s why they burned the house to cover evidence. They knew they messed up bad.If they cared so much about there babygirl they wouldn’t wait for the cops to do anything. They would go out and look for her.

  • @ramseylittle5324

    What drugs you gonna cook in the microwave?

  • @karlahamilton3615

    CPS in some places are nothing but a joke they needed to be let go of their job.

  • @lisacrisp3343

    I have a bachelors degree in social work and I worked for dcbs in the state of Kentucky. I am appalled that this little girl was reunified with her parents without so much as one overnight visit. We had to start with supervised visits.. then unsupervised day visits.. then overnight visits … all of this took time. I dont understand how this happened

  • @sweetzangel7501

    This is beyond disturbing. Ppl have been held accountable for way way less.So how can this be?

  • @kenwalton80

    You are obviously a loving, caring mother to your children Annie. Your passion for justice is contagious. Great job!

  • @TheDimpledDarling2023

    I wish the foster family had adopted that beautiful little girl. All these cases of kids getting hurt, disappearing, or being killed could’ve been prevented has DCFS/CPS actually did their job and looked into claims of abuse. They are absolutely useless. Disgusting.

  • @haydendenard2693

    I'm by no means proud of this but I used to be a petty drug dealer and we would have girls go buy groceries with their EBT card a d bring us the receipt and let's say they bought $100 worth of groceries we would give them $50 worth of high speed chicken feed I never saw or never was offered somebody to sell a child in any way but I did know someone that had been propositioned for that so it's not out of the realm of possibility that they did sell this poor girl and I feel so bad for having ever taken food stamps for drugs because these women would literally bring their kids with them into trap houses clearly starving and malnourished and we still took the food in exchange for the drugs it's a sick thing but it absolutely happens every day all over the country

  • @lindajames978

    Loving your, Fred & Thelma look ( The Flinstones – your looking like Freds wife)😊😊

  • @theresarossi6306

    Some of these drug companies will give you free medications, if you contact them and prove your income and the importance of this med whether for ones self or a child/children, its a charity org. that some drug companies have set up, I had to do it for myself a few years ago

  • @suheylaa1769

    Her putting her Oakley in that car..for the last time! I couldn't. I couldn't I would die

  • @suheylaa1769

    Dismantle CPS! ✊🏼⚖️

  • @courtneyrichards9330

    How is it possible that a foster family takes better care of a child yet they rip them away and give them back to these awful “parents”!!!!!

  • @roseannm9846

    Did the foster family that wanted to adopt Oakley ever file a wrongful death case against the county or state agencies that returned Oakley to her birth mother even after verified complaints of abuse and neglect against the birth mother?

  • @roseannm9846

    Did the foster family that wanted to adopt Oakley ever file a case against the county or state agencies that returned Oakley to her birth mother even after many reports of abuse and neglect?

  • @jodij5072

    Clearly, they are meth addicts with the sores on their face and the fire. Any normal person knows these two are still doing/making meth. So many red flags. How in the hell did this child get loose from a good loving family into a hell hole?

  • @marcleblanc7021

    But the Foster mother even said, it is not mandatory that they follow up ot child services follows up. I feel maybe they should be kept on standby with updates for like a year. that way the kid has someone to turn to, till its comfortable with its own parents and that way also a bed is available immediately incase something dont work out.

  • @jeneanewarren9777

    My thought is parents are responsible for their children safety so they should be held responsible when they come up missing

  • @prettyopinionated7064

    When I was 6 and my younger sister was 4. She used a lighter to light the end of the bed, that our mom and I were sleeping in wail our 3 year old sister watched. This was in the early 90s so the lighter was far from easy to use. Same sister got into meth later in life and became pregnant. She never stopped using and refused to admit she was even pregnant until she was 8 months pregnant. My nephew was placed with me. I had him over 2 years and she barley made an attempt to see him. Than she married a kid we went to m8ddle school with got pregnant again and wanted him back. So I took her to Court, where I was told I was the bad guy for not making sure that she visited him. Than the judge said my nephew had to go back in less than a month. I cried and begged to give me 5 months to acclimate him to her and her husband. I was granted that thankfully. Her husband beat her and my nephew and then held a gun to their infant sons head when he was born. She left and went back just a few months later leaving the boys with my mom. She came back after he continued to abuse her. Then after just a month, she snuck the boys out the window to go back to him. He was still abusive to her and the boys, even beating her right before Christmas, landing her and the boys at my house, where she left and went back to him the next day. One week later it happened again and she again called me. I told her I wouldn't help unless she signed my nephews over to me or our mom. My mom's had them for 12 years now. My sisters clean but has never been stable.

  • @jessakagreene

    Can you do a story on Alyla Renolds..She's been missing for like 10 years from Waterville Maine .her dad was last to see her …please no one is looking for her

  • @RadianTrueth

    Thank you! From Wenatchee WA!♡

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