Nicholas Barclay: Part 2- Two Lost Boys

The intricate case of Nicholas Barclay continues with Part 2 – Two Lost Boys. As we delve into the investigation, we uncover the disturbing truth behind the disappearance of Nicholas Barclay and the mysterious emergence of a young impostor claiming to be him. With twists and turns at every corner, this chilling true crime story leaves us questioning the identities of those involved and the depths of deception that have been woven into this perplexing case. Stay tuned as we unravel the web of lies surrounding these two lost boys.


38 Comments to “Nicholas Barclay: Part 2- Two Lost Boys”

  • @Thisshizisbananas85

    Poor Nicholas. You don’t choose the life you’re born into. Kids need a mentor and someone to guide them in life. Mom was too drugged, brother was a hot mess, sister was busy with her own life. Speaking of brother..I don’t believe he’s innocent. The way he didn’t immediately come see the brother, the way he was standoffish and said good luck to him. The way he spiraled when his brother disappeared and then was clean and then all of a sudden overdosed when the magnifying glass was on him. He at the very least knew SOMETHING more than he let on. And mom- I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew something too. Frederick called it- the reason why they were so willing to accept him when it was SO OBVIOUS that it was NOT Nicholas could likely be explained by- if they publicly said hey this isn’t Nicholas but other people did believe it (somehow) they might look more suspicious to those people. People could say “why are you so sure it’s not him? Do you know he’s dead”. I think they’re bad criminals and went along with it to look innocent.

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 🖤🤎

  • @kimberlyhood4095

    I'm watching some older stuff while baking for Christmas 2023 and this just dawned on me. Could you imagine impersonating a teenager and getting stuck going to high school till you're 30 years old? Yikes!

  • @nafothergill

    I believe that Jason Beverly and Carrie are all responsible for what happened to Nicholas even if Beverly and Carrie don't know for certain what happened Nicholas the fact that they did not do more to help this kid before he disappeared and even when Beverly said this is just like Nicholas to keep torturing me even after it's gone that was disrespectful and evil if you asked me and I feel like they all no that Frederick was not Nicholas and I feel like they all preferred that no one has anything nice to say about that poor kid not even his own family if you ask me it sounds like they were happier that he was gone and I hate saying that I hate even thinking that I wish I had faith in Cary in Beverly like you do but I don't.

  • @leeanngewinner8860

    Even knowing I'd be 100% innocent if accused of a crime I'd never take a poly graph I feel they are junk and nothing more then a scare tactic

  • @louisephuong8732

    I feel Jason killed Nicholas his good luck comment to Frederick is very telling plus his bad temper.

  • @audibjornsson6107

    I love your content but you really need to learn how to pronounce Documentary
    Da q ment airy

  • @cheriesheraque7063

    Preach on raising kids for sure! This poor little guy never stood a chance. I wasn’t a perfect parent either but at least I recognize my mistakes and I’m willing to own up to them.

    I think the sister had to have known it wasn’t Nicolaus, otherwise why would she go through so much effort to inform Frederick on the pictures? And who doesn’t recognize their brother after just three years, or their son for that matter? Obviously, the brother knew it wasn’t him, and I believe he is responsible for whatever happened and that the mother and sister either knew about it or highly suspected it, which is why they played along. I do think Jason probably was living with a lot of guilt, and with Frederick showing up pretending to be his brother, it stirred everything up which was why he went back to drugs, and probably didn’t care if he lived or died at that point.

    I feel bad for Frederick, he obviously didn’t get the love he so much desired as a child, and was apparently abused as well. So happy for him that he found love and happiness with his wife and children. ❤️

  • @JustBec2122

    I definitely think the family had something to do with it! That seems to be the only explanation that would explain why they would go along with pretending it was Nicholas. I do not believe they all collectively believed it was Nicholas.

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    Still curious how the call led to then faxing the picture of Nickolas over.

  • @kaylahall8300

    The orphan 2 definitely used this case for the entire “inspiration” of the movie

  • @cheyg1602

    I an 12 minutes into this part 2. This is really sounding like a movie I've seen where the brother accidentally hurt his sister and the mother helped cover it up and the father knew nothing but someone came forward and said that's me. They were not in the US and the father was so excited but the family told her they know what she's doing and to keep doing it. Maybe it's based off of this?

  • @iloveyoulawliet179

    Cocaine ODs are extremely uncomfortable and scary; No one who was at all familiar with cocaine would intentionally OD on it, especially if they have access to more efficient su*c*de means like he did. The OD was almost certainly an accident due to tolerance decrease.

  • @claireandclaws

    I 100% think that Nicholas’ Mum knows what happened to her son. She didn’t report him missing right away, big red flag. I also think that her other son Jason took his half brothers life or had something to do with it. I hope wherever Nicholas is, he is at peace.

  • @dahliacheung6020

    Fun fact- not 100% sure of the accuracy of this but apparently Frederic (not Nicholas) used the equivalent of Nair on his face, hair removal cream, because of the… intensity of his beard

  • @skyeblu1722

    I sense the family was soaking up the media attention…media whores! Interviews, documentaries, lots of attention! They knew damn well it wasn’t their brother and son, underneath it all…what a crock and a sham………Just the medical science regarding the eye color should have been plenty of info…duh!! that said, Stephanie, you are by far the best crime investigator and You Tube commentator of the bunch… are also very compassionate…

  • @rustinst.claire2006

    I agree with you about Nicholas being born into bad circumstances, in this context, learning about his home life, he seems like a neglected kid. Neglect often leads to behavioral problems, its an insidious form of abuse (not to mention there is an indication of physical abise as well).

    However, I do have a caveat around behavior being solely due to home life and parents/family. There is some research around what can lead to anti-social behavior in people and it has been hypothesized that about 22% is influenced from in-group (familial), 33% is from out-group (friends, school, general culture/society), and the rest is influenced by genetics. Now I'm getting these numbers from a book called Anatomy of Violence, which is only one source and is an older book now, so more research may have come out around this, however, it does point to behavior having many sources/influences. A kids hone life can be great, loving, safe etc and a kid can still showcase antisocial behavior, or "go down the wrong path."

    In this case, I think all the adults in this boys life absolutely failed him, but I think it's important to be careful around generalizations around a parent being the sole indicator of bad behavior in a child.

  • @JessiDeerSims

    Im convinced the brother accidentally killed Nicholas and the mom helped cover it up. The mother knew it would be weird not to show up when Nicholas was "found", but the brother acted the weirdest because he knew damn well he killed that kid and buried him somewhere. My exes brother killed him, and their mother tried to help cover it up and blame my exes dad…. They got caught. So this is a familiar story

  • @aceykrew5207

    That moment a con is exposed & the target dead ass still continues. 👀💀🗿🗿❕️❕️

  • @monaspringer9391

    I believe the older brother did have something to do with this. Very odd he wouldn't see him as soon as he was "found". Also, the last person to talk to him.

  • @margueriteangel7539

    I think that it is super weird that the sister thought to bring pictures of the family.

  • @katyoung3407

    Yea no some kids are born with issues like special needs like autism adhd and ODD so yes kids that you do everything you can for can behave badly due to impulse control ……think I'm unsubscribing for that ignorance on your part you're not being realistic you're being biased and judgmental and the furthest thing from scientific
    Good luck with your love of cops and shitty coffee

  • @annaczarny163

    I completely share your empathy for Frederick. I went through similar problems as a child. Telling stories and deception was part of his survival mechanism.
    I got withdrawn and later was diagnosed with ADD.

  • @billiefrancis3542

    Jason definitely knew more and so did the mother why else would she freak out and refuse DNA testing? I don’t think she had anything to do with her son going missing but I believe she knows something and that her son was never coming back. The sister I think is a ditz and blindsided by feelings and guilt being one of them but I doubt she knew/knows anything and refuses to believe the truth. I think he was murdered and I think Jason knew who did it and he was overwhelmed with guilt and ended his own life and his mother has kept the secrets

  • @tatroeboys7996

    I used to absolutely love and respect you… right up until you opened your mouth at the end of the video to put your 2 cents in about kids not being bad if they are raised to be good. I'll save you the long story and just say that clearly you don't have a kid with clinically diagnosed ADHD and depression. He was the best kid when he was little. He was literally everybody's favorite kid. Teachers, coaches, friend's parents, etc. He lives in a stable home with parents who love him and show him right from wrong everyday. 3rd grade hit and the ADHD took center stage. We tried a million different meds and counseling. Finally his Dr's. and neurologist took him off the meds until his body had grown and could handle them better. They were all causing horrible side effects. He is now almost 16 and has turned into that kid I used to hate in high-school. You know, the giant ass hats that walk around getting in trouble just to make people laugh. He is so mean and nasty to me and his Dad. When we punish him, he tells us he wished we didn't care about him , so he could do whatever he wanted. I love him to hell and back but damn do I hate the person he has become. We have been told repeatedly by Dr's and councilors that we have done nothing in raising him that would have caused this, it is simply the ADHD that doesn't give his brain that split second to stop and think before reacting. Truly he's a dick. But I love him and will continue my battle turning him into a good person everyday for the rest of my life. I'm hoping you just worded your statement poorly, but unfortunately it came across crystal clear to me. For someone that wants people to believe she's open minded, you sure have a one track mind about this. Super disappointed that I have to find new true crime YouTubers to listen to everyday at work.

  • @jasedent7231

    Even as a 43 year old woman I understand Fredrick on such a high level. 😢

  • @refinnej5302

    As for the polygraph situation, methadone lasts in the body for 24 to 36 hours which is why they use it to help get people off opioids. It keeps them stable so they can work, go to school, and otherwise lead a normal life, if they are using it right, rather than spending every waking moment seeking drugs and drug money since opioid addicts can start withdrawaling within hours.

    If she was still using heroin on top of using methadone then it is likely the methadone wasn't a strong enough dose to keep her stable so she would've started going through withdrawals when the heroin started to wear off making the test extremely unreliable…. more unreliable than it already is.

  • @andreaduckett4588

    How did the Mom never get in trouble for not reporting her son missing for days? And why was there no search or coverage on this kid it’s bananas. BANANAS!!!!

  • @teganlattimer6232

    I wish my "Mother" heard those beautiful words before she had me.

  • @50Street21

    I am truly inspired how you, Stephanie, delve into all the layers of what is questionable. Your commentaries are engaging and intriguing. I am
    on the edge of my seat when your new videos are uploaded. Cheers!

  • @Marwazellie

    That family did something to that boy

  • @kendraelaine1743

    As sad as it is that Nicholas was never found nor was there any justice for him it did make my heart happy that Frederick found love and a family that he so deeply craved. Nicholas’ family is highly suspicious. I truly believe the mom, brother or sister know what happened to him. I think his death was an accident at the hands of the brother and that the mom helped cover it up. So tragic that Nicholas had the up bringing he did. 😢

  • @dreeb1317

    I know I'm late on hearing this deep dive but I really appreciate you doing a deep dive on the story. I heard one other true-crime person do this story but I was left curious about Fredric and what his history was and why he did what he did so thank you for elaborating. It is unfortunate for both boys, their stories.

  • @lindat1491

    The uncle knew he was dead

  • @michaelazangeres


    He looks significantly older than my 30 year old partner

  • @katg2187

    Ok Look, Frederick had a sad life as a child. But as an adult he was a taking advantage of kind people. And was mooching off people, that is not a victimless crime. Yes he was in a fire, lier lier pants on fire…

  • @doodlecatpsx

    Ok i dont think u have kids lol u can teach kids 2 be good people and mold them all u want sometimes that not enough my sons dad grew up with a christan loving mother yet he ended up being an abuser

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